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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Wouldn't

Wouldn't Çeviri İspanyolca

165,180 parallel translation
I wouldn't change what's happened for anything in the world.
No cambiaría lo que ha sucedido por nada del mundo.
Jenna, they wouldn't do the surgery unless they had to.
Jenna, no harían la operación a menos que estuvieran obligados.
But I can, or I wouldn't be here.
Pero sí que puedo, de lo contrario no estaría aquí.
It wouldn't hurt to check in.
No iría mal ver cómo va.
Look, an MRI wouldn't hurt.
Mira, una resonancia no le hará daño.
- No, I wouldn't say that.
- No, no diría eso.
If you were dead, I wouldn't be visiting.
Si estuvieras muerto, no estaría visitándote.
Wouldn't you?
¿ Tú no lo harías?
I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't tell you all to be seated right now.
No estaría haciendo mi trabajo si no os dijera a todos que os sentarais ahora mismo.
I wouldn't be doing my job if I listened, but you should do what's safe.
Yo no estaría haciendo mi trabajo si te hiciera caso, pero tú deberías hacer lo más seguro.
- Wouldn't you agree?
- ¿ No está de acuerdo?
Then you wouldn't have to cook.
Así no tendrías que cocinar.
Wouldn't war make anyone grumpy?
¿ La guerra no convierte a cualquiera en gruñón?
Then why wouldn't He send us something good?
¿ Entonces por qué Él no nos envió algo bueno?
And if I hadn't, I'd still be partying, going from guy to guy, certainly wouldn't have been a teacher,'cause no one... no one thought I had anything to offer... but you.
Y si no lo hubiera hecho, seguiría de fiesta, pasando de chico a chico, ciertamente no habría sido una maestra, porque nadie nadie pensó que tuviera algo que ofrecer salvo tú.
And I certainly wouldn't be here tonight if it weren't for my Cattleman's Ranch team, who are with me every day in the trenches.
Y ciertamente no estaría aquí esta noche Si no fuera por mi equipo de Cattleman's Ranch, que están conmigo todos los días en las trincheras.
You would like that, wouldn't you?
Te gustaría eso, ¿ no?
If drugs were legal, we wouldn't need drug dealers.
Si fueran legales, no necesitarías a un traficante.
God wouldn't let Joe do the things he did.
Dios no dejaría que Joe hiciera las cosas que él hace.
Do you really think I wouldn't notice my magic was missing?
- ¿ Creíste que no extrañaría mi magia? - Puedo explicarlo...
If I had all the ingredients to break the protection spell, do you really think I wouldn't have done it already?
Si tuviera los ingredientes necesarios, ¿ crees que no lo hubiera hecho ya?
You darkened your soul so he wouldn't have to.
Oscureciste tu alma para que él no lo hiciera.
I'm afraid it wouldn't give me the courage that I need.
No me daría el valor que necesito.
If you had any evidence to support that claim, you wouldn't be working me so hard, would you, Detective?
Si tuviera alguna prueba que sostuviera esa afirmación, no me estaría presionando tanto, ¿ verdad, detective?
Are we absolutely sure we wouldn't rather be on a beach somewhere?
¿ Estamos absolutamente seguros de que no preferiríamos estar en alguna playa?
Well, wouldn't be the first time he bought someone's silence.
Bueno, no sería la primera vez que compra el silencio de alguien.
Did you think I wouldn't?
¿ Crees que no lo haría?
I wouldn't say it's awesome.
Yo no diría maravillosas.
Why wouldn't he?
¿ Por qué no lo haría?
All right, and Kai, he's so good looking, it's... I wouldn't mind taking a run at him myself.
Está bien, y Kai, él es muy guapo, es... no me importaría acostarme con él.
I filled it with other pills so I wouldn't get in trouble.
La llené con otras píldoras para no meterme en problemas.
I wouldn't say I'm an expert, but...
No diría que soy un experto, pero...
"died," I wouldn't be here today... wouldn't be a part of this team.
"muerto," no estaría hoy aquí... no sería parte de este equipo.
I told you this wouldn't work.
Te dije que esto no funcionaría.
He wouldn't have become an accountant.
No se habría convertido en un contador.
Why wouldn't I be okay?
¿ Por qué no iba a estarlo?
Who wouldn't be tempted?
¿ Quién no se vería tentado?
Well... if it weren't for your futile efforts, this wouldn't be half so sweet.
Bueno... de no ser por vuestros fútiles esfuerzos, no sería ni la mitad de dulce.
I wouldn't.
Yo no se lo haría.
Well, you probably wouldn't have done porn in the first place.
Bueno, probablemente no habrías... hecho porno en primer lugar.
I mean, who wouldn't like her?
Quiero decir, ¿ a quién no le gustaría?
Wait... that wouldn't be Nomi Gardner the crime writer, would it?
Espere... no será Nomi Gardner la escritora del crimen, ¿ no?
Well, it wouldn't be that hard.
Bueno, no sería tan difícil.
He asks her to leave, she wouldn't, so he has to defend himself.
Él le pide que se vaya, Ella no lo hace, así que tiene que defenderse.
Even if we paid him, there's no guarantees he wouldn't be back.
Incluso si le pagábamos, no había garantías de que no volviera
Whoa, whoa, I wouldn't do that.
Whoa, whoa, yo no haría eso.
You wouldn't let me go back in, Chief.
No me hubiera dejado regresar, jefe.
You're damn right I wouldn't.
Por supuesto que no.
He wouldn't... he wouldn't do that.
Él no haría eso.
No, no, he wouldn't do that.
No, no, él no haría eso.
You wouldn't either if you knew Spencer Reid.
Usted tampoco lo haría si conociera a Spencer Reid.

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