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Would you like one Çeviri İspanyolca

1,469 parallel translation
Would you like one, Madame?
¿ Quiere uno, señora?
Would you like one?
¿ Quieres uno? Tenga cuidado.
- Would you like one?
- ¿ Gustas uno?
Would you like one?
¿ Te gustaría una?
Would you like one?
¿ Quieres?
I highly doubt if I weren't one of your oldest friends, I would even possess the power to make you think twice about something like this.
Dudo que si yo no fuera uno de tus más antiguos amigos yo tuviera siquiera el poder de hacerte pensar dos veces sobre algo así.
Sir, with regards to the agent, would you like me to select one?
Señor, con respecto al agente, ¿ quiere que yo lo escoja?
Aunt Phoebe sure would like to throw one of these for you one day.
A la tía Phoebe le gustaría organizar una de estas para ti un día.
Say, would you like to make another deal on that one?
¿ Te gustaría hacer otro trato?
- Would you like to try one?
- ¿ Quieres probar?
Pacey how would you like to work on my yacht for the summer as one of the deckhands?
Pacey, ¿ te gustaría trabajar en mi yate como marinero?
Would you like one for your quarters?
¿ Le gustaría uno para su cuarto?
- Would any one of you like a drink? KIRBY :
- ¿ Alguno de ustedes gusta una bebida?
Which one do you think Todd would like better?
¿ Cuál crees que le gustara mas a Todd?
Quiero que vaya a la estación doce.
Well, Moe, would you like to stop where you are, or try for one million dollars?
Bien, Moe, ¿ desea parar donde está o jugarse por un millón de dólares?
Then tell me which one of you would like to feel sympathy, and which one the pain.
Entonces ¿ quién de vosotros prefiere sentir el dolor... y quién la compasión?
One that you might like... and one that I would really, really, really... really want to go to.
Uno que te pueden gustar... y uno que yo realmente, muy, muy... realmente deseo ir.
Tell me one point you find most offensive and would like pulled from the exhibit.
Díganme lo que les parece más ofensivo y que quieren ver retirado de la exposición.
And this is going to sound like a lot of schmooze, but one of those two people I think would be you.
Esto suena alabanza, pero uno de ellos, creo que serias tú.
Would you like to see one, Grace?
te gustaria ver uno?
The worst would be allowing them to treat France like the village idiot of Europe. The one who is slapped and then says thank you. What do you know about war?
Lo peor no es la guerra, sino que sería dejar tratar a Francia... como la idiota que recibe las tortas y encima da las gracias.
Would you like to take one of these, please, to fill out?
¿ Se quiere llevar una, para llenarla?
If, if you did it a year ago, instead of using kid gloves and giving them an extra month in which to resupply, it would have followed quite naturally but now it seems to you like one step too many.
Si lo hubieras hecho hace un año, en vez de ir con guante blanco... regalándoles un mes para rearmarse, te habría parecido natural. Pero ahora lo ves un paso demasiado grande.
Chosen One tried and tried, but they were too smooth to pull, and pointy, so they would, like, poke your hands if you didn't get it just right.
El Elegido lo intentó sin descanso, pero eran demasiado lisas para arrancarlas, además de puntiagudas, así que pinchaban las manos si no se hacía correctamente.
How would you like it if I loaded one up?
¿ Qué piensas si te vuelo la cabeza?
Bachelor number one, what would I like most about you?
Soltero No.1 : ¿ Qué es lo que más me gustaría de ti?
Bachelor number one... what would I like most about you?
Soltero N ° 1 : ¿ Qué es lo que más me gustaría de ti?
He is very near death, and at one point, you decide to tell him, before he dies, those last words, those last things that you would like to tell him, so that those are the last things that he hears, in his ears, before he dies in front of you.
Él está muy cerca de la muerte, y en un punto, decides decirle, antes de morir, esas últimas palabras, esas últimas cosas .. que te gustaría decirle para que sean las últimas cosas que escuchen sus oídos, antes de morir frente a ti. ¿ Qué le dirías?
I'd just fuckin'tell him that he was like one of the like you know, best friends I've ever had, and that it would have been pretty fuckin'boring without him.
Sólo le diría que él fue como uno de los ya sabes, los mejores amigos que he tenido, y que hubiera sido una mierda muy aburrida sin él.
- I know it's kinda silly. But I guess it would have been kinda like an ego thing there, you know, knowing that I was number one at something in Oscoda, even if it was the bomb threat list.
- Sé que es tonto... pero era una cuestión de ego... saber que era el primero en algo.
Would you like me to read you one of them?
- ¿ Quieres escuchar uno?
Which one of you would like to die for me?
¿ Cuál de vosotras está dispuesta a morir por mi?
But if you're like me... then one time you would have loved to hear Martin say...
Pero si son como yo... entonces alguna vez hubiesen querido escuchar a Martin decir...
Would you like to tell me one of your dreams?
¿ Le gustaría contarme uno de sus sueños?
No one knows what a soul looks like so, it would be impossible to recognize your own soul even if it appeared before you.
Nadie sabe a que se parece el alma así que, sería imposible reconocer la tuya propia... aunque la tuvieras delante.
I like you, David, I really do and I think that you would make one hell of a...
De verdad me agradas, David y creo que serías un excelente jefe de estado.
Then we're going to need to draw blood and do some tests and I would like to recommend you to one of our psychiatrists.
Entonces tendremos que sacarle sangre y hacer unos análisis y le voy a recomendar un psiquiatra.
Would you like the long version or the short one?
¿ Quieren la versión larga o la corta?
Would you like a cool one?
¿ Quieres uno frío?
But I would like to ask you to do one thing for me.
Quiero pedirle que haga algo por mí.
If they'd comm'd in a Peacekeeper squad like you suggested, it's quite likely one of us would have died at the hands of these idiots!
Si ellos de comunican con un escuadrón Pacificador como sugeriste, es bastante seguro que alguno de nosotros hubiera muerto a manos de esos idiotas!
Would you like me to fill one out for you?
Quieres que te rellene una?
Would you like to reserve one of our banquet rooms...
¿ Quiere reservar una de las salas de banquetes...?
Deputy, I would like you to be the first one in Smallville to meet our son.
Comisario, usted es la primera persona en Smallville que conoce a nuestro hijo.
This is one promise I would like you to keep.
Es una promesa que me gustaría que cumplieras.
How would you like me to sing one of the songs off me new album?
¿ Butters?
I would've gone down on one knee... you know, like this.
Me he ido de rodillas... Usted sabe, de esta manera.
Would you like to take this one or shall I?
¿ Quieres hacerlo tú o lo hago yo?
Would you like to go with me to one?
¿ Quieres venir conmigo a una?
And then all I would have to do was be patient and wait... the two or three weeks it would take for everyone in the world... to buy a copy of my best-seller... and then I would begin to get the publicity I would need for you... to, one, see what I look like, and, two, see me denounce you in public... as the worst kind of man.
Entonces, lo único que necesitaría era tener paciencia y esperar las dos o tres semanas que tomaría que todo el mundo comprara una copia de mi "best seller." Entonces comenzaría a recibir la publicidad necesaria para que me notaras y me vieras denunciarte en público como la peor clase de hombre.

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