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Wouldn't that be great Çeviri İspanyolca

185 parallel translation
Say, that would be great. Wouldn't it?
Sería estupendo, ¿ verdad?
Wouldn't that be great?
¿ No sería genial?
That would be great, wouldn't it?
Sería grandioso, ¿ no?
Wouldn't that just be great for him politically?
Sería estupendo para él, políticamente hablando.
- Wouldn't that be great?
- ¿ No sería maravilloso?
Wouldn't that be great!
¿ No sería maravilloso?
- You most of all, Evaristo... are the owner of great riches, so great that, if I were you, I wouldn't be worried about the pirates.
Sobre todo usted, Evaristo, que es dueño de tantas riquezas, tantas que yo en su lugar no estaría preocupado por los piratas.
Oh, that'd be just really great for you, wouldn't it, huh?
Eso sería genial para ti, ¿ no?
Wouldn't that be great to have a meeting that everybody would have to go to.
No hay sitio al que todos vayamos! ¿ No sería estupendo? ¡ Organizar una reunión a la que tuviera que ir todo el mundo!
Wouldn't that be great?
¿ No sería genial? Como... como cuando les pegan en la cabeza con una sartén... y la cabeza toma la forma de la sartén con el asa. ¿ Saben?
No, planets simply reflected the little bit of light. that shines on them from the sun back to us. If you were a great distance from the sun. you wouldn't be able to see the Earth or the other planets at all.
Y a la noche, soñaba que viajaba a la Luna.
That wouldn't be quite so meaningful, except today she came on to me and that lady is about to come into a great deal of money.
Eso no sería para tanto, salvo que ella se insinuó conmigo y esa señora está a punto de heredar muchísimo dinero.
Great! We can use the banners from the last protest, so that racism wouldn't be an issue. Good!
Con las pancartas que usamos para pedir que no hubiera racismo en esta escuela.
Wouldn't it be great to take that truck up to the lake?
¿ No sería estupendo ir al lago en ese todoterreno?
Without that, Austria wouldn't be a great power now.
Austria no sería una potencia hoy.
Wouldn't that be great?
¿ No sería fantástico?
Wouldn't that be great?
¿ No seria grandioso?
Wouldn't that be great?
¿ No sería maravilloso?
- Wouldn't that be great?
- ¿ No sería estupendo?
Wouldn't that be great, Ruthie?
¿ No sería fantástico, Ruthie?
To me, the great hope is that now these little eight-millimeter video recorders and stuff are coming out, some people who normally wouldn't make movies are gonna be making them.
Creo que la gran esperanza es que con estas pequeñas grabadoras de ocho milímetros y otras cosas que están saliendo, gente que normalmente no haría películas, ahora puede hacerlas.
That would be a great day for the human race, wouldn't it?
Sería un gran día para la raza humana.
Wouldn't that be great?
Nos vemos el lunes.
Wouldn't that be great?
¿ Verdad que sería genial?
Wouldn't that be great? It'd be great.
¿ Y que lo celebrara enviando la pelota la las gradas?
I love it. - Wouldn't that be great? - I'd like to pastry myself to death.
A mí me gustaría morir empastelada.
- Wouldn't that be great?
- No seria genial?
Wouldn't that be great? I wouldn't have to work for Mr. Pitt anymore.
Ya no tendría que trabajar más para Pits.
- But wouldn't that be great?
Oh, lo siento, Frank. Pensé que era una de tus bromas del trabajo.
Maybe he wouldn't be crying all the time if he didn't have that bloody, great stupid birthmark on his arse!
¡ Quizá no lloraría todo el tiempo si no tuviera esa estúpida marca de nacimiento en el culo!
Wouldn't that be great? Let's go.
¡ Qué ocurrencia!
Okay... "Wouldn't it be great if there was, like, this, like, stickum on the back of this paper... " so, like, it-it would just... if I laid it on top of that other paper it would just stay...
Dije, "¿ No sería genial si hubiera una parte pegajosa por detrás, así que si lo colocara encima de ese otro papel, se quedaría sabes, sin una grapa?"
We could all sit on a bench, as a family and watch a Vegas sunset. Wouldn't that be great?
Podríamos sentarnos en un banco, como una familia y mirar la hermosa puesta del sol de Las Vegas. ¿ No es grandioso?
- That'd be great, wouldn't it, Niles?
- Eso sería estupendo, ¿ verdad, Niles?
Wouldn't that be great.
No sería eso genial
But I assure you it took a great deal of time to devise one that wouldn't be detected by Odo or Chief O'Brien.
Pero le aseguro que tardamos en crear uno que Odo ni O'Brien pudieran detectar.
Wouldn't it be great if it were that easy?
No seria grandioso si fuera tan fácil?
Wouldn't that be great?
¿ No sería eso grandioso?
Yeah, but wouldn't it be in his great interest to hide something that he couldn't disprove with his scholarship?
Pero ¿ no le convendría ocultar algo que no pudiera desmentir?
God, wouldn't that be great?
No sabes cómo me encantaría.
- Wouldn't that be great?
- ¿ No te gustaría?
And I always thought, " Wouldn't it be great if someone could just wave a magic wand... and make that happen...
Y pensaba, ojalá alguien tuviera una varita mágica y me lo diera todo.
Wouldn't that be great?
No sería grandioso? Vámonos.
Oh, wouldn't that be great?
¿ No sería genial?
I thought for a while there you wouldn't be able to get... your act back together, and that would be a great shame.
Por un momento pense que no lograrias... recuperarte y eso seria una gran perdida.
Wouldn't that be great? "
No seria genial?
God, Toby, wouldn't it be great if there was someone around here with communication skills who could go in there and tell them that?
Toby, sería genial si alguien por aquí tuviera la capacidad para decírselo a ellos.
I'll catch a plane in the morning and if you wouldn't mind not turning 70 until tomorrow, that'd be great.
Tomaré el primer avión mañana y si no te importara cumplir 7 0 hasta mañana, sería estupendo.
- You know that phase where you've just been exposed to the avant-garde so Hollywood sucks the big one. And wouldn't it be great if we could all take our digital cameras and film each other going to the bathroom in the name of honesty?
Estás en la fase en que ya Viste lo mejor de la Vanguardia Hollywood te parece una porquería y quieres andar con una cámara digital filmando a la gente cuando Va al baño en nombre de la Verdad.
Every time I've had something great, but didn't know what it was... it turned out to be something disgusting that I wouldn't have tried in the first place.
Porque cada vez que comí algo rico sin saber lo que era... resultó ser algo asqueroso que no habría probado para empezar.
Wouldn't that be great?
¿ No sería fabuloso?

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