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You look like him Çeviri İspanyolca

851 parallel translation
Well, no wonder you look like him, but I insist there is a resemblance.
No me extraña que sea igual que él, pero insisto en que hay un parecido.
You look like him, too.
Sí que se le parece.
It's funny because you look like him.
Lo gracioso es que te pareces mucho a él.
You look like him.
Se parece a él.
- Well, you look like him, but you do not, uh -
- Vale, te pareces a él, pero no tienes...
You look like him.
Tú te pareces a él.
When you look at me, is it that obvious that I like him when you see it?
¿ Es obvio que me gusta Yune?
- You look exactly like him..
- Es usted exactamente como él
You look a lot like him.
Repito, señor, usted se equivoca.
You made him look like a dream.
- Tú le convertiste en un príncipe.
And when he comes, he may not look like he did when you last saw him. But don't say so. Don't look at him like that, dear.
Y cuando llegue quizá no tenga el mismo aspecto que cuando le viste por última vez, no se lo digas.
But I asked because I know a boy who goes biking and you look a lot like him.
Es vendedor de periódicos. Muy gracioso...
Look, I'm not a fussy man, but I thought you didn't like him.
Oye, no es que sea quisquilloso, pero creía que él no te gustaba.
Stand over there with him and let's see what you look like.
Ponte a su lado a ver qué tal.
You certainly look exactly like him... a remarkable resemblance.
Pues te pareces mucho, increíblemente.
And then you strung him up to make it look like a suicide which would have closed this case.
Y luego lo colgó para hacerlo parecer un suicidio lo cual habría cerrado el caso.
You don't have to look like him.
No necesita lucir como él.
- Or you wanted to look like him.
- O usted quería parecerse a él.
When I finish, you're gonna look repulsive just like him.
Cuando acabe, serán tan repugnante como él.
- Now, look, Bill, I like you. I don't wanna see him tear you down.
Mira, me caes bien, yo te hice famoso y no quiero que él acabe contigo.
First you know him well, then you want to look like him... now you say you are him. What is wrong with you? You're too much today.
Primero lo conoces bien, luego te le pareces, y ahora, eres tu.
You don't look much like him, really Excepting you're built something like him
No te pareces mucho a él, en realidad. Excepto que eres como él...
You needn't look like that. I only met him ten weeks ago.
No me miren así, lo conocí sólo hace 10 semanas.
You look enough like him.
No seas cobarde.
You'll have a complete file on him in a couple of hours. - What's he look like so far?
Lo sabremos todo en un par de horas.
You see, he had to get rid of the janitor to keep him from testifying for me, so he killed him, made it look like an accident.
Tenía que deshacerse del conserje para impedir que testificara, así que le mató. haciendo que pareciese un accidente.
Sometimes, you even look like him...
Hablas igual que él. A veces, incluso te pareces a él.
- I thought you were somebody I know. - Shh! You look exactly like him.
Es Vd. idéntico a él, tiene las mismas facciones,...
- Believe me. You look exactly like him.
Créame, es Vd. su viva imagen.
Why, compared to him, you look like Arthur Murray.
Tú a su lado eres Arthur Murray.
You look some like him.
Se parece mucho a él.
You want him to look like he's trying to lose?
¿ Quieres que parezca que quiere perder?
Believe me, you've got to hand it to him, coming here like this just to look after you.
Créeme, tiene mérito, venir aquí sólo para acompañarte.
I'd like to look after him, if you don't mind putting up with an old jailbird.
Me gustaría cuidarle, si no le importa aguantar a un ex presidiario.
- You'll be proud of him. - Tell me about him. What does he look like?
- Se enorguIIecerá de él.
- You really think I look like him?
- ¿ De verdad crees que me parezco a él? - ¿ Quién?
Once you get him robed, he must look like a coat rack wearing a cape.
Revestido debe parecer una percha con tres abrigos y un mantel encima.
If another man speaks to you alone, if you smile at some man I don't like... or even if you look at him in that way you do, he dies right here.
Sólo con que otro hombre te dirija la palabra, que sonrías a otro hombre, sólo con que lo mires como tú sabes mirar, lo hago rebanadas.
You kind of look like him. "
Te pareces a él ".
But, you look like you could have gotten rid of him in some other way.
Parece capaz de librarse de un hombre de otra manera.
..you'd look just like Emmet Myers to anyone who never saw him.
Eres igual que Emmett Myers. No notarían la diferencia.
- What did he look like? - You'll know him when you see him.
- ¿ Qué aspecto tiene?
You don't look much like any of the pictures I've seen of him.
No es muy parecido a los retratos que yo vi de él, antes
- You look just like him, exactly!
Todos van a Roma. - Te le pareces, tal cual.
But you don't look like him.
Pero no te pareces a él.
You look like a brave man, you tell him.
Pareces un hombre valiente, diselo.
You look like your father when I first knew him.
- Sí te pareces. - Te pareces a él cuando le conocí.
Of course, he was much taller than I, but there's something about a tall man that I, well I don't know, you look up at him and he looks down at you, and I don't know, you just go on like that indefinitely.
Jamás hubiese imaginado algo así de Kimo, un encanto con las mujeres.
Can you really make him look like that?
¿ Puede realmente hacerle parecer de esa forma?
It might look like a concession if I sent you to see him. But...
Si Ie envío a él, parecerá que Io estoy dando por hecho.
He's gonna look just like he did when you used to ride him through the park.
Como cuando Io montabas por eI parque.

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