You poor Çeviri İspanyolca
9,843 parallel translation
You poor woman.
Pobre mujer.
You poor thing.
Pobre de ti.
Oh, you poor thing.
Oh, pobrecita.
Oh, you poor old man.
Pobre hombre viejo.
You poor thing.
Well, you're a poor police officer if you don't think people can surprise you.
Pues entonces es un mediocre agente de policía si cree que la gente no puede sorprenderle.
You had a poor guy's hat.
Llevabas un sombrero canotero.
Nice job, you save the poor bastard and we get the chopper up!
- ¡ Buen trabajo! Salvaste al pobre bastardo, y tenemos al helicóptero volando.
Did you drag that poor woman's husband back from the grave?
¿ Sabía usted arrastra esa pobre mujer de marido de la tumba?
Don't let that poor man see you're sick.
No le deje ver a ese pobre hombre que está asqueado.
And then you hypnotize the poor bastard until he literally doesn't even know who he is.
Y entonces hipnotiza al pobre desgraciado hasta que ni siquiera sabe quién es.
What you're doing for that poor church that burned down.
Lo que usted está haciendo para que pobres iglesia que se quemó.
You're possessing some poor bastard?
¿ Estás poseyendo algún pobre bastardo?
Clearly, you were a poor student.
Es evidente que ha sido un pobre estudiante.
What about that poor girl whose parents you murdered, to seek your retribution, eh?
Que hay de esa pobre chica cuyos padres asesinaste, para obtener tu venganza?
You broke that poor woman's heart!
¡ Le rompiste el corazón a esa pobre mujer!
Piss-poor design, if you ask me.
Malísimo diseño, si me preguntan.
It was you that killed that poor old man.
Fuiste tú quien mató a ese pobre anciano.
Now I know you murderedthat poor engineer
Ahora sé que tú asesinaste al pobre ingeniero
How you supposed to have rich people instincts if you grew up poor?
¿ Cómo puedes tener instintos de gente rica, si naciste pobre?
Fine. You won't help the poor bastard, I will.
Ok, no podrás ayudar a esta pobre gus, lo haré.
Or are you happy being piss poor all your life?
¿ O eres feliz siendo un pobre de mierda toda tu vida?
Oh, you poor thing, you must have been terrified.
Pobre pequeño, has tenido que estar aterrorizado.
Oh, poor fuckin'you, Jesse.
Oh, pobre de ti, Jesse.
From that day forward, you only stole From the rich and give to the poor.
Desde ese día, únicamente robas a los ricos y se lo das a los pobres.
And you say, so boiled the poor guy, he stinks like pig's hock.
Y que usted lo diga, cocidito está el pobre, echa una peste a codillo... ¡ Buf!
All right, Soos, are you ready to explode a charm bomb on these poor, unsuspecting ladies?
Bien, Soos... ¿ Listo para lanzar una bomba de encanto a estas damas desprevenidas?
- You know, if I could give that poor man some of my penis, I would.
Si pudiera darle a ese pobre hombre una parte de mi pene, lo haría.
If you're trying to hide from me, Ms. Swan, you're doing a poor job.
Si intenta ocultarse de mí, Srta. Swan, no lo hace muy bien.
You saved the poor guy's life.
Has salvado la vida de ese pobre hombre.
Oh, good,'cause I heard you were still poor And that you were working as a waitress.
Porque escuché que aún eras pobre... y que trabajabas de camarera.
- Won't you save your poor mother?
- ¿ No socorres a tu madre infeliz?
And why don't you take poor Greer with you?
¿ Y por qué no te llevas contigo a la pobre Greer?
Are you moving on from that poor bastard
¿ Ya te has cansado de ese pobre bastardo
If it's really you in there, I want you to leave this poor woman alone.
Si de verdad estás aquí, quiero que dejes a esta pobre mujer en paz.
Well, even you said that the poor man's boots were the size of gunboats.
Bueno, incluso has dicho que las botas del pobre hombre eran parecían lanchas.
You know, when you were poor, you were always a douche, but at least you came by it honestly.
Sabes, cuando eras pobre siempre fuiste un desgraciado pero al menos lo hacías honestamente.
East New York at the time was very, very poor, so you had all of the socioeconomic contributors to crime, all of that converging, and it just... it was a hotbed for crime in New York City.
En esa época, el este de Nueva York era muy pobre así que muchos factores socioeconómicos que contribuían al delito estaban en ese lugar. Era un hervidero para el delito en Nueva York.
I've never seen people so poor, and yet they bring gifts they can't afford to part with, and give to you, who needs nothing!
¡ Nunca he visto a gente tan pobre, que traen regalos que no pueden permitirse por ser lujo, y dártelos a ti, que no necesitas nada!
Why are you molesting that poor bike?
¿ Qué sucede aquí?
I mean, you taught me how to be poor.
O sea, tú me enseñaste a ser pobre.
That's a bit of an inauspicious name for a wingsuit project, given the way things turned out for poor old Icarus, don't you think?
Es un nombre bastante mal elegido para un proyecto de un traje para volar dado cómo acabaron las cosas para el pobre Ícaro, ¿ no cree?
Poor guy's widow deserves that much, don't you think?
La viuda de ese pobre hombre se merece eso, ¿ no cree?
Oh, you seduced that poor little priest into bringing you home, and once he was here,
Sedujiste a ese pobre curita y lo trajiste a casa, y una vez que él estuvo aquí,
Yeah, you got anything for a poor fat person who wants to look like a rich fat person?
Si, ¿ tiene algo para una persona pobre y gorda que quiere parecer una persona gorda y rica?
Ed, instead of leaving here and taking out this frustration on some poor soul behind the counter at McDonald's, why don't you just take it out on Bobo?
Ed, en vez de irte de aquí y desquitar tu frustración con una pobre alma que está detrás del mostrador del McDonald's ¿ por qué no te descargas con Bobo?
But, your poor shy wife couldn't have confessed you. Right?
Tu cobarde esposa no te lo confesó, ¿ cierto?
He wouldn't even need the news if you hadn't put poor, sweet Nolan in charge of a bunch of dangerous psychopaths.
! Él ni siquiera necesitaría las noticias si no ponías al pobre y dulce Nolan a cargo de un montón de psicópatas peligrosos.
Oh, so little human kindness ever shown to you, my poor boy, but it is there.
Siempre recibiste poca bondad humana, mi pobre chico, pero está ahí.
Poor you!
A guy who has an unsure future ought not hold onto a poor woman's life, don't you think?
Soy un hombre que nunca sabe lo que le pasará... así que no debería mantener a esa pobre mujer conmigo.
you poor thing 253
you poor baby 27
you poor dear 20
you poor man 25
poor 318
poor things 42
poor me 46
poor baby 151
poor girl 198
poor little thing 54
you poor baby 27
you poor dear 20
you poor man 25
poor 318
poor things 42
poor me 46
poor baby 151
poor girl 198
poor little thing 54
poor you 95
poor guy 284
poor bastard 71
poor little guy 27
poor little girl 16
poor thing 558
poor love 17
poor man 126
poor darling 44
poor fool 28
poor guy 284
poor bastard 71
poor little guy 27
poor little girl 16
poor thing 558
poor love 17
poor man 126
poor darling 44
poor fool 28
poor soul 53
poor chap 37
poor child 59
poor creature 19
poor people 29
poor souls 24
poor boy 107
poor kid 169
poor dear 42
poor lady 18
poor chap 37
poor child 59
poor creature 19
poor people 29
poor souls 24
poor boy 107
poor kid 169
poor dear 42
poor lady 18