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You stupid Çeviri İspanyolca

21,862 parallel translation
Is that the game you want to fucking play, you stupid fucking idiot?
-  ¿ Quà © carajo crees que haces?
Oh, you stupid fuckin'dog!
¡ Eres un maldito perro estúpido! ¡ Vamos!
- You stupid shit.
Estúpido de mierda.
And trust me, you stupid motherfucker,
Y confía en mí, estúpido hijo de puta,
I'd do anything for you, you stupid bitch.
Haría cualquier cosa por ti, puta estúpida.
We could have used the bike to get away, you stupid berk.
Pudimos haber usado la moto para escapar, estúpido.
You stupid girl, after all you've witnessed here, you still think this is just superstition.
Estúpida, después de todo lo que has presenciado, aún crees que esto se trata de superstición.
- Are you stupid?
- ¿ Eres estúpida?
You girls, you stupid, little posh girls.
Niñas, estúpidas niñas elegantes.
You stupid bitch!
¡ Guarra estúpida!
You stupid, stupid girl!
¡ Estúpida, muchacha estúpida!
I'll show you stupid!
¡ Te voy a mostrar quién es estúpido!
How stupid do you think I am?
¿ Cómo estúpida crees que soy?
Fuck, you're dumbly stupid!
¡ Carajo, eres un estúpido!
Yeah. How fucking stupid do you think I am, huh?
 ¿ Quà © tan estúpido me crees, carajo?
I don't think you're stupid, Julian.
No te creo estúpido.
Jesus Christ, Bubbs. You know what, I expect it from this stupid fucking idiot, but what were you fucking thinking?
No me extraà ± a de este maldito idiota, pero  ¿ en quà © pensabas, carajo?
( Crowd laughing ) You need a gun when you handle with stupid ( beep ) friends like this dumb bastard!
Sà ­, necesitas una pistola si andas con... amigos estúpidos como este desgraciado.
- Are you so fuckin'stupid?
- ¿ Eres tan malditamente estúpido?
Are you going to treat me like I'm stupid until the very end?
¿ Vas a tratarme como a un estúpido hasta el final?
You're such a stupid, stupid bitch.
Eres una puta estúpida.
You never risk saying anything stupid!
Podrías decir estupidez de vez en cuando, en vez, no dices nada.
Julian : You guys are fucking stupid!
Ustedes son unos estúpidos.
Do you realize how fucking stupid you are?
 ¿ Se dan cuenta de quà © estúpidos son?
They're too fucking stupid. They'll never believe you, man.
Son demasiado estúpidos.
No, you're right, that's stupid.
no, tienes razón, es una tontería.
So you're just not as stupid as I thought.
Así que no sois tan estúpidos como yo pensaba.
That sounds awful, and you look stupid doing it.
Eso suena horrible y te ves estúpido haciéndolo.
What's stupid is you being out there when you don't have to.
Lo que es estúpida es que estar allí cuando usted no tenga que hacerlo.
You're some kind of stupid, getting knocked up at a time like this.
Debes ser bastante estúpida, para quedarte preñada en un momento como este.
You really are some kind of stupid.
Sí que eres bastante estúpida.
Then he's just as stupid as you are.
Entonces es tan estúpido como tú.
Are you seriously that stupid?
¿ Estás en serio que estúpida?
You're not stupid, I know that.
No eres estúpido, eso lo sé.
This is what I- - this is what- - I like that. I knew I was gonna do something stupid when I got here, so I was like, "I'm gonna bring you a gift." Foresight.
Sabía que haría una estupidez, así que te traje un regalo.
I don't know what happened between you and Emerson in Polis, but I do know that letting him kill you here today is a stupid plan.
No sé qué sucedió entre Emerson y tú en Polis, pero sí sé que dejar que te mate aquí hoy es un plan estúpido.
Do you think I'm stupid?
¿ Crees que soy estúpido?
Fuck you, fuck the DR, fuck your stupid fucking bullshit about, "We're so much better," when you're doing the same exact thing!
¡ Tú, la República Dominicana y toda esa mierda de : "Somos mucho mejores", cuando hacen exactamente lo mismo!
You're a stupid, vain, idiotic man.
Eres un estúpido, vano, idiota.
You fucking, stupid cow.
Eres una vaca estúpida.
My man Ebbie here's trying to tell you that you a stupid bitch.
Mi hombre Ebbie, está intentando decirte que eres una perra estúpida.
Now do you want to be a stupid live bitch or a stupid dead bitch?
¿ Quieres ser una estúpida perra viva o una estúpida perra muerta?
You are so... stupid.
Eres muy... estúpido.
Find someone else stupid enough to buy H off you!
¡ Encuentra a otro estúpido que te compre heroína!
You know, the really stupid part is, I was actually gonna apologize to you... for not telling you about the house, for hiding things. God, I'm an idiot.
Sabes, lo peor es... que iba a pedirte perdón... por no contarte lo de la casa... por esconderte cosas.
Now you know how I feel every time you do something stupid.
Ahora ya sabes lo que siento cada vez que haces algo estúpido.
You are not Firestorm, you're just a stubborn old man who's about to make a really stupid decision.
No eres Firestorm, eres solo un viejo testarudo que está a punto de tomar una decisión muy estúpida.
You're an indifferent apathetic stupid who was brainwashed by his mom.
Un tibio, un imbécil sin sangre que se dejó lavar el cerebro por su mami.
Mainly cause you're not stupid.
Lo que demuestra que no eres tonto.
You know, I thought the authorities back home were stupid, but not even these hairy good feetless would be so idiotic to expect a fugitive...
Yo creía que las autoridades de mi país eran idiotas, pero ni siquiera esos pelagatos peludos serían tan tontos de esperar que un fugitivo...
I feel really stupid doing that to you.
Me siento realmente estúpido hacer eso para usted.

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