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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You wouldn't have

You wouldn't have Çeviri İspanyolca

10,552 parallel translation
You wouldn't have come this far if what your brother told me wasn't true.
No habría venido desde tan lejos si lo que su hermano me contó no fuera verdad.
Well, maybe if you hadn't kicked him out of the house, he wouldn't have to go eat other people's chickens.
Bueno, quizás si no lo hubieras echado de la casa, no tendría que comer las gallinas de otras personas.
Well, you wouldn't have to track her if you'd clipped her while she was prowling inside our walls.
Bueno, no hubieses tenido que hacerlo si la hubieses eliminado mientras entraba en el fuerte.
If I hadn't been there, you probably wouldn't have been born.
Si no hubiera estado allí, tu probablemente no hubieras nacido.
But you knew she was dead, or you wouldn't have run from us.
Pero sabías que ella estaba muerta o no habrías huido de nosotros.
Look, if you didn't want to help, you wouldn't have gone to Maura, okay?
Mire, si no quisiera ayudar, no habría acudido a Maura, ¿ no?
Well, I wouldn't have to be if you hadn't left me.
Bueno, no tendría que estarlo si no me hubieras dejado.
Look, if I knew you to be anything other than an animal with the ladies, anything other than a playboy, I wouldn't have a problem with it.
Mira, si supiera que no eres más que un animal con las chicas, que solo eres un ligón, no tendría ningún problema.
I wouldn't have moved on from you so fast.
Yo no me habría separado de ti tan rápido.
You wouldn't have made much from it anyway.
No habrías hecho mucho de todos modos.
I know you wouldn't even have touched a girl before.
Yo sé que ni siquiera has tocado a una chica antes.
Wouldn't you rather have me stay in?
¿ No sería mejor que me quede en?
You wouldn't have answered.
No me habrías respondido.
And then you wouldn't have had the chance to check her out.
Y tampoco habrías tenido la oportunidad de verla.
We wouldn't have if you hadn't.
No la tendríamos si no lo hubieras hecho.
I wouldn't mind a little of what you have rubbing off on me.
No me importaría que se me pegara algo de eso.
There wouldn't be any ulterior motives here, would there, Doug? Hmm. You have a son, don't you, Bill?
No habrá otros motivos, ¿ verdad, Doug? Tienes un hijo, ¿ no Bill?
And I hope you know that whatever you did, it wouldn't have made any difference.
Y espero que sepas que nada de lo que hubieras hecho habría cambiado las cosas.
You wouldn't have a problem with that, would you?
No tendrías problema con ello, ¿ verdad?
You know I wouldn't have chosen for you to find out this way.
Sabes que no habría elegido que te enterases de este modo.
If he wanted to, you wouldn't have to ask.
Si quisiera hacerlo, no se lo tendrías que pedir.
The Arab League wouldn't have sent you here without that authority.
La Liga Árabe no lo habría enviado aquí sin esa autoridad.
We wouldn't have gone home if you'd asked us to.
No nos hubiéramos ido a casa si nos lo habrías pedido.
I wouldn't have left your daughter if you'd have been doing your job as a father.
No habría abandonado a tu hija si hubieras estado haciendo tu trabajo como padre.
And I wouldn't have to steal if you'd just let me leave this house just once.
No hubiera robado si me dejaras salir de la casa.
I like to think you wouldn't have.
Me gusta pensar que no lo habrías hecho.
We'd love to have you there, wouldn't we, darling?
Estaremos encantados de tenerte allí, ¿ verdad, querida?
Henry and I wouldn't have succeeded without you.
Henry y yo no habríamos tenido éxito sin ti.
Gabi, you wouldn't have any interest in being our food editor, would you?
¿ Gabi, no te interesaría ser nuestra editora de comida, o si?
Well, you wouldn't have said "white girl" if it was a white guy.
Bueno, no la habría llamado "chica blanca" si él fuera blanco.
Huh, I wouldn't have pegged you a fan of this kind of stuff.
Ah! ... no te imaginaba como un fan de este tipo de cosas.
I realize you did me this huge favor, for which I'm eternally grateful, but I wouldn't have married you if I didn't like you.
Sé que me hiciste un gran favor por el que te estaré eternamente agradecida pero no me hubiera casado contigo si no me gustases.
I'd ask what, but I wouldn't want you to have to kill me in front of all these people.
Te preguntaría cuáles pero no quiero que tengas que matarme delante de toda esta gente.
~ I wouldn't have told you about it if I thought you were going to be horrible! And repeat it in front of your grandad!
- ¡ No te lo hubiera dicho si sabía que ibas a ser tan horrible y repetirlo en frente de tu abuelo!
Well... Without him I wouldn't have you.
Pues sin él, no te hubiera tenido a ti.
Oh, he wouldn't have judged you. He wasn't that sort of man.
Él no lo habría juzgado, no era esa clase de hombre.
Then maybe you killed him so you wouldn't have to go through with it.
- Entonces quizás lo mató para no tener que llevarlo a cabo.
She's my mother. She's dying. And she said you could put me up in the cloud so I could rest, so I wouldn't have to feel miserable.
Es mi madre, se está muriendo, y me dijo que tú me pondrías en la nube para que descansara y no tuviera que sentirme mal.
You wouldn't have done that, would you?
Tú no harías eso, ¿ no?
If people didn't work at check-outs, snobby piss heads like you wouldn't have anyone to buy their rioja off.
Si no hubiera gente trabajando ahí, idiotas como tú, no sabrían dónde comprar sus cosas.
Then I wouldn't have had to watch you pound 20 drinks and then try to talk the stewardess into a handjob.
Entonces no tendría que verte tomar 20 bebidas y después tratar de convencer a la azafata de jalártela.
That's another habit I wouldn't mind breaking, but, you know, right now we... have to...
Ese es otro hábito con el que no me importaría acabar, pero, ya sabes, ahora mismo... tenemos que...
If she was, you wouldn't have to ask.
Si lo fuera, no tendrías que preguntar.
I told him that even if he coached you, you'd have to take the stand and talk to the prosecutor, and that wouldn't be fair to anyone.
Le dije que incluso si él te dirige, tendrías que subir al estrado y hablar con el fiscal, y que no serías justa con nadie.
Nothing you wouldn't have done yourself.
Nada que no hubieras hecho tú mismo.
You wouldn't have said it if you couldn't do it.
No lo habrías dicho si no pudieras hacerlo.
You wouldn't have even tried.
- No lo habrías intentado.
And why wouldn't you have found the money?
¿ Y por qué no pudisteis encontrar el dinero?
No, he-he wouldn't have started without you.
No, no habría empezado sin ti.
I wouldn't have done this without you.
No había hecho esto sin ti.
Poisoned your brother-in-law so you wouldn't have to split the sale.
Envenenó a su cuñado... para no tener que compartir la venta.

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