Quite a lot Çeviri Fransızca
915 parallel translation
That little bastard Kang Hyun Min has changed quite a lot.
Ce petit c * n de Kang Hyun Min a beaucoup changé.
- Before we get to any hanging, I shall have quite a lot to say. And the first thing I shall say is, that she was there too.
Avant de poursuivre, je dois vous rappeler... qu'elle y était aussi.
By the way, Jerry, I see your husband around quite a lot.
Au fait, Jerry, je vois souvent votre mari par ici.
You've been trying to forget quite a lot, haven't you, Jerry?
Tu as beaucoup de choses à oublier, n'est-ce pas, Jerry?
Saw quite a lot of him.
On l'y a beaucoup vu.
And I won quite a lot of jack for them, and a little bit for myself.
J'ai gagné pas mal d'argent pour eux, et un peu pour moi.
But it tells me quite a lot about you.
Mais cela m'en dit long sur vous.
Quite a lot.
Pas mal de choses.
I suppose you must make quite a lot of money here.
Je suppose que tu gagnes pas mal d'argent ici.
Something I've been thinking about quite a lot lately.
Une chose à laquelle j'ai beaucoup réfléchi ces derniers temps.
You seem to be having quite a lot of trouble.
Vous semblez avoir beaucoup d'ennuis.
Twenty million is quite a lot, isn't it?
20 millions, c'est une somme, n'est-ce pas?
I did quite a lot in college.
J'ai fait du théâtre à l'université.
After all, it did cost quite a lot.
Après tout, il a coûté cher.
Yes, we used to get around quite a lot.
Nous sortions beaucoup, n'est-ce pas?
Well, you've already done quite a lot for the girl.
Tu as fait beaucoup pour cette fille.
Brandy. Quite a lot.
Un peu trop.
See quite a lot of her lately, don't you?
Vous la voyez souvent.
It looks like we'd see quite a lot of each other... for a while.
Alors nos chemins vont se croiser souvent. Pour un certain temps.
I'm going down about 1700 feet so I'll need quite a lot of equipment.
Je creuse à 500 mètres - et il va me falloir du matériel.
You know, McMasters, we've been talking about you quite a lot in New York.
McMasters, on parle beaucoup de vous à New York.
You've quite a lot of mail to answer.
Il y a beaucoup de courrier.
It's been doing that quite a lot lately.
Ça n'arrête pas, en ce moment.
Quite a lot's happened since I last saw you.
Il s'est passé bien des choses depuis la dernière fois.
Very pretty, but you've quite a lot just like it.
Très, mais vous en avez déjà.
? Within our simple plot you'll notice quite a lot?
Dans notre intrigue vous remarquez de nombreuses
Well, you see, she and Mr. Adams go there quite a lot.
À cette heure? M. et Mme Adams y vont souvent.
I've been here quite a lot before.
Je venais souvent.
In the outside world, you'd have to pay quite a lot of gold for this.
Dans le monde civilisé, tu dépenserais beaucoup d'or pour ceci.
That ought to be worth quite a lot.
Ça doit valoir le coup.
Well, for supper last night, she ate a whole Virginia ham three plates of soup, and quite a lot of potatoes and strudel.
Hier soir, elle a mangé un jambon entier, trois bols de soupe, des pommes de terre et du strudel.
You see, just before Dr Santelle died.. he inherited some money. Quite a lot of money.
Avant sa mort, il a hérité d'une grosse somme d'argent.
We've given it quite a lot of thought.
Nous y avons bien réfléchi.
Oh, quite a lot about it, Mr. Kane.
Ce n'est pas une mince affaire.
- Oh, very often, quite a lot of money.
Très souvent. Beaucoup d'argent.
I have an aunt in Boston who has quite a lot, but that's Boston.
J'ai une tante à Boston qui en a pas mal. Mais à Boston!
This also means quite a lot to me.
Ça m'importe aussi pas mal.
Quite a lot for a jacked-up caravan.
C'est cher, pour une caravane!
Here are some impressive diplomas that say he has learned quite a lot there.
Nous avons ici plusieurs excellents certificats demontrant qu'il a beaucoup appris a Prague.
No. But I've handled quite a lot of gunshot wounds.
J'ai vu assez de blessés par balle!
His mother died when he was a baby and then his father. His father left us this house, and that helps quite a lot.
Sa mère est morte quand il était bébé et son père... son père nous a laissé cette maison.
Made me wonder quite a lot.
Oui, vraiment.
- You interest me my man. You interest me quite a lot.
- Vous m'intéressez beaucoup.
Since you've started meddling you've found out quite a lot.
Depuis que vous avez commencé à fouiner, vous avez découvert beaucoup de choses.
Our master sees quite a lot of shogun's enemies.
Notre maître fréquente trop les ennemis du shogun.
Looks do Mr. Rennick covered quite a lot of ground.
On dirait que ce Rennick était très occupé.
He's been a lot in my cards lately, but never quite so close.
Il revient souvent dans mes cartes, mais jamais si proche.
Exactly, because we'll have quite a lot of work there.
- Exact.
Quite a lot.
- Je la connais même à fond.
Here in Warsaw, there are a lot of people... that we know very well and a lot of people... that we don't know quite so well and would like to know a great deal better.
Il y a des gens que nous connaissons bien, et d'autres que nous aimerions connaître bien mieux.
Well, it's not quite as bad as that, but sometimes it needs a lot of watching.
Il n'est pas si mauvais que ça... mais parfois, il faut beaucoup le surveiller.
quite a few 36
quite a bit 64
quite a while 18
quite a sight 16
quite all right 51
a lot has happened 22
a lot of people 80
a lot 1589
a lot of things 80
a lot of work 19
quite a bit 64
quite a while 18
quite a sight 16
quite all right 51
a lot has happened 22
a lot of people 80
a lot 1589
a lot of things 80
a lot of work 19
a lot of times 55
a lot of money 87
a lot better 53
a lot of fun 24
a lot more 90
a lot of 45
a lot of the time 18
a lot of stuff 16
a lot of it 93
a lot of blood 23
a lot of money 87
a lot better 53
a lot of fun 24
a lot more 90
a lot of 45
a lot of the time 18
a lot of stuff 16
a lot of it 93
a lot of blood 23
a lot of them 83
a lot worse 20
lotus 24
lots 169
lotte 119
lottie 68
lotta 19
lottery 16
lots of love 47
lotion 20
a lot worse 20
lotus 24
lots 169
lotte 119
lottie 68
lotta 19
lottery 16
lots of love 47
lotion 20
lothar 21
lots of things 77
lots of people 60
lots of 23
lots of times 48
lots to do 26
lots of them 98
lots of stuff 21
lots of money 54
lots of reasons 16
lots of things 77
lots of people 60
lots of 23
lots of times 48
lots to do 26
lots of them 98
lots of stuff 21
lots of money 54
lots of reasons 16