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And his Çeviri Portekizce

110,134 parallel translation
He and his team were talking about : how do we get to Mars?
Ele e a equipa falavam sobre como chegar a Marte.
The V2 rocket was built by Wernher von Braun and his team of engineers.
O foguetão V2 foi construído por Wernher von Braun e a sua equipa de engenheiros.
Not a lot of Americans know that we took a... a Nazi, someone who helped designed rockets that were intended to kill us, relocated him and his team eventually to Huntsville, Alabama, where they became founding fathers of the spaceflight program.
Poucos americanos sabiam que tínhamos um nazi, alguém que ajudou a conceber mísseis destinados a matar-nos, realojado o homem e a equipa em Huntsville, no Alabama, onde se tornaram os fundadores do programa espacial.
President Nixon and his advisors felt that U.S. public interest in space exploration had waned.
O Presidente Nixon e conselheiros acharam que o interesse do público na exploração espacial esmorecera.
We've got you holding his gear and his cash and ready to blow town, so we know you've been in contact with him.
A si, temo-la a guardar o material dele e o dinheiro e pronta para sair da cidade, então sabemos que tem estado em contacto com ele.
The man is looking to expand his shrimp truck business, and he told me he's gonna be needing about four or five new trucks.
Quer expandir a roulotte de venda de camarão dele e disse-me que vai precisar de quatro ou cinco novas camionetas.
I do, because I grew up with him, and his real name is Doctor Who.
Eu sei, porque cresci com ele, e seu nome é Doctor Who.
Of course! Researching Mr. McDuck and his family is kind of my hobby.
Claro, pesquisar o Sr. Patinhas e a família dele é o meu hobby.
Him and his partner must have been really close.
Ele e o parceiro deviam ser muito próximos.
He and his crew are headed over to Ajax in a few if we want to join.
Ele e a sua equipa vão para Ajax e perguntaram se queremos juntar-nos.
They pelted him and his car with manure.
Eles atacaram-no e ao carro com estrume.
But unlike Nolan and his friends, I keep my promises.
Mas ao contrário do Nolan e dos seus amigos, eu cumpro as minhas promessas.
And we corroborated both his ties to Al-Qaeda and his plan to attack the train station.
E corroborámos as suas ligações à Al-Qaeda e os planos dele para atacar a estação de comboios.
So he's fired, and then somehow ends up in the United States, where he subsequently took his story to The New York Times.
Então, ele é despedido e, de algum modo, acaba nos Estados Unidos, onde levou a história dele para o New York Times.
" Winston sank his arms to his sides and slowly refilled his lungs with air.
" Winston baixou os braços e, lentamente, voltou a encher os pulmões de ar.
Wernher von Braun, when he designed and built the Apollo program, in the back of his mind already, he was way past Apollo.
Wernher von Braun, ao conceber e construir o programa Apolo, lá no fundo, já estava para além do Apolo.
And that is where von Braun began his ascent as kind of the American space savior.
E foi onde von Braun começou a sua ascensão como um salvador do espaço americano.
I went and got his car, he got into his car, and away he went.
Fui buscar o carro dele, ele entrou no carro, e foi-se embora.
The valet just told me he gave Severide his keys and he watched him drive off alone.
O arrumador disse-me que deu as chaves ao Severide e que o viu sair sozinho e a conduzir.
And dude was fumbling with his keys, so I pulled out my.45
O tipo estava atrapalhado com as chaves, então saquei a minha.45
So, boom, I gave him a little pistol whip, he hit the ground, and I grabbed his keys.
Então, dei-lhe uma pancada com a pistola, ele caiu no chão, e apanhei as chaves dele.
I spoke to the receptionist, who said Burnett was the first one in the office today, and outside of a sales meeting, he's been in his office, holed up with the blinds drawn and the door locked.
Falei com a recepcionista, e ela disse-me que o Burnett foi o primeiro a chegar hoje, e tirando a reunião de vendas, e ele ficou sempre no gabinete dele, com as persianas fechadas e a porta trancada.
Just wait till everybody left, then put Mitch in the trunk of his own car and drove around, looking for a spot to dump the body?
O que é que fez? Esperou que todos saíssem, colocou o Mitch no porta-bagagens do seu próprio carro e saiu por aí, à procura de um sítio onde pudesse abandonar o corpo?
But even considering the dog eat dog of it all... do you think it makes sense for a guy to come in and attack his coworker... Physically attack him...
Mas, mesmo considerando que são tubarões... achas que faz sentido um tipo vir aqui e atacar o colega de trabalho...
Took him into his office and offered him a discount on another vehicle.
Levou-o para o gabinete dele e ofereceu-lhe um desconto noutro veículo.
You agree to take a test drive to get the manager out of his office, you go into his office, get on his computer and find out the name and address of the buyer.
Concordaria com um "test drive" para retirar o gerente do gabinete iria lá, verificaria o computador e descobriria o nome e morada do comprador.
And satellite surveillance shows his car's parked there right now.
As câmaras de segurança mostram o carro dele estacionado lá agora.
And you know who pops his head through?
E sabes quem é que aparece?
I put a bullet right between his, right between his eyes, and, uh, his friends,
Coloco uma bala entre os... bem entre os olhos dele.
And I'd hate to see your young marshal meet with some unhealthy accident while he's performing his duties.
E eu odiaria ver o seu jovem "marshall", ter algum acidente desagradável, enquanto está a cumprir os seus deveres.
I mean, we're 32 days into his senior year, and he hasn't had a meltdown yet, so...
Entrou há 32 dias no último ano do liceu e ainda não teve uma crise...
Sheldon walked on my back two weeks ago, but that was just'cause there was a spider on his pillow and he was trying to get away.
O Sheldon andou nas minhas costas, porque estava uma aranha na almofada, e ele estava a tentar fugir.
And one secretary for an old man who seems to have forgotten that I am not his secretary!
E uma secretária para um velho... que parece esquecer que não sou a sua secretária!
He thinks his so rich and so Scottish, but I'm wearing a kilt, McDuck, a kilt!
Ele pensa que é tão rico e tão escocês, mas estou a usar um kilt, McPato, um kilt!
Help us, or I go to your king, and tell him exactly how well I know his wife.
Ajuda-nos, senão digo ao rei como conheço a mulher dele.
- Yes, you do, because that's how I banished Reynard, and that's how you'll do it too, while in labor with his child.
- Queres, sim. Porque foi assim que bani o Reynard e é assim que vais conseguir. Enquanto deres à luz.
I want to sing one of my favorite songs of his, and while doing it, you know who I'll be thinking about.
Quero cantar uma das minhas canções preferidas dele e, enquanto o faço, já sabem em quem pensarei.
A writer needs motivation and inspiration in his surroundings.
Um escritor precisa de um ambiente que o inspire.
And you were outside his house for a while?
Ficaste à espera na casa dele por algum tempo?
- I'm done. - The Venezuelan foreign minister is on his way to my office, and he used the word "urgent."
O Ministro externo Venezuelano está a caminho do meu escritório, e usou a palavra "urgente".
And for the chance to serve Him and bring about His will,
E pela hipótese de o servir e conseguir a vontade Dele,
The guy has the gene for early-onset Alzheimer's and he didn't disclose the genetic testing with the rest of his health report.
O tipo tem o gene de Alzheimer precoce e ele não revelou o teste genético com o resto do relatório de saúde dele.
Apparently, the minute Minister Sendoo hung up with you, he called his connection in Russia, and then it ended up on the ERL Web site, resulting in the... manure offensive.
Aparentemente, no minuto em que o Ministro Sendoo desligou, ligou para o contacto dele na Rússia, e então aquilo acabou no Web site da ERL, resultando no... Estrume ofensivo.
As the president and members of his administration prepare for the inauguration ceremony, we've just received confirmation that Governor Sam Evans has officially dropped his lawsuit against the state of Ohio.
Como o Presidente e os membros desta administração preparar para a tomada de posse, acabamos de receber a confirmação que o Governador Sam Evans deixou cair oficialmente o processo contra o estado do Ohio.
We'll turn him and then explain that his only chance is to give up something on Alcala.
Vamos virá-lo e depois explicar-lhe que a sua única hipótese é dar-nos alguma coisa sobre o Alcala.
Nasir and two of his thugs had a financial dispute with Omar's dad, Tariq.
O Nasir e dois dos seus capangas tiveram uma disputa financeira com o Tariq, o pai do Omar.
You and Sam try and track him down, get his side of the story.
Tu e o Sam tentem localizá-lo, oiçam a versão dele da história.
He left in a hurry, and he took his prayer rug.
Ele saiu à pressa, e levou o tapete das orações.
No, but... Or that he's not lying right now to try and exonerate his cousin?
- Ou que não está a mentir agora para tentar exonerar o primo?
Uh, we will have to go back to Omar and see if this new information will help him remember some of his old fares.
Vamos ter de falar com o Omar e ver se esta nova informação pode ajudá-lo a lembrar-se de alguns antigos clientes.
He wanted out of his marriage, but a divorce would have been unseemly and costly.
Queria sair do casamento, mas um divórcio teria sido inconveniente e caro.

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