His watch Çeviri Portekizce
1,608 parallel translation
In fact, Harold had never once paid attention to his watch other than to find out the time.
Realmente, o Harold nunca prestou atençao ao seu relogio... excepto para ver as horas.
And, honestly, it drove his watch crazy. And so, on this particular Wednesday evening as Harold waited for the bus, his watch suddenly stopped.
E isso deu com o relogio em doido... entao nesta particular tarde de quarta-feira... enquanto o Harold esperava pelo autocarro, o seu relogio subitamente... parou.
What Harold had not understood about that Wednesday four weeks prior was that the time he received from his fellow commuter was, in fact, three full minutes later than the actual time and, therefore, three full minutes later than the time to which his watch and life had been previously set.
O que Harold nao tinha percebido... sobre aquela quarta-feira, 4 semanas antes... foi que as horas dadas pelo seu relogio... estavam na verdade, atrasadas três minutos da hora actual... entao, três minutos depois da hora... para qual o seu relogio e a sua vida tinham sido previamente acertados.
But if Harold had not set his watch to the incorrect time Harold would have again barely caught the 8 : 17 Kronecker bus.
Mas se o Harold nao tivesse acertado o seu relogio para a hora errada... o Harold teria novamente quase perdido o autocarro das 8 : 17.
[Bo] And his watch had a moon on it.
E o relógio dele tinha uma lua.
Probably switches plates every time he winds his watch.
Provavelmente muda de matrícula de cada vez que dá corda ao relógio.
The men in his battalion said that when General Vidal died on the battlefield, he smashed his watch on a rock so that his son would know the exact hour and minute of his death.
Os homens do batalhão dele diziam que quando o General Vidal morreu no campo de batalha, esmagou o relógio no chão para marcar a hora exacta da sua morte.
"I recognized his watch, the shoes and the golden tooth."
Ela disse, "Reconheço-lhe o relógio, as botas e o dente de ouro".
A nuclear disaster on his watch?
Um desastre nuclear?
Now I submit that if the health-care system is broken it happened on his watch.
A questão é, se o sistema de saúde está desfeito foi durante a sua vigência.
- Tell the mayor that now is the time to empty those houses, not next year, when it's on his watch and he has to eat the stats.
- Diga ao presidente para avançar já e não no próximo ano, responsabilidade dele e culpas para ele.
Lou Beltran wore his watch on his right wrist.
O Lou Beltran usava o relógio no pulso direito.
If I was good, then my dad would come watch me... cause then it wouldn't be nonsense and a waste of his time.
Se eu fosse boa, o meu pai viria ver-me... porque assim já faria sentido e não uma perda de tempo.
We sat with his three a video to watch.
Estávamos sentados aqui em baixo. Os três, vendo um video.
Dad, let Calvin watch his show.
Pai, deixa o Calvin ver o programa dele.
Let Calvin watch his tape.
Deixa o Calvin ver o vídeo dele.
Each year we gather round to watch the groundhog emerge from his winter slumber, for if he sees his shadow... It means more winter!
Todos os anos nós reunimo-nos... para assistir ao emergir da marmota da sua sesta invernal, pois se ela vir a sua sombra... isso significará mais inverno!
Watch his head!
Cuidado com a cabeça!
He'll set the timer, walk away on foot, get on his motorcycle and ride to the Crescent City Bridge to watch.
Ele vai ligar o temporizador, afastar-se, e seguir de mota até à ponte para ver.
He'll watch his flesh peel away layer by layer.
Verá sua carne cair, camada por camada.
His dad doesn't let him watch TV. I don't see the wisdom
Não percebo o porquê de vender directamente aos consumidores.
I mean, just mention the word "feelings" or "emotion," and you watch his eyes glaze over. But...
Basta mencionares a palavra "sentimento" ou "emoção"... para veres os olhos dele ficarem vidrados.
So you watch his feet.
Então podes ver-lhe os pés.
When I catch him, I will peel his skin and have him watch me wear it.
Quando o agarrar, esfolo-lhe a pele... E faço-o ver-me enrolado nela.
Khande Rao can afford to sit tight in his fort and watch while Simmerson's men starve for lack of supplies.
O Khande Rao pode dar-se ao luxo de ficar no seu forte a observar enquanto os homens do Simmerson passam fome por falta de mantimentos.
Part of a magician's job is to... watch his competition, see what illusions...
Parte do trabalho de um mágico é... observar a competição, ver que ilusões...
With any luck, I'll be wearing his ears on my watch chain.
Com sorte, usarei as orelhas dele na corrente do meu relógio.
Someone's gotta watch his back.
Alguém tem que guardar-lhe as costas.
But what I will not do is stand by and watch Hal Gardner use you to promote his own agenda.
Mas o que não vou fazer é ficar de braços cruzados a ver o Hal Gardner usar-te para se auto-promover.
What I will not do is stand by and watch Hal Gardner use you to promote his own agenda.
Mas o que não vou fazer é ficar de braços cruzados a ver o Hal Gardner usar-te para se auto-promover.
Lord, bless this servant. Watch over him on his journey so that your work will be done through his hand tomorrow, and that all our works glorify you, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Senhor, abençoai este servo, olhai por ele na viagem, para que a Vossa obra seja feita pela sua mão, amanhã, e que todas as nossas obras Vos glorifiquem.
- Ma, I said no- - I did no such thing. - Told him to watch his back around me.
- Mãe, eu não disse nada disso!
When Roman finds out that you've taken my seat on his council, you watch out for yourself.
Quando o Roman descobrir que tomou o meu lugar no Conselho dele é melhor ter cuidado.
- And that Mr you're supposed to watch Mr. Roberts in 211 9 swallow his diuretics.
- E que tem de confirmar que o Sr. Roberts do 2119 toma os diuréticos.
Watch his arm.
Olha o braço dele.
[Derek] Watch his arm, watch his arm.
O braço dele, o braço dele.
Uh, ladies and gentlemen, I know you could watch this all night, but Mr. Demby has been kind enough... to agree to sign autographs and take pictures with his newfound fans.
Senhoras e senhores, Sei que poderiam ver isto a noite inteira, mas o Sr. Demby foi gentil o suficiente para concordar em assinar autógrafos e tirar fotografias, com os seus novos fãs. - Concordei?
! Hey, everybody, watch Earl eat a French fry off his well-wiped counter groove.
Vejam todos o Earl comer uma batata da ranhura do balcão bem limpo.
He said we could watch The Sound of Music on his plasma.
- Talvez para o ano que vem.
So far, on my watch, he's gotten stitches, cut his own hair and eaten over four dollars in change.
Até agora, no meu turno, ele arranjou pontos, cortou o próprio cabelo e comeu mais de quatro dólares em trocos.
Why don't we have Chief watch his own family then?
Gostava que o Chefe se encarregasse de acompanhar o que passa em casa dele.
Mr. Yagami and I will watch his house.
O Sr. Yagami e eu encarregamo-nos da família dele.
I would say anytime you get to watch a guy rip off his arm and continue fighting, that's a good night.
Sim. Estou sempre disposto a ver um tipo arrancar o braço e continuar a lutar. Foi uma boa noite.
My mother was warm, but my father... kept every emotion tightly tucked away in his suit pocket, right next to his watch.
- Com o relógio.
He got away on our watch. By studying his behavior as a child,
Temos de achar... este cara, ele fugiu de nossa vigilância.
I'd love to make you watch while I slit his throat so that when you die, you'll know for certain that your sacrifice was for nothing.
Adoraria que assistisses enquanto lhe corto a garganta. Para que quando morreres, saberás que o teu sacrifício foi em vão.
And I was hoping to watch the guy lose a million bucks, but apparently he changed his mind.
E estava à espera de ver um homem a perder um milhão de dólares, mas aparentemente mudou de ideias.
And then I'd break his heart... and watch him cry until his eyeballs bleed.
E depois partir-lhe-ia o coração, e ficaria a vê-lo chorar até que os olhos sangrarem.
I go watch the meds drip into his IV, you think that'II make the treatment work faster?
Se eu ficar lá, será que o tratamento fará mais efeito?
And I think it was very hard for him to watch his mother's non-participation in a battle with cancer that she might have won.
E eu penso que foi muito difícil para ele ver a sua mãe a não participar na batalha com cancro, que ela provavelmente teria ganho.
I'm thinking it has something to do with the watch I found in his pocket.
Penso que tem algo a ver com o relógio que encontrei no seu bolso.
watch 1138
watching 230
watched 17
watches 61
watch out 2503
watch your mouth 281
watch your tone 44
watch tv 56
watch it 1500
watch your step 464
watching 230
watched 17
watches 61
watch out 2503
watch your mouth 281
watch your tone 44
watch tv 56
watch it 1500
watch your step 464
watch your language 95
watch your eyes 17
watching tv 59
watch your back 240
watch your six 28
watch and learn 230
watch yourself 314
watch this 999
watch me 376
watch your head 255
watch your eyes 17
watching tv 59
watch your back 240
watch your six 28
watch and learn 230
watch yourself 314
watch this 999
watch me 376
watch your head 255