And his brother Çeviri Rusça
1,399 parallel translation
Good heavens, were I to lose the support of Chivery and his brother officers,
О боже, неужели я потерял поддержку Чивери и его собратьев,
My father and his brother are both dead.
Моего отца и его брата больше нет.
Томми и его брат Дэйв нашли старое дерево в лесу недалеко от их дома.
And His Brother Ziggy
And His Brother Ziggy
Eval and his brother ziggy were hired by the tribal council to set up the casino and hotel.
"вэл и его брат" игги были нан € ты советом племени дл € открыти € казино и гостиницы.
Ms. Crawford, you may not realize this, but since you're no longer next of kin and his brother, Ed, is Jeff's actual heir, you had no right to remove any of his...
Мисс Кроуфорд, вы, возможно, не понимаете, но, поскольку вы уже не ближайший родственник, а его брат, Эд, является фактическим наследником Джеффа, вы не имели права забирать ничего из его...
I thought it was weird that joe rogan said I came off Too bitchy and that I should be nicer To my husband and his brother.
Я подумала, что это было предсказано, что Джо Роган не прошла потому, что была слишком стервозной и мне следовало быть добрее с моим мужем и его братом.
Three years ago, the FBI began investigating Mark Bernstein's company, intriguing endeavors, because of questionable release forms he and his brother obtained from the women featured in his web videos.
ФБР заинтересовалось компанией Марка Бернстейна, "Интригующие стремления", из-за сомнительного содержания роликов, которые он и его брат выкладывали на своем сайте.
Pierre Curie and his brother Jacques, They proved the existence of a converse effect of piezoelectricity.
Пьер Кюри и его брат Жак доказали существование обратного пьезоэлектрического эффекта.
Michael and Sam checked out Erik and his brother.
Майкл и Сэм проверили Эрика и его брата.
Your brother and his lot too.
И брат твой с семьей тоже.
Your brother and his lot all send you their love.
Твой брат и его семья передают тебе привет.
Born, Jan. 1st, 1983. Capricorn, blood, O type and healthy. Loser younger brother, his supporter : mom, extreme fighting mania : dad.
здорова. и папа - одержим борьбой.
That guy even killed his younger brother and now is going to be his son...
Он даже своего младшего брата убил, а теперь черёд сына...
- Cursi's left behind'Ruido'Rocha, and plays to Beltran he's going right, and back with class magic touch, he's in front of his brother.
- Курси обводит Руида Роча, Обыгрывает новичка Лупеза Белтрона, Курси выходит вперед, фантастика,
I saw the news of his brother in a Korean newspaper and saw him crying...
Я видел, как он читал корейскую газету, где была статья об этом, и плакал от радости.
Your brother and his men...
Ваш брат иего солдаты...
Leave his brother in the woods, and join the children?
Бросить брата в лесу и присоединиться к другим детям?
- A fiction, both for profit and to ease his brother's heart.
- Блеф, способный принести прибыль и облегчить сердце брата.
His older brother ran away two years ago and never came back.
Его старший брат сбежал два года назад и так и не вернулся.
Brother-in-law of my rapist, last year wouldn't talk to me, but now, his wife just got collared, and if she gets locked up, his kids go to family services, so he's desperate to deal.
Если её закроют, детей его отправят в приюты. Он жаждет заключить сделку.
And maybe you don't know this but Bobby. I mean he was never into... stuff that his brother and other boys were into.
Вы, может быть, не знаете, но Бобби никогда не увлекался... тем, чем увлекались его брат и другие мальчики.
He and his father got into a fight because Frank was... pushing his brother around.
Он как раз сцепился с отцом, потому что Фрэнк... ну, наехал на его брата.
Hodges is going To live out his days in comfort and anonymity While my brother lies in his grave in arlington cemetery.
Ходжес проведет остаток своих дней в удобстве и анонимности, тогда как мой брат лежит в могиле на кладбище Арлингтон.
His was borrowed from his brother, and it was more old-fashioned.
Тот пистолет он взял у брата, и он был более старый.
Oh, by the way, I talked to my brother this morning and he is so excited about his party.
Кстати, утром я говорила с братцем. Он в восторге от нашей затеи.
It's like his own son Atreus who cooked the son of his brother Thyestes and then invited him for a feast.
Таких, как его сын Атрей, который накормил своего брата Фиеста мясом его сына.
So Zeke'll think Earl burned his shirts again and I can get my brother back.
Так Зик подумает, что Эрл снова сжег его футболки и я смогу получить назад своего брата.
The way he sees it, Bess and you were fighting... too much, and you gave his brother away.
С его точки зрения, вы с Бесс ссорились слишком много, и вы оставили его брата.
My brother and I got on our bikes and we rode around the neighborhood, looking for his car.
Мы с братом садились на велосипеды и мотались по окрестностям в поисках его машины.
Leonard rarely talks about his incredibly successful brother and sister.
Леонард редко говорит о своих невероятно успешных брате и сестре.
Well, Leonard's younger brother, Michael, is a tenured law professor at Harvard, and his sister just successfully grew a human pancreas in an adolescent gibbon.
Ну, младший брат Леонарда, Майкл, профессор юриспруденции в Гарварде, а его сестра только что успешно вырастила поджелудочную железу человека в теле молодого гиббона.
This is kyle's father dan and, uh, his older brother danny.
Это его отец, Дэн, и старший брат Дэнни.
Tell mr. Renfrew I can prove his brother is innocent, And I know who really committed the murder.
Скажите мистеру Рэнфрью, что я могу доказать, что его брат невиновен, и я знаю, кто на самом деле совершил убийство.
He's bringing us Gisborne and he's bringing us his brother to fight alongside.
Он привел к нам Гисборна и приведет своего брата, чтобы сражаться с нами.
At least this one doesn't lie and double deal and steal his brother's place on his father's throne.
Этот хотя бы не врет и не двурушничает, и не крадет место брата на отцовском троне.
I have a man in Dubai whose brother is a curator. The casino guy realized he'd been conned and was terrified his boss would find out. LANGSTON :
У меня есть человек в Дубае, чей брат — смотритель музея.
A day later, a PI tracking down real estate fraudster Ryan Morton meets his brother Gareth and probably by accident,
Днём позже детектив видит как мошенник Райан Мортон встречается со своим братом Гареттом, и, возможно случайно, Гаретт убивает частного детектива в его же машине.
A bloody deed! Almost as bad, good mother, as kill a king, and marry with his brother.
Не больше, чем убийство короля и обрученье с братом мужа, леди.
Last, and yet as much containing all of these, her brother is in secret come from France, and wants not buzzers to infect his ear with pestilent speeches of his father's death.
Но верх всего : из Франции тайком Лаэрт приехал, держится поодаль, живет молвой и верит болтунам, а те ему все уши прожужжали про смерть отца.
He'll never forgive you for this, and neither will his brother.
Он никогда не простит вас за это, и его брат тоже.
Lincoln Burrows is a thug for hire, and his little brother is no better.
Линкольн Бэрроуз головорез по найму, и его младший брат ничуть не лучше.
Sir Edward, as the brother of His Majesty's beloved wife, Jane, It is his Majesty's pleasure today to creat you Viscount Beauchamp of Hache in Somerset, also to appoint you a governor of Jersy and Chancellor of North Wales.
Сэр Эдвард, как брату возлюбленной жены Его Величества, Джейн Сеймур волею его Величества вам сегодня пожалован титул виконта Бичамптского Хеша в Сомерсете также вы назначены губернатором Джерси и канцлером Северного Уэльса.
Весь мир следит за одной и той же сценой. Мой брат и его семья наблюдают из Нью Джерси. 1 апреля 2004 года.
Leon Wu, 20. Kowalski Busted Him And His Brother Last Year
И Леон отправился в тюрьму на 18 месяцев.
So our state's attorney, in his radiant wisdom, has decided to withdraw the charges against your client and pursue a case against Mrs. Lewis's brother.
Таким образом, государственный прокурор, по здравому смыслу, решил снять все обвинения против вашего клиента и возбудить дело против брата миссис Льюис.
Okay. let's do the notification for the Deleon family here And see if we can have his brother, Oscar, present.
Давайте сообщим семье Делион, и попробуем, чтобы его брат, Оскар, тоже присутствовал.
Brother should have arrived in Resembool a while ago but he still hasn't called... And besides, I'm here if he needs to have his arm repaired.
Брат уже давным-давно в Ризенбурге... но так и не позвонил... то могла бы сама починить ему руку.
The guy shot his brother at point-blank range, and now he has a hit tv show.
Он застрелил своего брата, когда тот стоял перед ним, а теперь у него свое хитовое телешоу.
And his big brother is cruz soto.
- Крус Сото.
He was the second son of the pharaoh, and according to legend, anok's older brother, Meti, fell off his horse, and anok trampled him to death to ensure that he would ascend to the throne.
Он был вторым сыном фараона, и согласно легенде, Мети, старший брат Анока, упал со своей лошади, а Анок затоптал его до смерти, чтобы обеспечить себе восхождение на трон.
and his mother 31
and his father 24
and his friends 16
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his family 18
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his name 26
and his girlfriend 18
and his father 24
and his friends 16
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his family 18
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his name 26
and his girlfriend 18
and his son 20
his brother 146
brother 7165
brothers 633
brotherhood 38
brother and sister 38
brothers in arms 18
brothers and sisters 203
brother justin 17
brother prior 48
his brother 146
brother 7165
brothers 633
brotherhood 38
brother and sister 38
brothers in arms 18
brothers and sisters 203
brother justin 17
brother prior 48
brother jerome 20
brother zhang 17
brother cadfael 72
and happy birthday 27
and here 683
and how old are you 36
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
and here we go 118
brother zhang 17
brother cadfael 72
and happy birthday 27
and here 683
and how old are you 36
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here they are 24
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and how are you 102
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here it is 109
and here they are 24
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and how are you 102
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and he's 185
and he didn't 42
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and he's 185
and he didn't 42