That isn't fair Çeviri Rusça
96 parallel translation
Разве это не справедливо?
It isn't fair that a young boy should be brought up by an old woman who will leave him when he needs her most.
Это неправильно, когда ребенка растит старуха, которая оставит его именно в тот момент, когда он нуждается в ней больше всего.
It isn't fair that you should have to decide such a thing.
Это несправедливо, что тебе приходится решать подобные вопросы.
Never let it be said that an Englishman isn't fair, at least on occasions.
Минуту. Нельзя, чтобы говорили, что анличанин играет нечестно. По крайней мере, в таком случае.
That's fair enough, isn't it?
- Это справедливо, не так ли?
Explain to him that, since he's bigger than you, it isn't fair.
Дай ему понять, что, поскольку он больше тебя, то это несправедливо.
And that isn't fair
А это нечестно.
That isn't fair.
- Не будь несправедливой.
It isn't fair that we should die so young.
Это несправедливо, что мы умрём такими молодыми.
Isn't that fair?
Что, несправедливо?
It isn't fair but that's how this new teacher Li treats him though.
Это несправедливо... но у нового учителя Ли свои понятия о справедливости.
It's just that five against one isn't my idea of a fair fight.
Когда пятеро одного бьют - зто неинтеллигентно.
That's fair isn't it?
- Без обмана. - Три.
That's fair, isn't it?
Это же справедливо?
Yotam, that isn't fair.
Йотам, это неправильно.
That's fair, isn't it? You'll make a lot of money, because he'll sell cheap.
Сдается мне, что твой сосед уступит свой бизнес по дешевке!
That isn't fair.
Это несправедливо.
That isn't fair.
- That isn't fair.
- Это нечестно.
That isn't fair!
Это нечестно!
- That certainly isn't fair.
- Конечно, несправедливо.
Isn't that a fair assessment?
Разве это не правильная оценка?
That - - whooosh! - - isn't fair.
Это нечестно.
That isn't fair.
Это нечестно.
That isn't fair.
Это бесчестно.
I mean, I said it, but not in that context. I mean, this isn't fair.
Я сказала это, но в другом контексте.
Come on. Isn't that the only fair thing?
Иначе будет не честно, правда?
But we've been conditioned to think that this isn't fair somehow.
Но нас почему-то приучили думать что это нечестно.
"Life isn't fair"? Write that on a postcard? - Is that the best we've got?
Явно в поддержку прослезившейся вдовы объявившей войну целой оружейной индустрии.
Shell', that isn't fair.
Шелл, ты несправедлива.
The window can be colder because of the glass, but then that one is right by the bathroom, and being right by the bathroom always makes me kind of uncomfortable, which isn't really fair because something has to be right by the bathroom.
У окна может быть холоднее, от стекла дует, но тот столик возле туалета, а сидеть у туалета мне неприятно, что не слишком честно - кто-то же должен там сидеть.
Isn't that a fair assessment?
Разве это не справедливая оценка?
Isn't that fair?
Разве это не справедливо?
- That isn't fair, Jez.
- Это несправедливо.
Hey, that isn't fair!
Эй, не честно!
No, no, dude, it can't talk. That isn't fair, I'll laugh to much.
Нет, нет чуваки он не должен разговаривать, так не честно, я буду слишком смеятся!
Ryuzaki, if Kira is among these seven, isn't it fair to assume that if we call one of them... there's a one in seven chance that that person is Kira?
- Кира. то шанс попасть на Киру один к семи?
He loves you, that's why He requires more of you. That's fair, isn't it?
И он тебя любит и из-за этого требует большего.
But this isn't gonna work if you run off every five minutes looking for Peter. That's not fair.
Но если будешь каждые пять минут удирать на поиски Питера, то ничего не выйдет.
It's probably fair to say that Paul Dirac isn't a household name.
Вероятно будет справедливым сказать, что имя Поля Дирака, не известно в каждой семье.
And it made me realize that... life isn't fair for anybody.
И это заставило меня осознать, что... жизнь несправедлива к любому из нас.
- This isn't fair. - Is it fair that...
А разве справедливо, то, что мне пришлось прекратить снабжать бейсбольную команду наколенниками?
It isn't fair that all this falls on you.
Несправедливо, что все это ложится на тебя.
This isn't fair because this is a-a balloon That i got at a toy store,'cause i thought it would be weird to use a real condom.
Это нечестно, потому что было бы странным использовать настоящий презерватив, поэтому я купила
That's fair, isn't it?
Справедливо, не так ли?
It isn't fair that you can't walk, Artie.
Это не справедливо, что ты не можешь ходить, Арти
You have a problem on how prepare the food out, like that isn't it fair?
Не нравится порция? Думаешь, тебя обделили?
But it is fair to say it isn't obviously that is contagious.
Но справедливо будет сказать, что это что-то неочевидно заразное.
* That big-ass heart can pump two tons * * of love through her chest, * * and then sit down and win a lovin'pie-eating contest. * * I love that big-ass heart so much I think it isn't fair. *
* Ёто большепопое сердце способно перекачать * * две тонны любви через ее грудь, * * а затем еще выйграть конкурс по поеданию пирогов. * я люблю это большепопое сердце так сильно, что думаю - это несправедливо ко мне.
* So I throw up my fists, * * throw a punch in the air * * and accept the truth that sometimes life isn't fair. *
" "ƒј – яё ¬ ќ" ƒ "'и признаю правду : жизнь не всегда справедлива.
And it's not fair for you to have to experience things and be with someone that isn't fully there for you.
И... было бы несправидливо... чтобы... с тобой был кто-то, не полностью принадлежащий тебе.
that isn't true 78
that isn't it 22
that isn't 18
that isn't necessary 17
that isn't funny 16
fair 232
fairy 82
fairfax 20
fairly 18
fairies 31
that isn't it 22
that isn't 18
that isn't necessary 17
that isn't funny 16
fair 232
fairy 82
fairfax 20
fairly 18
fairies 31
fairbanks 24
fair enough 1495
fairy dust 16
fair point 106
fairness 20
fair lady 16
fair and square 46
fairy tales 18
fair play 60
fair warning 60
fair enough 1495
fairy dust 16
fair point 106
fairness 20
fair lady 16
fair and square 46
fairy tales 18
fair play 60
fair warning 60
fairy godmother 19
fair is fair 49
fair maiden 16
fair dos 19
fair's fair 26
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
fair is fair 49
fair maiden 16
fair dos 19
fair's fair 26
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that sounds good 394
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds fun 130
that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that sounds good 394
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds fun 130
that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that was stupid 112
that is good 189
that is not true 434
that is ridiculous 146
that was quick 252
that is all 319
that is right 117
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that was stupid 112
that is good 189
that is not true 434
that is ridiculous 146
that was quick 252
that is all 319
that is right 117
that way 1811
that is an order 68
that is enough 189
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is a lie 69
that is an order 68
that is enough 189
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is a lie 69