We get it translate Spanish
26,648 parallel translation
We get it... Your sister works there.
Lo entendemos... tu hermana trabaja allí.
This is his last chance to prove that... we get it?
Y esta será su última oportunidad de redención. Lo hace?
How do we get it then?
¿ Cómo lo consigo?
[Piney] Okay, we get it, you're depressed.
Bien, ya entendimos. Estás deprimido.
Just... stop us when we get it right, yeah?
Páranos cuando lo acertemos ¿ vale?
It's like, we get it.
Es como, ya entendimos.
Okay, listen, can we do this another time, because if we don't get to this dissection, it's gonna take out her coronaries.
De acuerdo, escucha, podemos hacer esto en otro momento, porque si no llegamos a esa disección, va a destrozar sus coronarias.
We're going to get them both, and all the power that comes with it, and then we'll be able to do whatever the hell we want.
Conseguiremos las dos y todo el poder que eso supone, y luego podremos hace lo nos de la puta gana.
Well, we dig it up, and we get back home.
Bueno, desenterrémoslo y volvamos a casa.
We can get it back.
Podemos recuperarlo.
- We can get it back.
- Podemos recuperarlo.
We realized that it was gonna get out to the press, and so, I said to him, "Let's draft something."
Comprendimos que saldría en la prensa, así que dije : "Escribamos una reseña".
It's like, "Wow! These, we don't get in the best restaurants in India."
Eso no se conseguía en la India ni en los mejores restaurantes.
We must get it for her birthday.
Debemos recibirlo para su cumpleaños.
My love, we won't let them get away with it, those who hurt you.
Mi amor, no dejaremos que queden impunes los que te hicieron daño.
- And we do not want to get into trouble is not it?
Y no queremos problemas, ¿ No es así, 463? No. No señor.
Yeah, I think accidents is the wrong word, because, um, it more... Um... that we just get into... that we get ourselves into a space these days. Where, um... some sort of magical thing happens, that isn't to do with, uh,
Sí, "accidente" no es el término más apropiado... porque lo que pasa... es que ahora nos metemos en un espacio... en el que se produce algo mágico... que no tiene que ver con...
And, everything else is okay around it but, there's just something that happened in that short space of time that we can never get that far away from. That we're, uh...
Y todo lo que la rodea está bien... pero en ese breve lapso de tiempo pasó algo... que jamás dejaremos atrás del todo, y que...
Sooner or later, we've got to get out of it.
Tarde o temprano tendremos que salir.
It's a big nest, we've got to get out of here.
Es un gran nido, tenemos que salir de aquí.
We would get into the subway car, sitting at opposite ends of it, and walk, separately, through the streets of the free and the brave, to wherever we were going...
Nos subíamos al metro, sentados en lados opuestos, y caminábamos por separado por las calles de los libres y valientes, a donde quiera que fuéramos...
We'll get it back, promise.
Lo recuperaremos, lo prometo.
We don't know how extensive the damage is, how long it will take to get better, and... how it will impact Helen's day to day life.
No sabemos qué tan extenso es el daño, qué tanto le tomará volver en sí, cómo impactará en su vida diaria.
If it means so much to you, we will get along.
Nos llevaremos bien si significa mucho para ti.
I mean, you know, is it rude to ask to see their claws before we get serious?
¿ Queda mal si le pido que me muestre las garras antes de entrar en confianza?
Oh, we can, Julien. And when your parents get it wrong, I shall enjoy watching the pathetic, unloved look on your face as you all plummet to your death by fiery hot lava!
Lo haré, y cuando tus padres se equivoquen disfrutaré ver tu triste rostro rechazado mientras todos caen en picada a una muerte en lava hirviendo.
So we get together and do it together.
Entonces llegamos juntos y lo haremos juntos Lo que es... asombroso.
You know, we'll get the crib out and you can take it for a test-drive.
Vamos a sacar la cuna y puedes probar a darte una vuelta.
It's just such a weird situation, but we shouldn't let it get between us, right?
Es una situación rara, pero no puede interponerse entre nosotros, ¿ vale?
And we will get that, it just...
Y llegaremos a eso, simplemente...
Anyway... we needed to get rid of the body... somewhere no one could find it, so I came up here.
En fin... teníamos que deshacernos del cuerpo... en un lugar que nadie pudiera encontrar, así que vine aquí.
If we don't call the police, we can get rid of this body and pretend like it never happened.
Si no llamamos a la policía, podemos deshacernos de este cuerpo y fingir que no ha pasado.
But the continuum gets messed up by something, then different parts of it get mashed together, and we see a guy from... from decades ago who's just popped up where he shouldn't.
Pero si algo desordena el continuo, entonces se mezclan diferentes partes de él y vemos a un tipo de... de hace décadas que acaba de aparecer donde no debería.
Well, we need it to get a little darker.
Bueno, tenemos que esperar a que oscurezca un poco.
Then we get caught in a wave, and we ride it.
Entonces una ola nos envuelve y la cabalgamos.
Think we'll get to do it?
¿ Crees que lo conseguiremos?
You know, there is one way that we could get the seed money and do it pretty quickly.
Hay una forma en la que podríamos conseguir el capital inicial y hacerlo muy rápido.
- All right, we got to get it out.
Muy bien, tenemos que sacarla. No.
And you were just like, " How can we get these microtubules to grow in the middle of a cell and suddenly make it divide?
Y dijiste : " ¿ Cómo podemos hacer que estos microtúbulos crezcan en medio de una célula y de pronto hagan que se divida?
I missed a lot of time with Jon, you know, being a single parent, to think that we were gonna get somewhere, and so to end up here, it's sad. Maggie :
Pero resultó ser una pesadilla.
The problem isn't just that students are getting into debt at record levels, it's that the quality of the education they're paying for is slipping, too. On average, do we as Americans get the best education
El problema no solo son los endeudamientos, la calidad de la educación por la que pagan también decae.
We grew up hearing about the American Dream, and if you work hard and you get an education, you can pull your family into the middle-class, and it just doesn't seem realistic for so many people.
Crecimos con el sueño americano : trabaja duro, edúcate... y llevarás a tu familia a la clase media.
I think for me and Joon, I think for us it's more about what happens after we get there.
Creo que para Joon y para mí, creo que para nosotras se trata más de qué pasará cuando lleguemos allí.
It's really important that we figure out how to get some of the basics.
Es realmente importante que averigüemos cómo resolver algunos aspectos básicos.
We've sent orbiters, we've sent rovers, we've sent things there to explore it to get to know more about it.
Hemos enviado satélites, hemos enviado vehículos, hemos enviado cosas para explorarlo y saber más sobre él.
We'll get there, we just gotta move to it in steps.
Llegaremos allí, pero solo tendremos que ir paso a paso.
I mean that's where you get the true awe, the true awe of understanding what else is there, how it got there, why are we here?
O sea, es ahí donde está el verdadero temor, el verdadero temor de entender qué más hay, como llego allí, ¿ por qué estamos aquí?
Finally, when we thought it could only get darker,
Al final, cuando pensábamos que solo podría haber oscuridad,
But we were able to get some answers from the man who actually built it... Retired General Michael Lehnert.
Pero obtuvimos respuestas de quien lo construyó, el general retirado, Michael Lehnert.
- No, it's just so we can all get tickets before they sell out.
- No, es solo para que podamos tener todos entradas antes de que se agoten.
Because we all said that we would give everything we had to get this place back to where it was, and right now, Jessica has a prospect waiting for you in the conference room.
Porque dijimos que todos nos esforzaríamos al máximo para regresar este lugar a como era antes y en este momento, Jessica te tiene un prospecto esperándote en la sala de conferencias.
we get 63
we get married 18
we get along 19
we get caught 17
we get there 19
we get in 29
we get that 26
we get out 29
we get out of here 18
get it done 134
we get married 18
we get along 19
we get caught 17
we get there 19
we get in 29
we get that 26
we get out 29
we get out of here 18
get it done 134
get it down 26
get it together 140
get it up 68
get it out of your system 27
get it now 24
get it off me 116
get it over with 136
get it right 50
get it while it's hot 20
get it out 253
get it together 140
get it up 68
get it out of your system 27
get it now 24
get it off me 116
get it over with 136
get it right 50
get it while it's hot 20
get it out 253
get it off 251
get it going 16
get it 1593
get it away from me 28
get it off of me 28
get it open 41
get it on 36
get it in 27
get it all out 26
get it through your head 17
get it going 16
get it 1593
get it away from me 28
get it off of me 28
get it open 41
get it on 36
get it in 27
get it all out 26
get it through your head 17