Stay out of there translate French
196 parallel translation
Well, I don't know where I was but I'll stay out of there in the future.
Je ne sais pas où c'était, mais je veillerai à ne plus y aller.
- What goes on here, anyhow? - Hey, stay out of there, you guys.
- Qu'est-ce qui se passe, ici?
"Stay out of that place. Stay out of there."
De s'éloigner de cet endroit, de sortir
I'd stay out of there if I were you.
Je n'irais pas à votre place.
Better stay out of there. Charlie's inside asking for trouble.
N'entrez pas, Charlie cherche la bagarre.
That's private. Stay out of there.
Ça ne vous regarde pas.
Angela, whatever you do, stay out of there.
Angela! Surtout n'entre pas!
Stay out of there!
N'entrez pas!
Stay out of there.
Ne rentre pas.
- If I was you, I'd stay out of there.
- À votre place, j'y entrerais pas.
You just stay out of there.
Toi. tu ne t'en mêles pas.
Stay out of there.
Ne rentre pas...
You stay out of there. Leave that store alone.
Tiens-toi à l'écart de ce restaurant.
You'll stay down there and keep out of my business.
Retournes-y et reste en dehors de mes affaires.
Well, of course, if you'd rather stay out there.
Si vous préférez rester à l'extérieur.
You stay in there and keep out of trouble!
Tu as la clé! Reste là, tu seras à l'abri des ennuis.
They could stay there out of the way where you'll never see them.
Nous ferons en sorte qu vous ne les voyiez jamais
But you stay out there in front of my door.
Mais restez là devant ma porte.
Get out of the stable and stay there.
File à l'étable.
There may be villages around, but stay out of them.
Il y a peut-être des villages alentour, mais n'y allez pas.
Tell him to stay there. Now get out of here.
Qu'il nous y attende.
Hey smart guy, I thought I told you to stay out of that road, now come on get back there!
Hé, le malin. Je vous ai dit de rester sous la corde. - Reculez.
You stay back there out of range.
Reste là-derrière, hors de portée.
Stay out of there.
Ne vous en mêlez pas!
Don't quit now. Stay up there. Don't run out of gas.
Ne me laisse pas tomber.
All right, you go back there and stay out of sight.
Très bien, rejoins-le et reste hors de vue.
Stay away from the edge of that swamp. Look out! Come on, move it up there.
Matraquez les Irlandais et enlevez ces femmes de là!
The FLN wants to throw us out of Algeria, and we want to stay. Even with slight shades of opinion, you all agree that we must stay. When the FLN rebellion began, there were no shades at all.
le FLN veut nous chasser d'Algérie et nous nous voulons y rester, or maintenant il me semble que même avec des nuances légères vous êtes tous d'accords que nous devons y demeurer, et lorsque la rébellion du FLN a éclaté il n'y avait même pas de nuances,
Hey, stay out of there.
Go home and stay there... and keep out of my way.
Rentrez chez vous et restez-y. Ne restez pas dans mon chemin.
I'll stay out of his. There's plenty to go around Vojvodina.
La Voivodine est rande.
When we get there, you just stay out of the way. I'm the one who got the big money here.
C'est à moi de faire le travail.
I'm gonna find a comfortable place and rest there, somewhere, and I'm going to stay out of your affairs.
Je vais me trouver un coin tranquille et y rester. - Je ne me mêlerai pas de tes affaires.
You. who were cast out of heaven and hell you murderers who sumered so much, why didn't you stay in your mothers'wombs ; where it was still and you slept and were! there.
Chassés du ciel et de l'enfer vous qui souffrez tant, pourquoi n'êtes-vous restés dans le ventre de vos mères, ou il fait bon, sans présent ni passé?
I told you to stay the hell out of there!
Je t'avais interdit d'entrer là-dedans.
I have to get out of here because there's just too many people, and I can't leave because my friends will be lost, and I can't stay here anymore.
Il faut que je parte! Je n'en peux plus! Mais je ne peux pas partir sans mes copains!
There's nothing like building up an automobile from scratch and wiping out one of these Detroit machines. That'll give you a set of emotions that'll stay with you.
Monter sa voiture de toutes pièces et la voir laminer un de ces engins sortis d'usine, ça vous donne des sensations qu'on n'oublie jamais.
Stay out of the store when there are customers.
Ne reste pas quand les clients viennent.
I protect it, and that's the way it's going to stay, because no Zulu 20 years out of a tree will shove 50 cents in my hand and tell me there's a freighter waiting to ship me out of the land I built, alrighty?
Je le protège et je continuerai, parce qu'aucun Zoulou... fraîchement descendu de son arbre ne me jettera 50 cents... en m'annonçant qu'un bateau... attend de me conduire loin du pays que j'ai construit, est-ce clair?
You better stay out of my way... because when old Mole gets mean... there's no tellin what she'll do.
Ne m'emmerdez pas! Quand Mole la cogneuse se réveille, on ne sait pas comment l'arrêter!
In case of a knockdown, you go to the corner... and stay there until I tell you to come out.
En cas de knock-down, allez dans le coin et restez-y jusqu'à ce que je vous appelle.
- Stay out of there.
- J'ai besoin d'argent.
now listen, sandra go to the studio with john john stay there and don't let him out of your sight yeah, sure jerry, we'd better get a move on we only have god knows what else will happen
Ecoute, Sandra Va à mon cabinet avec John John Restez-y et ne le laisse pas seul.
You want to tear that man's throat out, but you don't. You stay there meekly, and you burn with the bloody shame of it.
Tu voudrais étrangler ce type, mais... tu restes là, docile, brûlant de cette honte insupportable.
Honey, could you move the chair out of the way... and just stay down there?
Chéri, peux-tu enlever la chaise du milieu... et rester là-bas un moment?
In case of a knockdown, go to the corner I tell you to, and you stay there until I tell you to come out.
S'il y a un K.-O., allez dans le coin et restez-y jusqu'à nouvel ordre.
We're gonna rap it down to you today to all you little locos out there, on how to stay out of the slam...
On va vous faire un petit topo. Bande de locos, on va vous dire comment éviter la taule.
There was a law that said that immigrants who wanted citizenship had to stay out of their apartments and walk around the streets with hats on.
Selon la loi McCoy de 1909... pour se faire naturaliser, il fallait sortir 4 heures par jour... et se promener, chapeauté, dans la rue.
In case of a knockdown, you go to the corner I tell you to and you stay there until I tell you to come out.
l'autre reste dans le coin jusqu'à nouvel ordre.
Get out of there! Stay away from him!
Sors de là!
You stay out of my way, there'll be no problem.
Soyez pas dans mes pattes, et ça ira.
stay out of trouble 106
stay out of my business 21
stay out 50
stay out of it 248
stay out of this 272
stay out of my way 64
stay out of my life 17
stay out of the way 26
stay out of sight 30
out of there 20
stay out of my business 21
stay out 50
stay out of it 248
stay out of this 272
stay out of my way 64
stay out of my life 17
stay out of the way 26
stay out of sight 30
out of there 20
stay strong 139
stay safe 113
stay in your lane 18
stay with me 1471
stay tuned 68
stay focused 161
stay here 2079
stay away from me 476
stay calm 730
stay cool 134
stay safe 113
stay in your lane 18
stay with me 1471
stay tuned 68
stay focused 161
stay here 2079
stay away from me 476
stay calm 730
stay cool 134
stay close 302
stay still 409
stay back 1306
stay down 1032
stay in the car 177
stay in touch 40
stay together 118
stay close to me 52
stay in bed 25
stay away 423
stay still 409
stay back 1306
stay down 1032
stay in the car 177
stay in touch 40
stay together 118
stay close to me 52
stay in bed 25
stay away 423
stay low 147
stay in school 26
stay inside 96
stay with us 260
stay away from her 125
stay with her 100
stay put 320
stay away from my family 22
stay in school 26
stay inside 96
stay with us 260
stay away from her 125
stay with her 100
stay put 320
stay away from my family 22