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So there we were translate Portuguese

331 parallel translation
So there we were, 2 - and-2 pitch, bases loaded.
Ali estávamos, lançamento 2 a 2, as bases completas.
"So there we were. And I was thinking'Why haven't they arrested us?"'
" Ali estávamos e eu perguntava-me porque não nos prendiam.
So there we were facing a whole squad of bonies.
Então lá estávamos nós contra um esquadrão inteiro de inimigos.
So there we were... the ocean, my stepfather and me.
Então la estavamos nos- - o oceano, meu padrasto e eu.
We were so glad there was no war coming. And when it really came I was engaged to be married, my husband and father went with the soldiers.
Estávamos felizes por não ter havido guerra e, agora que ela se aproximava, eu estava noiva.
So I asked him to tell his friend to tell you when you got down there that the license was no good and that we were not married at all.
Então eu pedi a ele para dizer ao seu amigo para lhe dizer quando você chegasse que a licença não era boa e que não estávamos casados.
I'd like to take her there, but we were up so late last night.
Adoraria ir com ela, mas ontem fui dormir tarde demais.
Unfortunately, there were no witnesses... so we've only your word for that.
Infelizmente, não houve testemunhas, só temos a sua palavra.
Yeah. Things were going so swimmingly for The Four Donahues, one winter, we even vacationed there.
As coisas corriam tão bem que, um Inverno, até fizemos férias lá.
There were so many places we had planned to travel but he was occupied with his work here.
Tínhamos planeado ir a tantos lugares... mas ele tinha o trabalho dele.
If so, the Romulans could attack into Federation territory before we knew they were there, before a vessel or a planet could even begin to get their defences up.
Então, poderiam atacar antes de darmos por eles, antes de uma nave ou de um planeta poder activar a defesa.
There we were, waiting and drinking away at the old knifey moloko and you had not turned up. And we thought you might have been, like offended by something or other. So around we come to your abode.
Bebemos o nosso leitinho "temperado", esperámos por ti e como não aparecias receámos que tivesses tido algum azar e resolvemos dar cá um salto.
On 3 Godfathers there's this scene where Wayne and Armendériz and myself were in our bedrolls and we're covered up. you know uh. because there had been a sandstorm so...
Em "O céu mandou alguém", tem uma cena em que eu, Wayne e Armendariz estamos todos cobertos porque houve uma tempestade de areia.
But, in case there were some survivors, we took MacDonald with us so that he could parley with them and secure permission for our search.
Levámos o MacDonald para o caso de haver sobreviventes para negociar com eles e obter licença para a nossa busca.
Well Sarge, I wanted to be alone with Evelyn, even though I know you don't approve. So I had everyone disappear. And there we were, Evelyn, Scardella and me.
Bem, Sargento, queria estar a sós com a Evelyn, embora saiba que não aprova, pelo que fiz toda a gente desaparecer.
there were evenings when we were so tired we couldn't even
Muitas noites nem tínhamos forças para...
In any case there was a groupuscule of 4 or 5 of us... and then, we had faith and we were revolutionaries and we were right... we were going to change the world and we had to convince intelligent people... so when we met folks... who could put up an argument, we discussed, we tried to flip them... we openly lied, made up tales... at meetings or in cafes.
Naquele caso, havia um pequeno grupo de 4 ou 5 pessoas e depois, tínhamos fé e éramos revolucionários e tínhamos razão, e íamos mudar o mundo e era preciso convencer as pessoas inteligentes e então, quando encontrávamos tipos... que se colocavam questões, discutíamos, tentávamos convencê-los, mesmo mentindo abertamente, mesmo inventando histórias, em discussões como a do café.
Éramos tão parecidos, que não valia a pena termos nomes diferentes.
So, there we were in a ghost town, Harry and me.
Lá estávamos nós, numa cidade fantasma, o Harry e eu.
If we start buzzing about down there, we're liable to find their mental power is so great, they could reach out and swat this ship as though it were a fly.
Se começarmos a correr por aí abaixo, arriscamo-nos a descobrir que o seu poder mental é tão grande que pode achatar esta nave como uma mosca.
Al, we're starving. What were you two doing out there for so long?
Que estiveram a fazer lá fora tanto tempo?
There were no seats as we couldn't get in with seats, so Craig and Dan were sitting on boxes and Chris and I were like this in the back.
Vou enviar o aparelho de volta. - E agora? - Sugiro que fujamos, sir.
He claimed they were showing a less censored version, so we had to see it there.
Disse que eles exibiam uma versão menos censurada, pelo que tínhamos de o ver lá.
The day of the murder, I decided to tell Roman how I really felt, that we were so much happier before in Germany, that we would be happier there now, together.
No dia do crime, decidi contar a Roman o que sentia, que éramos muito mais felizes antes, na Alemanha... E que ali, naquele momento, seríamos mais felizes juntos.
So then we would go into work... and usually we'd go in and see if there were any scientific papers... that people sent out. I did discover that despite Hawking's great brilliance, he does read quite slowly. I could read about twice as fast as he.
E a seguir íamos trabalhar e normalmente íamos ver se havia algum jornal científico que as pessoas enviavam e descobrir que apesar do brilhantismo de Hawking, ele lê bastante devagar, quero dizer, eu consigo ler duas vezes mais depressa do que ele,
So then, as we were leaving we were just kind of standing there, and she was smiling at me.
Quando íamos a sair ela sorriu para mim.
Doc said there were so many things to learn that we couldn't waste even one second.
O Doc disse que havia tanto para aprender que não podíamos perder um segundo que fosse.
There we were, a fleet so large it nearly eclipsed the sun. Suddenly, we fell on them like a wave...
Mas pouco depois da guerra acabar o Presidente da Terra tomou uma designação.
So, if I were to say "I've never been to Mars" then neither of us put our fingers down,'cause we haven't been there.
Por isso se eu disser... "Eu nunca fui a Marte"... nenhum de nós baixa os dedos porque nunca lá fomos.
Magellan collected so much data... that we can now explore the surface as if we were actually there.
A Magellan recolheu tantos dados que agora podemos explorar a superfície... como se estivéssemos mesmo lá.
So, were we having our first fight back there?
Então, estávamos a ter a nossa primeira briga?
When I was working out at the gym, there were 60 year olds more buff than me. Oh, so we're too old for this. ls that what you're trying to tell me, George?
No ginásio, havia homens de 60 anos mais musculados que eu.
... so the whole thing exploded, and there we were, 70,000 light years from home, and no way to get back.
... então tudo explodiu, e lá estava-mos nós, a 70.000 anos-luz de casa, e sem como voltar.
So this time, the enemy would know we were there.
Desta vez, o inimigo sabia que estávamos ali.
faber : when we first started this mapping business, it was very, very primitive, and people knew that there were clusters over there and a few over there and so on.
Quando iniciámos o processo de mapeamento, era muito, muito primitivo, e as pessoas sabiam que existiam grupos ali e outros além, e por aí adiante.
Yeah, see, when we met I was over there and you were over here so the image was reversed.
- Como? Sim. Quando nos conhecemos, eu estava ali e o senhor estava aqui.
And just so there's no misunderstanding I give you my word that, at no time in our interview with Dr. Zimmerman will we ever mention, or even hint at the fact that you were genetically enhanced as a child.
E para que não haja mal-entendidos, dou-te a minha palavra que jamais na entrevista com o Dr. Zimmerman iremos mencionar, ou sequer levantar a ideia, de que foste melhorado geneticamente.
We were flying there, and I'd never been before... and Linda had, so you would think... that she would give me the window seat... but she didn't.
Nós estávamos a voar lá, e eu nunca tinha lá ido... mas a Linda já, portanto era de imaginar... me ela me deixaria sentar à janela... mas não deixou.
I know we were talking about you for a moment there, but my day was so bad.
Sei que estávamos a falar de ti ainda há pouco, mas o meu dia foi tão mau.
We knew that none of our people were out there, so it had to be a wounded Cardassian.
Sabíamos que nenhum dos nossos estava lá fora, assim tinha que ser um cardassiano ferido.
You know, there used to be a time when you and I were so in sync in everything that we did. Just connected.
Houve uma época em que estávamos em sintonia... em tudo que fazíamos.
I think we were in both time frames simultaneously, so the Stargate was there one minute and gone the next.
Por um ou dois segundos, penso que estivemos em duas datas ao mesmo tempo por isso o Stargate estava lá num minuto e tinha desaparecido no minuto seguinte.
'Galileo showed us that these molecular signatures we think are indicative of life were really there, so it gave us some confidence that by looking for similar signatures in atmospheres of other planets, we could infer that life was there as well.
Galileo mostrou-nos que as assinaturas moleculares que pensamos indicarem vida estão mesmo lá, por isso deu-nos alguma confiança ao buscar assinaturas semelhantes em atmosferas doutros planetas, podermos saber se há lá vida ou não.
So, there we were standing on the cliff, and the ground started to rumble.
Estávamos os dois no penhasco quando ele começou a esboroar-se.
Well, yeah, sure. My boyfriend and I were just, like, making out... and then we heard a noise out there, so he went to go check it, but--well, that was, like, ten minutes ago.
O meu namorado e eu viemos até aqui curtir, ouvimos barulho e ele foi ver o que era, mas foi há uns bons dez minutos.
And even if he's not, it's doubtful he is going to be able to transmit again. So we wouldn't know whether it's safe to land... until we were almost there.
Mesmo que não esteja, é duvidoso que consiga nova transmissão... e não sabemos se será seguro aterrar... até estarmos bem perto.
So they got some of the LSTs that were there, and one of the LST commanders said, "When we stopped at Pearl, we got a big flag, but we've never flown it."
Trouxeram os tanques de desembarque que havia, e um dos comandantes dos tanques disse : "Quando parámos em Pearl, arranjámos uma bandeira grande, mas nunca a hasteámos."
"So we were watching you in there, and you were sitting right here. Whoa."
"Estávamos a ver-te ali, e tu estavas aqui."
There were so many times when we were arguing in the office that I had the feeling that down deep, underneath, you were crazy about me.
Foram tantas as vezes que discutimos no escritório e eu sentia que, lá bem no fundo, era louca por mim...
There's no body of water for miles so we only get the odd mosquito passing through, as it were.
Não há cursos de água. Os mosquitos só passam por aqui ocasionalmente.
We were so out of there.
- Quisemos pirar-nos de lá!

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