They all were translate Russian
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Because they all were.
Потому что они все такими были.
And when they were done with their whistle-stop rants, all anyone could say was...
И когда они закончили своё предвыборное обещание чудес, все говорили только...
It was all going well. They were feeling quite smug until one little Hoo tugged a curious tug.
Всё шло, вроде, неплохо, и все были довольны, пока одна маленькая Ху не потянула Санту за бороду невольно.
All plans for the invasion were put on hold until they could account for every single one of the bodies just to be absolutely sure so the secret didn't get out. Well...
Все планы по вторжению были отложены, пока не опознали каждое тело, чтобы быть абсолютно уверенными, что секрет не покинул страну.
It took me a while to realize that they were all prior aliases for one person.
Мне потребовалось некоторое время, чтобы понять, что все они были псевдонимами одного человека
They got any and all of their people that were in Haley Tyler's apartment the last few days to provide elimination prints.
Они наняли своих людей, всех до одного, кто был в квартире Хэйли Тайлер за последние несколько дней, избавиться от отпечатков пальцев.
Besides, they were all out of green... hey!
К тому же, они и так на службе все в зелёном.
Sheep from the island of Lesbos were transported around Europe and they had foot and mouth disease, and they communicated it all around Europe.
Овцы с острова Лесбоса перевозились по всей Европе и у них были болезни копыт и рта, и они передавали их по всей Европе.
They are all wet. We were hanging out in the tent. Someone dumped all the shoes in the water bucket.
Промокли насквозь. какой-то урод собрал наши ботинки и бросил в ведро с водой.
Within six months, they were all gone.
Within six months, they were all gone.
Of all the pain they endured after you were laid to wait.
Всю ту боль, что они пережили, пока ты лежал и ждал.
They were all idiots!
Они все были идиотами!
So, are you saying that they were all suspects?
То есть, вы хотите сказать, что они все — подозреваемые?
All my answers are the same they were a year ago.
Все мои ответы - те же, что и год назад.
I just wish they were all here to see it.
Хотел бы я, чтобы все они были здесь и видели это.
They were special ordered, after all.
Потому что это спецзаказ.
They were all dragons.
Все они были ужасно злые.
Yes, I mean, Scott's trip to the Antarctic, Levick, the scientist, wrote it all out in Greek, he was so appalled by what they were up to.
Да, я имею ввиду, путешествие Скотта в Антарктику, Левик, учёный, описал это всё на греческом, он был настолько потрясён тем, чем они занимались.
- Yes. Actually, I really respected Siegfried amp ; Roy a lot more after that because for years, people thought they were all cheesy and mainstream and then one of them had his head bitten off by a tiger.
Я, кстати, очень зауважал Зигфрида и Роя после этого, потому что в течение многих лет люди думали, что они очень банальные и модные, а потом одному из них тигр чуть не откусил голову.
They were all from the same town.
Они земляки, всегда вместе ходили.
There's nothing known about the owner of the hairpin. For reference, all the artifacts displayed in this room were, at the time our school was established - 1914, said to be donated by an anonymous sponsor. Since there were many artifacts that were so meaningful and valuable, they moved heaven and earth trying to find the donor.
О владельце шпильки ничего неизвестно. были пожертвованы анонимом. кто их пожертвовал.
Then they came by my office, and they were asking all these questions about you, about your past.
Потом заявились в офис, задавали о тебе кучу вопросов, о твоём прошлом.
They all died or were turned to darkness.
Oни вce yмepли или пepeшли нa cтopoнy злыx cил.
Like all children, they were drawn to the distractions of popular culture.
Как и всех детей, их влекла поп-культура.
- They were all out.
- Кончилось.
All the people of the universe were once free to travel... and mingle and build whatever they wanted.
Так. Все могли путешествовать, общаться и строить, что хотели.
They wouldn't know what to do... if all of a sudden they were left to fend for themselves like animals.
Они бы не знали что делать, получив возможность жить на воле, как животные.
I liked all of them and wish they were all alive. But there's nothing that I can do about that now.
Они мне все нравились, и я не хотел, чтобы они умирали, но сейчас это уже не исправить.
The one place where all men truly share the same rank regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in.
Только в бою у всех бойцов одно звание, несмотря на то, каким ничтожеством они были до его начала.
The one place where all men truly share the same rank, regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in.
Только в бою у всех бойцов одно звание, несмотря на то, каким ничтожеством они были до его начала.
I thought they were all gone for good.
Я думал, они исчезли навсегда.
They were all crap. Thanks, Ray.
Спасибо, Рэй.
They were all over the place, JB.
Они бросали куда попало, Джей Би.
They were all terrified of me.
Они меня боялись.
So, a bunch of the girls were talking, and they're all going in limos.
Мы тут с девочками разговаривали, и все приедут в лимузинах.
They gave me your old address and all my letters were returned.
Они дали мне твой старый адрес, но все мои письма возвращались.
Hey, they were all raped when I got there.
Они были все вздрючены, как только я здесь появился.
I used to think that they were all my friends.
Я думала, что эти люди - мои друзья.
That's all they were able to scrape off the pavement in Paris.
Это всё, что соскребли с мостовой в Париже.
I wish they were all dead and we were, too.
Лучше б они убили их, и нас всех.
You'll be surprised to hear they were all Party members.
Вы удивитесь, но все они были членами партии.
When the Rosenthal gang attacked that bank car the Voice of America said they were all wearing Patriot Guard uniforms.
Когда банда Розенталя напала на банковский автомобиль, "Голос Америки" сообщил, что все они были одеты в форму патриотического караула.
They were all floating through the air.
Все они плыли по воздуху.
Now if the king and the queen were smart, they would understand that the monster outside the castle sees all.
Если бы король и королева были умны, они бы поняли, что монстр снаружи может видеть абсолютно все.
- And they were all... blown away.
У них от восторга... просто снесло крышу.
Well, you know the paving slabs in that whole area, even the exact ones that he landed on, you know they were all...
Тротуарная плитка в этом место, в том самом месте, куда он упал, была совершенно не...
They were all flings, and they knew it.
Все они были однодневки и знали об этом.
He said when they found out they had the number five pick, first thing they did was send a copy of their playbook to all the guys they were interested in.
Он сказал, что когда они узнали про свой пятый пик в первом раунде, первым делом они отправили копию своего плейбука всем парням, которые им были интересны.
No. I thought they were all destroyed.
Нет, я думал они уничтожены.
But, all of a sudden, they were caught in a terrible storm.
Но, вдруг, они попали в страшную бурю.
All this time... I never let myself hope that they were alive.
Все это время я не решалась надеяться на то, что моя семья жива.
they all are 95
they all look alike 19
they all look the same 38
they all do 71
they all did 35
they all say that 30
they all die 24
they all died 28
they all 24
were 205
they all look alike 19
they all look the same 38
they all do 71
they all did 35
they all say that 30
they all die 24
they all died 28
they all 24
were 205
werewolf 58
were you there 127
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were they 152
were you sleeping 48
were you here 16
were you drunk 20
were you waiting for me 17
were you there 127
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were they 152
were you sleeping 48
were you here 16
were you drunk 20
were you waiting for me 17