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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / He wants to talk

He wants to talk tradutor Francês

1,064 parallel translation
- He wants to talk.
Il veut vous parler.
- He wants to talk.
- Il veut palabrer.
Mr. Puglisi is coming here - he wants to talk to me.
M. Puglisi vient ici.
He wants to talk to you.
II veut te parler.
He wants to talk to you.
Il veut te parler.
It seems he wants to talk to you.
Il veut vous parler.
I've got a call. Says he wants to talk to an agent.
Cette personne veut parler à un agent.
He wants to talk to you.
Il veut vous parler.
- He wants to talk to you.
Il veut te parler.
Dr Herschel's been coordinating plans for your space shot. He wants to talk to you.
Le Dr Herschel, responsable de ton plan de vol désire te parler.
He wants to talk to you.
Il voudrait te parler.
- Well, he wants to talk to the Daleks.
Eh bien, il veut parler aux Daleks.
He wants to talk to you.
- Il veut vous parler.
He wants to talk.
Il veut parler.
He wants to talk seriously.
Il veut me parler sérieusement.
He wants to talk to you about a picture.
Il est en bas. Pour te proposer un film.
He wants to talk to you immediately!
Les gens que vous vouliez interroger sont partis.
He wants to talk to you.
Il veut vous parler!
He wants to talk.
Il veut nous parler.
Got your chief on the phone, he wants to talk to you.
Votre boss au téléphone. Il veut vous parler.
He wants to talk to Ulrike.
- Merci. - Il veut parler à Ulrike.
He wants to talk to Ulrike. Yes.
- Il veut parler à Ulrike.
Don't go. He wants to talk to you.
Restez. ll veut vous parler.
Yessir. Boss, he says he wants to talk to you at once. Oh?
Il dit qu'il veut vous parler.
We can't talk to him unless he wants to talk to us.
On ne peut lui parler que s'il veut nous parler.
Grandpa, is it about the guests that he wants to talk about?
Grand-père, c'est à propos des invités qu'il veut nous parler?
- He wants to talk to me.
- Il veut me parler.
He wants to talk to you.
II veut vous parler.
You know, Grossman's coming over, and he wants to talk about some things.
Grossman va arriver pour discuter.
- He wants to talk to you.
- Il veux parler avec vous.
Boss! Kobotoke's Yojimbo says he wants to talk to you, sir!
Yojimbo de chez Kobotoké vous demande!
Yes. He wants to talk to the Doctor.
Il veut parler au médecin.
- He wants to talk about California.
- J'ai une réunion "Californie".
If we can all simmer down and keep our blood pressures under control Mr. McKay has something very important he wants to talk to us about.
Si nous pouvons nous calmer et garder notre pression sous contrôle... M. McKay a quelque chose de très important à vous dire.
He wants to talk to you about something so I wanted to make sure you'd be home and wait up for him, will you?
Il veut te parler de quelque chose, alors il faudrait que tu l'attendes à la maison, d'accord?
- He wants to talk to you.
- Il souhaite te parler.
Aspetta. un momento. He wants to talk to you.
Aspetta, un momento Il veut vous parler.
Now, my friend's name is Curt, and he wants to talk to you out there, baby.
Mon ami s'appelle Curt, et il aimerait te parler, poupée.
He wants to talk to me about somethin'.
Il a quelque chose à me dire.
It's Columbo. He wants to talk about Finch.
Columbo enquête sur Finch.
- Hey. - He wants to talk to you.
Il veut te parler.
You talk as though he were a book you pass to whoever wants it for 5 minutes you loved him, didn't you?
Comme s'il était un livre que tu passes a qui le veut, pour cinq minutes. Tu l'aimais, n'est-ce pas?
He wants to talk to you.
Ma mère m'a envoyé sur la Côte d'Azur.
If he wants to talk, he'll talk.
S'il veut parler, il parlera.
I tried to talk him out of it but he wants you to settle your account with him dont worry I'll see to everything my dear tomorrow morning I'll go to london and liquidate a few of my holdings
J'ai essayé d'obtenir un délai, mais il veut que tu lui règles ce que tu lui dois. Ne t'en fais pas, je m'occuperai de tout. Demain matin j'irai à Londres liquider quelques placements.
- Fine, but he wants to talk to me!
- Mais c'est à moi qu'il veut parler.
He comes up all nice and friendly-like and says Dinsdale wants to have a talk with me.
Il est venu, tout gentil, pour me dire que Dinsdale voulait me parler.
He wants to talk. Talk?
- Parler?
- Yes. - He's here. - The Maroccan wants to talk to you.
Le Marocain veut lui parler d'urgence.
A guy wants to talk to you. He says his name is Ricco Aversi.
Un gars du nom de Ricco Aversi veut vous parler.
He wants us to go in the house. We cannot talk here.
Il veut qu'on aille à la maison pour discuter.

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