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Who was that man перевод на испанский

1,447 параллельный перевод
Who was that man in the crib store today?
¿ Quién era el hombre de la tienda de cunas?
Who was that man?
¿ Quién era ese hombre?
There's that story about the terrible... ... awful man who died and nobody could say anything nice about him... ... until finally somebody got up and said, "His brother was worse."
Conocen esa historia respecto a un terrible y asqueroso hombre que murió y nadie pudo pensar en algo bonito que decir hasta que finalmente alguien se paró y dijo : "su hermano era peor".
That man you were talking to, who was he?
Ese hombre con el que hablabas ¿ quién era?
That I must have seen the man who did this to me as he was setting his bomb.
Que debo de haber visto al hombre que me hizo esto mientras colocaba su bomba.
Even if B'Elanna had a violent thought, it was Frane who attacked that man.
Aunque B'Elanna haya tenido un pensamiento así,... fue Frane quien atacó a ese hombre.
You have to tell them I was the one who killed that man.
Debes decirles que fui yo quien maté a ese hombre.
The Pentagon claims that the man who was killed was Thomas Lynch.
El Pentágono dice que el hombre que murió era Thomas Lynch.
I stupidly believed that here was a man who was different from'men' But it is clear that I made a mistake
Estúpidamente creí que tú eras diferente pero está claro que me equivoqué.
But very depressed that when I'd fancied a man for the first time in ages, it was you, my best friend, who had snagged him.
y totalmente desmoralizada al pensar que al único hombre en el que me he fijado desde hacía tiempo, tú, mi mejor amiga, le habías echado el guante.
I spent my life loving a woman that loved another man, who did not love her but another woman who he was never sure loved him back.
Pasé mi vida amando a una mujer que amaba a otro que no la amaba a ella sino a otra de la que nunca supo si le correspondía.
You know what I was a child, I "d always imagined that I" d marry a man I fell in love with, have a son and a daughter who love me as much as I hated my mother.
Cuando era niña, siempre imaginé que me casaría con el hombre del que me enamorase y tendría un hijo y una hija que me querrían tanto como yo odiaba a mi madre.
That was said about every man who had left his wife.
Eso es lo que se decía de todo hombre que dejaba a su mujer.
Was I the only one who remembered that Brooke once described this man... as more boring than exposed brick?
¿ Era yo la única que se acordaba que Brooke había dicho que este hombre era más aburrido que un ladrillo?
I understand your experience with them was unpleasant, but if you give Crell a chance, I think you'll find that he's a friendly, compassionate man, not to mention a genius who's trying to save your life.
Entiendo que su experiencia con ellos haya sido desagradable, pero si le da una oportunidad a Crell, creo que verá que es un hombre agradable y compasivo, sin mencionar que es un genio que intenta salvar su vida.
I've concluded that this man's head was held forcibly down in the mud just a little too long, most likely by his stepson, who was named in the report as Bobby Rich, age 16.
Mi conclusión es que alguien le sujetó la cabeza en el fango unos segundos de más probablemente su hijastro, que aparece en el informe como Bobby Rich de 16 años.
The man who escaped, Haley, sent out feelers in hopes that Agent Mulder was a man whose politics were in line with his own.
lo mandó a sondear con la esperanza, de que el Agente Mulder fuera el hombre cuya política esté en línea con la suya.
I was summoned by a man who had already been to the doctor's house that morning.
Me había citado un hombre que ya había estado en casa del doctor aquella mañana.
For those of you who haven't been following the news... an unidentified homeless man... who was accosted and severely beaten at the New Jersey shore last Tuesday... lies in critical, but stable condition in one of that area's hospitals.
Para aquellos de Uds. que no hayan seguido las noticias... un hombre desamparado no identificado... que fue asaltado y severamente golpeado en la costa de Nueva Jersey el martes... está en condición crítica pero estable en uno de los hospitales de esa área.
Who would've thought that before summer was over I would stand in a crowd hearing the most famous black man in America preach about Taylor Jackson?
¿ Quién diría que antes del otoño estaría escuchando al hombre negro más famoso del país hablar de Taylor Jackson?
I wonder who that impertinent man was!
¡ Me pregunto quién es ese impertinente!
Who was the man that buried the shoe?
¿ Quién era el hombre que enterró el zapato?
Brad, dear, who was it that said... "A man of genius has seldom been ruined but by himself"?
quien dijo... excepto por sí mismo "?
With each passing year, Michael's frustration grew deeper while the whispers grew louder that Jordan was simply a one-man show who could not elevate the performance of his team.
Tuve que lidiar con gente que decia :
I convinced everybody else, that time in the tavern in Casablanca... when I played the hand game with that great black who was the strongest man on the docks.
Los convencí a todos, aquella vez en la taberna de Casablanca... Cuando jugué una pulseada con aquel negro enorme que era el hombre más fuerte del puerto.
Zita remembered that one day on the Universal lot "a huge monster" - the huge monster being Karl Freund, who weighed 300lbs and was not a tall man - came up to her and said "In one scene you must play it from the waist up nude."
Zita recordaba que una vez, en la Universal, "un monstruo enorme", Karl Freund, que pesaba 150 kilos y no era un tipo alto, se le acercó y le dijo : "En una escena estarás desnuda de cintura para arriba".
And Dalton was the man who made the idea useful. That was his great contribution
Para ayudar a entender las 3 leyes de movimiento pensemos en el hockey sobre hielo
But like the man who was bringing it, that artifact has yet to be located.
Aún hay que localizarlo, y al hombre que lo trajo.
You should know that he was a brave man who did what needed to be done... and we all owe him our lives.
Pero debe saber que fue un hombre valiente que hizo su deber... y al que todos le debemos la vida.
Andie, everything that I've worked for, everything that you've helped me to become, is somebody who believes in himself and his instincts and every instinct in me tells me that what that man did in that classroom was wrong.
Andie, todo lo que he hecho... Me ayudaste a ser alguien que cree en sí y sus instintos. Y cada uno de esos instintos me dice que lo que ese hombre hizo en clase está mal.
It was you that investigated that man who got his throat cut.
Fue el que investigó ese hombre que tenía la garganta cortada.
I was going to tell him that we've found the man who killed those girls in Strangler's Wood.
Iba a decirle que encontramos al hombre que mató a esas chicas, en el bosque del estrangulador.
In fact, you stated that she had madno complaints about my client. I had made a decision not to cooperate with someone who was trying to secure the freedom of the man who had raped and murdered my wife.
Cuando hablé con usted, doctor, no mencionó que su esposa sentía miedo.
how desperate that they stoop to accusing the victim's grieving widower? But I guess that falls in line with the rest of their logic, doesn't it? I mean, it's not the man with the violent, criminal past who was last seen with her, no.
Qué patético... qué desesperado, que ellos se inclinen a acusar al apenado viudo de la víctima.
The man who poisoned you was at the FBI that day.
El hombre que lo envenenó estuvo en el FBI ese día.
Okay, so was Ex a man who was metaphorically an alien or an alien who was metaphorically a man or a something in between that was literally an alien-human hybrid?
¿ Ex es una metáfora de alienígena? ¿ Una metáfora de humano? ¿ O algo intermedio que era literalmente un híbrido de alienígena y humano?
Who, ironically, is the same man whose popular, outspoken cynicism about charity has meant a death sentence to thousands of needy people. Was that a question?
¿ Eso era un pregunta?
Colonel Childers is the only man alive... who was in a position to see that crowd.
El Coronel Childers es el único hombre con vida que vio la multitud
It was my guilt which I carry before God and the entire German nation that I educated the youth of Germany for a man who I considered to be an impeccable leader and head of state.
¡ Abran las puertas! Como Oficial alemán, considero que mi deber es responder de la forma en que lo he hecho.
The man who never noticed That he was not a king
El hombre que nunca se dio cuenta de que no era un rey.
Yeager Pollack was the man who captured that magic moment for us.
Yeager Pollack es el hombre que captó aquel momento mágico.
I meant to shoot the drug dealer who sold my Tommy the drugs. And that man, Giardello, because he was trying to legalize drugs. That's what I'm trying to stop.
Quería disparar al traficante que le vendió drogas a mi Tommy y a Giardello porque trataba de legalizarlas, porque es lo que intento detener, ¿ ven?
Honkytonk Man was a Depression-era film about a guy who could write songs and do a little bit of entertaining but existing on the road during that period.
El aventurero de medianoche era un film de la Depresión... sobre un tipo que componía canciones y actuaba, y sobrevivía en la carretera en aquella época.
In this situation, we had a woman whose esteem was inextricably bound up in her love for a man who ridiculed that love.
En esta situación, teníamos a una mujer cuya autoestima dependía del amor de un hombre que la ridiculizaba.
That's right, That's right, I was gonna tell you a story about a very old man who was very rich and decided to build a very unusual amusement park.
Muy bien. Les iba a contar la historia de un hombre muy viejo y rico que construyó un parque de diversiones sin igual.
I stayed in a relationship that was safe and comfortable, and then I met this man who made me feel alive for the very first time.
Permanecí en una relación que era segura y cómoda pero después conocí a un hombre que me hizo sentir viva por primera vez.
But God, he was the only man who ever lived and was actually here for all that history. Think of the things he could've told us.
Era el único hombre que de verdad ha estado aquí durante la toda historia.
Charlotte realized that her date wasn't a man who came to women's rescue, he was a man who liked to start fights.
Charlotte se dio cuenta de que él no iba al rescate de las mujeres simplemente le gustaba empezar peleas.
She just printed out the e-mail that she was having with her husband who's another incredible man- - a close friend of mine- - and it just takes me back to my real world life and has my brain engaged and rejuvenated
Me mandó este e-mail impreso que hizo con su marido, un increible hombre, amigo cercano, y me devolvió al mundo real y me ha arreglado el cerebro, rejuvenecido, y alejarme de estas 16 personas y acercarme a quien soy yo
Who was the idiot who cut that man's fence?
¿ Quién ha sido el idiota que la ha cortado?
The first is that as I came back to be the author... more than a writer who is dead, I am a dead man who is a writer... for whom the grave was a second cradle.
Primero que, como resucité para ser el autor de estas memorias... no soy un autor difunto, sino un difunto autor. Para mí, la sepultura fue otra cuna.

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