And again Çeviri İspanyolca
54,071 parallel translation
And again, these living quarters are just temporary until we can find you a more suitable room.
Nuevamente, esta habitación es temporal hasta que te podamos encontrar una más conveniente.
You keep coming back over and over again and again.
Sigues regresando una y otra y otra vez.
I mean, he was successful in what he did and he was a great provider, and again, I have nothing against the guy whatsoever.
Quiero decir, tuvo éxito en lo que hizo, y él era un gran proveedor, y de nuevo, no tengo nada en su contra.
But I might half-ass a paper now and again.
Puede que entregue un trabajo mediocre de vez en cuando.
- Again and again!
- ¡ Una y otra vez!
After we have talked about things, over and over again and again.
Después de que hemos hablado sobre este asunto una y otra y otra vez.
So you bury something here, it gets buried again and again.
Así que si se entierra algo aquí, se entierra una y otra vez.
And again, you shall bring me pups.
Y de nuevo me traerás cachorros.
Didn't think I'd be hearing from you again, " and...
" No pensé volver a tener noticias de tí, y...
To replace Sunny... was all I wanted to do, was get her back and get her in her arms again, and we just didn't have the power.
Para recuperarla... era todo lo que quería hacer, era acariciar su espalda, y abrazarla otra vez. Y simplemente no tenía el poder.
Once again, you and the point are complete strangers.
Una vez más, tú y el punto son completos extraños.
I want to dance with her again, and... kiss her... when I should have kissed her.
Quiero bailar con ella de nuevo y besarla cuando debí haberlo hecho.
And, again, you were funny, Marcus.
De nuevo, estuviste gracioso, Marcus.
And we owe it to the next kid to make sure... this doesn't happen again.
Y le debemos al próximo chico asegurarnos de que esto no vuelva a pasar.
And fucking again.
Y otra vez.
And once I took a look back... and I finally understood how everything happened... I decided that no one would ever hurt me again.
Y una vez que miré hacia atrás y finalmente entendí cómo sucedió todo decidí que nadie volvería a lastimarme.
And I won't ever have to see his face again, that I won't have to face him?
¿ me promete que él irá a prisión, y que no tendré que ver de nuevo su cara, ni tendré que enfrentarlo?
Then I ask you again and for the last time, is the prisoner we are looking for here... or isn't he?
Entonces, por última vez, se lo volveré a preguntar, ¿ se halla aquí el prisionero que estamos buscando o no?
And... hello again.
Y... hola de nuevo.
They're going after them again, and they're not telling us.
Irán tras de ellos y no nos lo dirán.
Now, under normal circumstances, I'd be showing you that real close over and over again.
Bajo circunstancias normales, te la mostraría desde muy cerca una y otra vez.
And, again, I am sorry you had to see that, even though I know you have seen some things.
Y, otra vez, lamento que hayas tenido que ver eso, aunque sé que has visto cosas peores.
Fight with us, and we shall defeat them so that no one will suffer under their capricious malevolence ever again.
Lucha con nosotros y los derrotaremos, así ya nadie sufrirá bajo su caprichosa malevolencia.
Graze my genitals again, Taint Washer, and you'll be shipped to the wasteland.
Roza mis genitales otra vez, Taint Washer, y te enviaré al desierto.
I'm going to give you guys my card and hope to hear from you again.
Les voy a dar a ustedes mi tarjeta y espero escuchar de ustedes nuevamente.
Again I and my longing stay
Una vez más mis anhelos quedan.
And now we're in the black again, so we called the number to arrange payback and clicks and buzzers.
Y ya tenemos ganancias nuevamente. Así que llamamos al numero para arreglar la devolución del dinero. Y... chasquidos y timbres.
But now I'm here... and things are about to begin again.
Pero ahora yo estoy aquí y las cosas volverán a empezar.
There are moments in the dead of night when I can't sleep, and I wonder if I will ever be able to truly rest again until I know that Eleanor Guthrie has paid for what she took from me.
Hay momentos en la oscuridad de la noche en los que no puedo dormir, y me pregunto si volveré a ser capaz de tener paz hasta que sepa que Eleanor Guthrie ha pagado por lo que me quitó.
You might wanna consider that and then choose a new tone, especially given that in the very near future your life might end up in my hands yet again.
Quizá quieras considerarlo y hablarme en otro tono, especialmente teniendo en cuenta que en un futuro muy cercano tu vida puede acabar en mis manos una vez más.
And then it all happens again.
Y entonces vuelve a pasar.
I refused to do it and would again.
Rechacé hacerlo y lo volvería a hacer.
And you ask why I chose not to help start the cycle all over again?
¿ Y tú me preguntas por qué escogí no ayudar a que el ciclo volviera a empezar?
You and I may not meet again.
Ud. y yo... podemos reunirnos de nuevo.
And if you meet someone else you like will you let her down again?
Y si conoces a alguien que te guste... ¿ la dejarás caer de nuevo?
In fact, you and Emmit will never speak again.
De hecho, Emmit y tú no volveréis a hablar.
You tell him I'm not that guy anymore and I never will be again.
Dile que ya no soy ese tipo y que jamás volveré a serlo.
And then they started again.
¿ Y volvieron a empezar?
But it's my face on this trial, and I won't let him embarrass me again.
Pero es mi cara la que está en este juicio y no permitiré que me avergüence de nuevo.
No, seriously, thank you all for coming, and, um... here's hoping we can do this again 48 years from now.
No, en serio, gracias a todos por venir y... espero que podamos repetir esto dentro de 48 años.
I know. But Marius knows how much we are risking by doing this, and he also knows that nothing like this can ever ever happen again, right, Marius?
Lo sé, pero Marius sabe cuánto nos arriesgamos al hacerlo, y también sabe que nada parecido puede volver a pasar jamás, ¿ verdad, Marius?
Over, over, and over again.
Una y otra y otra vez.
What we do know is that he was a young man filled with hate... whom the FBI had already arrested as a potential terror suspect and then released, proving, once again, how hard it is to interrupt
Lo que sabemos es que era un joven lleno de odio... al que el FBI ya había detenido como potencial sospechoso y había liberado, probando, una vez más, lo difícil que resulta interrumpir el proceso de radicalización
And the more I think about it, what happened- - a bomb going off in the streets of New York City, again! The more I think about that, the angrier I get.
Y cuanto más pienso en ello, en lo que pasó... una bomba en las calles de Nueva York, otra vez, cuanto más pienso en ello, más me enfado.
You know, he sat right there earlier today and lied to me about this all over again, that obsequious little shit!
¿ Saben? , antes ha estado aquí y me ha mentido al respecto una y otra vez, ¡ ese zalamero pedazo de mierda!
Okay, I need you to lay down and, uh, tell me again exactly how you fell.
De acuerdo, necesito que te acuestes Y, uh, dime de nuevo Exactamente cómo caíste.
So, what, you'd rather I just stay here and wait for something bad to happen again?
Entonces, qué, preferirías que yo Quédate aquí y espera Para que algo malo vuelva a suceder?
I have killed... and I will kill again, I'm sure.
He matado... y mataré de nuevo, estoy segura.
I'm, uh, calling on behalf of a third party and they- - well, they've asked me to ask you would you like to see your children again?
Llamo... en nombre de un tercero y me... me ha pedido que le pregunte si le gustaría ver de nuevo a sus hijos.
Your children, Erin and Jeremy, would you like to see them again?
A sus hijos : Erin y Jeremy. ¿ Le gustaría verlos de nuevo?
♪ And the itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the spout again. ♪
# Y Wincy, Wincy Araña Otra vez subió #
and again and again 21
again 7789
against 107
against all odds 43
against my better judgment 31
against the wall 112
against me 47
against you 50
again and again and again 16
again and again 108
again 7789
against 107
against all odds 43
against my better judgment 31
against the wall 112
against me 47
against you 50
again and again and again 16
again and again 108
against who 36
against whom 18
against what 33
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and another thing 192
against whom 18
against what 33
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and another thing 192
and as a result 91
and at the end of the day 45
and at the time 25
and all the while 36
and all of a sudden 204
and all that stuff 21
and all this time 50
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and as you can see 106
and at the end of the day 45
and at the time 25
and all the while 36
and all of a sudden 204
and all that stuff 21
and all this time 50
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and as you can see 106
and all of you 28
and above all 105
and actually 119
and also 645
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and as for you 86
and all because of you 16
and as usual 32
and all that jazz 24
and above all 105
and actually 119
and also 645
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and as for you 86
and all because of you 16
and as usual 32
and all that jazz 24