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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Don't hurt us

Don't hurt us Çeviri İspanyolca

293 parallel translation
─ I don't want to hurt you, son. But you got to stand with us.
No quiero hacerte daño, pero tienes que ayudarnos.
We don't want to hurt anyone. We don't want anyone to hurt us.
A nadie hemos hecho daño, ni queremos que nos lo hagan.
There's a sub following us, and my feet don't hurt.
Nos sigue un submarino, y los pies no me duelen.
Don't hurt us, Mommy.
No nos hagas daño.
Please don't hurt us, Mr. Bandits! - Bandits?
- No nos hagan daño, señores bandoleros.
Don't hurt us, sir!
¡ No nos haga nada, señor!
Heck, it don't hurt us none.
Eso no nos hace daño a nadie.
When she's here, you'll be happy to give us all the money we want so that we don't hurt your little treasure. Go ahead and shrug.
Y cuando esté aquí, nos darás Io que pidamos para que no le hagamos daño.
Jake. don't bother with him. He can't hurt us now.
Ahora ya no puede hacernos daño.
I don't think it would hurt us to just kind of get away somewhere and just, you know, relax.
No creo que pudiera perjudicarnos. marcharnos a algún lugar y relajarnos, ya sabes.
I don't know, you've been working on this all week, and it's Friday night... and I just thought a little fun wouldn't hurt us.
No sé, has trabajado en esto toda la semana y es viernes noche... y creí que un poco de diversión no nos dañara.
They don't give us any knives or forks around here. They're afraid we'll hurt ourselves.
No tenemos cuchillos ni tenedores para no hacernos daño.
Don't hurt us!
No nos cause más mal.
MarceIIo, please don't hurt us.
MarceIIo, por favor, no nos Iastimes.
Please... don't hurt us. We don't mean any harm. Hurt you?
Por favor... no nos haga daño.
Please don't hurt us.
Por favor no nos lastimes
They don't want to hurt us.
Ellos no quieren lastimarnos.
We don't plan to hurt you or anyone else... unless you make us, or somebody fucks up.
No planeamos herirlo a Ud., ni a nadie más... a menos que haga algo y lo joda todo.
You'll only hurt yourself if you don't tell us the truth.
Sólo te lastimarás a ti misma si no nos dices la verdad.
But I don't think they'll like the idea of twins, one of us might get hurt.
Pero no creo que les guste la idea de que aparezcan mellizos. Uno de los dos podría salir lastimado.
Don't hurt us!
¡ No me hagas daño!
Don't let them hurt us, precious.
No dejes que me hagan daño, tesoro.
Don't hurt us!
¡ No me hagáis daño!
You know, Max, I don't wanna hurt your feelings but your being around here is kind of bad timing for us.
¿ Sabes, Max? No quiero herir tus sentimientos pero no nos viene bien que vengas por aquí ahora.
Easy! - Don't hurt us.
- No nos lastimes.
But don't hurt us.
Pero no nos lastime.
Don't hurt us.
No nos hagas daño.
don't hurt us.
no nos hagas daño.
But don't hurt us.
Pero no nos haga daño.
Don't hurt us.
No nos haga daño.
Please don't hurt us.
- Por favor, no nos haga daño.
"Please, just let us do ourjob and don" t hurt us "?
"Por favor déjenos hacer nuestro trabajo y no nos lastime"?
Don't let her hurt us, Max.
No permitas que lo haga, Max.
Remember, whatever they don't find out can't hurt us.
Recuerden, lo que no averigüen no nos podrá perjudicar.
I hate making deals, but I sure as hell don't want anybody around who could hurt us the next time.
Odio hacer acuerdos, pero sé que no quiero que nadie nos vuelva a perjudicar.
Shiyu, if we don't hurt anyone... the court can do nothing against us
Si no herimos a nadie, la corte no nos castigará.
I don't think that can hurt us any more.
No creo que eso pueda perjudicarnos más.
You can do anything you want to her. Just don't hurt us.
A ella hágale Io que quiera, pero no nos haga daño a nosotras.
- Leave us alone. I don't wanna hurt you.
- Déjanos solos, no quiero hacerte daño.
please don't hurt us, we're not doing any harm to nobody
Por favor no nos lastime, no le hemos hecho daño a nadie
Don't worry, it didn't hurt us. It won't now.
Si no nos han hecho daño antes, no nos lo harán ahora.
Please, take it, just don't hurt us.
Por favor, lléveselo, no nos haga daño.
Look, if you don't dream him up, he can't hurt you or us.
Mira, si no sueñas con el, El no nos puede hacer daño.
Bernie, I'm talking about an alien from outer space. Don't hurt us. Please don't hurt us.
Seas lo que seas, no nos permiten mascotas ni visitas después de las 8 : 00, así que...
- Don't hurt us!
- ¡ No nos peguéis!
Daddy! Please! Don't let them hurt us!
No dejes que nos hagan daño.
I don't want you to hurt yourself, but I'm not going to let you destroy us both.
No quiero que te hagas daño, pero yo no voy a dejar que nos destruyas a los dos.
- Come on, don't hurt us.
- Oye, tío.
We're constantly buying shoes that hurt us, pants that don't fit right.
Compramos zapatos que nos aprietan, pantalones que quedan mal.
Please don't hurt us, Bart.
Por favor no nos hagas daño, Bart.
Don't hurt us, lady.
No nos hagas daño.

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