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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I went home

I went home Çeviri İspanyolca

2,170 parallel translation
I went home and I kept it from you, Ma.
Volví a casa y te lo oculté, ma.
I went home after I got the phone from the doctor about the birth of my little girl, Michelle.
Fuimos corriendo a casa despues que llamara mi doctor Por el nacimiento de mi hija Michelle
- So I went home and I said... - Where's my daddy, you bitch?
"Tienes que tener papá, porque todo el mundo tiene", dijo.
I went home and screwed three of their old ladies.
"Bueno, es su opinión".
They met some girls, and I went home early.
Se encontraron con unas chicas, y yo me fui a casa temprano.
I went home.
Muy bien, es todo.
I went home, pounded a fif of Scotch and passed out.
Me fui a casa, me tomé un montón de whisky y me desmayé.
Last time you were bitching and moaning about some little detail that you wanted me to rewrite the whole thing over so I went home, did that.
La última vez te quejaste por unos pequeños detalles... y querías que volviera a redactarlo todo... así que lo he hecho.
This year when I went home, She wanted to confess everything to me. I didn't want to listen to her.
Este año cuando fuí a casa... ella quiso contármelo todo... pero no la quise escuchar.
I went home. I fell asleep by the radio.
Fui a casa, me quedé dormido con la radio.
After we said goodbye in the street, I went home. Except I snuck out again to go see...
Después de despedirnos volví a casa pero luego salí para ir a ver...
He was as puzzled as I was, and then I went home.
Estaba tan perplejo como yo. Luego me fui a casa.
I went home to my mom looking for a little bit of sympathy, and she was on your side.
llegue a casa de mi madre buscando consuelo, y se puso de su parte.
I went home with my wife.
Me fui a casa con mi esposa.
When I went home to get my car, he was painting the ceiling magenta.
Cuando fui a casa a buscar mi auto, él había pintado mi techo magenta.
I gave my statement and then I went home.
Di mi declaración y me fui a casa.
I went home, I told Buddy that if he wantedo keep me around, he had to ditch the old lady and give yours truly the top job.
Me fupi a casa, le dije a Buddy que si queria se mantubiera cerca tuvo que deshacerse de la vieja dama y poner una servidora mas.
This girl at school told me that, and I went home and my mom said, "Anna, who told you that?"
Me lo dijo una chica en la escuela y fui a casa y mi mamá me preguntó : "Ana, ¿ quién te dijo eso?"
I went home.
Fui a casa.
- I went home. I couldn't sleep.
fui a casa y no pude dormir.
Now take it easy, Hassan. Do you think I went home with her yesterday?
Hassan. ¿ Crees que fui a casa con ella ayer?
That's why I went home last night.
Eso es por lo que me fui a casa anoche.
I went home to see my mom, my brothers.
Volví a casa a ver a mi madre, a mis hermanos.
I went home and went to bed.
Me fui a casa y me metí en la cama.
Serve him right if I went home with you tonight.
Se lo merece si me voy contigo a la casa esta noche.
And then I went home alone.
Y luego cuando me fui a casa solo.
I'll tell you, I went to Michelle's home y...
Voy a contarte, fui a la casa de Michelle y...
I don't know if anybody heard, but Derek Schmidlin went home because he had an "emergency."
No sé si alguien se enteró, pero Derek Schmidlin se fue a casa porque tuvo una "emergencia".
I found that disgusting, so I left a note to my friend and went home.
Me pareció una porquería y me fui. Le dejé un mensaje a mi amigo.
I'm glad I never went home.
Gracias, no queria ir a casa
When McAra found this, he went to Boston to show it to Emmett, and he died on the way home, and I think he was murdered.
Cuando Mike encontró esto, fue a Boston a mostrárselo a Emmett y murió de regreso. Creo que lo asesinaron.
And then he told me... He told me I wandered into his dream, and he put his hand on mine and told me how miserable he was at home and, well, things just went from there.
Y entonces me dijo que yo deambulaba por su sueño y puso su mano sobre la mía y me dijo lo desgraciado que era en su casa y bueno, todo vino a partir de ahí.
- - I thought he went back to his home planet. - His home planet?
- Yo creí que él había vuelto a su planeta. - ¿ A su planeta?
Well, the first day I wondered why I did it,'cuz you know I wanted to eat, and the third night, I got home from a 14-hour day, where I usually would have went to bed,
Bueno, el primer día me pregunté porque lo hice, porque, usted sabe, quería comer, y la tercera noche, llegué a casa después de 14 horas, cuando usualmente iría a mi cama,
I went up to Sioux Falls and I had my knee scoped, and it was right about two hours after we got home, and I had this pain right across my chest, I was hurtin'.
Bueno fui a Sioux Falls y me examinaron la rodilla, y justo dos horas después de llegar a casa, sentir un dolor a través del pecho, y me dolía.
¢ Ü So I wouldn't come home low Just when things went... ¢ Ü ¢ Ü... song And you'll never be left all alone ¢ Ü
No me rebajaría a volver a casa Cuando las cosas canción Y jamás estarás sola...
How I, Olive Penderghast, went from assumed trollop to an actual home-wrecker.
¿ Cómo, Penderghast de oliva, pasó de ramera supone A una casa real-grúa.
The first night we went home to his apartment when he got out of the hospital,... he sees this whole shelf of high heels. And he says to me,... "Do I have a girlfriend that lives here?"
La primera noche que fuimos a su apartamento cuando acababa de salir del hospital, vio esa estantería llena de zapatos de tacón y me dice,
Well, Michael and Carlos went home to cuddle. so, I suggest we follow suit.
Bueno, Michael y Carlos fueron a su casa a mimarlo. Así que sugiero seguir su ejemplo.
I put on the yellow robes and went forth from home into homelessness.
Me visto de ropas amarillas, y me voy de casa hacia la indigencia.
I went home crying and screaming, I told my parents what happened. And my father...
Yo corrí gritando y llorando, le conté a mis padres lo que pasó, y mi papá fué conmigo a la escuela en la mañana, irrunpió en el salón de profesores y le grita a la Sra. Porter :
Hey, buddy, seeing as how you didn't come home last night, I'll assume everything went great with Sarah.
Hey, amigo, viendo que no viniste a casa anoche, asumo que todo fue bien con Sarah.
Huh, I thought Dick Tracy went home for the night?
¿ No usted estás extinto back to casa, Dick Tracy?
Then I called a cab and went home.
Entonces llamé a un taxi y me fui a casa.
I went to your classmate's home.
Fui a casa de Wei.
No, I went by the gym on my way home.
No, pasé por el gimnasio en el camino a casa.
After we handed out the last flyer, The other girls went to grab a drink At kitty corner, but I wanted to get home
Después de que repartieramos los últimos flyers, las otras chicas fueron a tomar una copa al Kitty corner, pero quería irme a casa para actualizar la página web sobre la concentración.
So I kind of went home and did this huge ritual to aphrodite.
Así que, fui a casa e hice un ritual enorme para Afrodita.
I saw him at home before I went to work.
Lo vi en su casa antes de ir al trabajo.
But I mean, half the school went home after that and I figured Cindy did, too.
Pero quiero decir, la mitad del colegio se fue a casa después de eso y supongo que Cindy lo hizo, también.
- I came home from work, I fed the cat, took a bath, went to sleep.
Llegué del trabajo, alimenté al gato, tomé un baño y me fui a dormir.

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