Just a friend Çeviri İspanyolca
5,514 parallel translation
Or do you think he meant that I was a girl that's just a friend?
¿ O crees que se refería a que yo era una chica que solo era su amiga?
He said it was just a friend from high school.
Dijo que era sólo una amiga del instituto.
She's just a friend...
Barry is just a friend.
Barry es solo un amigo.
She's just a friend.
Es solo una amiga.
Just a friend.
Solo un amigo.
The man you thought he was working with turned out to be just a friend from AA.
El hombre con el que pensaban que trabajaba resultó ser solo un amigo de Alcohólicos Anónimos.
Just a friend?
¿ Sólo una amiga?
In fact, someone liked me enough to get all those people back together again just'cause his friend was suffering and he wanted to help.
De hecho, a alguien le gustaba suficiente, para reunir a todas esas personas de nuevo, solo porque su amigo estaba sufriendo, y quería ayudarlo.
If I ever did get to the front of the line... I'd just call my mom... pretend like I was talking to a friend.
Si alguna vez llegaba a la primera de la fila, llamaba a mi madre, fingiendo que hablaba con alguna amiga.
I've got this Hindu friend who's getting married to a guy just to get a buttload of money from her parents.
Tengo un amiga hindú que se va a casar con un hombre solo para conseguir un montonazo de dinero de sus padres.
Friend of mine was just found shot to death.
Acaban de encontrar a un amigo mío muerto de un disparo.
Oh, I don't know. Just trying to make a certain friend of ours jealous?
No lo sé. ¿ Intentando poner a cierto amigo nuestro celoso?
They wanted me to go in for more tests... and I found myself asking Emma's advice, just as an old friend and a doctor.
Querían que fuera para más pruebas... y me encontré a mi mismo pidiéndole un consejo a Emma. Solo como una vieja amiga y doctora.
I've just spoken to a friend of mine at the Planning Department, and it turns out that the beach where Colin bought his bar was only ever SUSPECTED of being a turtle nesting site.
Acabo de hablar con un amigo del departamento de planeamiento, y resultó que la playa donde Colin compró su bar fue sólo sospechada de ser un sitio de anidación de tortugas.
I was just visiting a sick friend of mine not too far from here.
Estaba vistitando a un amigo enfermo. no muy lejos de aquí.
A friend just won't hold it against you if you don't.
Un amigo no tendría que reprochártelo si no lo haces.
Maybe I could, uh, sleep in my friend Bitch-Slap's car, or I could just make a tent from a stick and a bed sheet.
Tal vez podría dormir en el carro de mi amigo abofeteado, o podría hacer una tienda con un palo y y una sábana.
No, it's just a little bon voyage for our friend Regina.
No, solo es una pequeña despedida para nuestra amiga Regina.
We were just re-Nuri and Matt, a Libyan and his American friend to visit.
Éramos sólo re-Nuri y Matt, un libio y su amigo americano para visitar.
- Don't blame yourself, April. You were just trying to help a friend.
Solo tratabas de ayudar a una amiga.
I just want to thank you for being such a good friend to haddie.
Solo quiero darte las gracias por ser tan buena amiga de Haddie.
I won't call you, I won't come to your door, but if you and your family ever need to talk, you just need a friend if things get to be too much, call me.
No te llamaré. No iré a tu casa, pero si en algún momento tu familia necesita hablar o... si necesitas un amigo porque las cosas te superan, llámame.
She's just a very good friend.
Es solo una muy buena amiga.
Oh, he wants me to friend him on Facebook, follow him on Twitter, and he just posted a photo of my mouth on Instagram.
Quiere que lo haga mi amigo en Facebook... que lo siga en Twitter, y acaba de postear... una foto de mi boca en Instagram.
Okay, so, you just sprinted out of your office, got stuck in a real "which-way dance"... shoved your friend aside so you could manufacture a fake "which-way dance"... with a girl who was not moving.
Vale, así que, has salido corriendo de tu oficina, para atascarte en un "baile qué camino" de verdad... has empujado a un lado a tu amigo para que puedas elaborar un "baile qué camino" falso con una chica que no se estaba moviendo.
Look, I'm just trying to let you know what's going on with me as a friend.
Mira, solo trataba de contarte qué pasa conmigo como amigo.
I just... you know, I'm never gonna be the friend you want me to be, all right?
Solo... ya sabes, nunca voy a ser el amigo que quieres que sea, ¿ vale?
Well, I just paid a man 300 bucks to fix two lights and, uh, break one of my friend's hearts.
Bueno, acabo de pagar 300 dólares a un amigo por arreglar dos luces... y, romper el corazón de uno de mis amigos.
Just today I ran into a friend at the grocery store and she was all, "Oh, you must be so excited about becoming a grandmother."
Justo hoy me crucé con una amiga en el supermercado y decía, "Debes estar muy emocionada sobre convertirte en abuela".
A friend just won't hold it against you if you don't.
Un amigo acaba de no tomará ninguna represalia contra usted si no lo hace.
I just called a friend at the FTC.
Acabo de llamar a un amigo en la FTC.
Well, that's a solid offer, friend, but like I said, I'm just passing through. Thanks for the pie and the coffee.
Esa es una buena oferta, amigo pero como dije, solo estoy de paso gracias por el pastel y el café.
And I'm sorry, you know, this... this wasn't about my issues with JT, it's just that he and my best friend would be devastated if anything ever happened to Vincent, a-and I don't know how to help.
Y lo siento, ya sabes, esto... esto no era por mis problemas con JT, es solo que él y mi mejor amiga estarían destrozados si algo le pasara a Vincent, y no sé cómo ayudar.
I just need you to be a true friend, and I need you to just... just support me.
Sólo necesito que seas un amigo de verdad, y necesito que tú sólo... me apoyes.
We may not have been seeing eye-to-eye but I just betrayed my friend.
Puede que no nos estemos viendo a los ojos pero yo solo traicione a mi amigo.
This is just the result of a wild night out with a friend.
Este es el resultado de una noche salvaje con un amigo.
I just want you to know that, you know, it kills me having to act like I'm just a guy friend around you.
Solo quiero que sepas que me mata tener que actuar como un simple amigo a tu alrededor.
... are you sure you did everything you did for Wade today just to show him what a good friend you are?
¿ Estás segura que todo lo que has hecho hoy por Wade - era sólo para mostrarle lo buena amiga que eres?
You know, a lesser-evolved friend might just punch you right now.
Ya sabes, una amiga menos evolucionada podría simplemente golpearte ahora mismo.
Look, just tell your new friend or who ever she is...
Mira, dile a tu nueva amiga o lo que sea...
Maybe he just needed a friend.
Quizás solo necesitaba un amigo.
I just came to tell you that my friend sitting over there... She thinks you're the most good-looking man in this bar.
Solo vine a decirles que mi amiga, la que está sentada allá... piensa que eres el hombre más guapo de este bar.
You know, you can't just say I'm your best friend when you want to vent about guys and then pull mom rank just because you learned how a broom works.
Sabes, no puedes decir que soy tu mejor amiga cuando quieres hablar de chicos sólo porqué sabes como funciona una escoba.
Okay, you can sell me out to Theodore, or you could just be my friend.
Okay, me puedes vender a Theodore, o puedes ser solo mi amigo.
But I picked up the keys at her trailer park. Just you or your friend vince as well?
No recuerdo el nombre, pero fui a buscar las llaves a su camping para caravanas.
She was just a good friend to Blue.
Solo era una buena amiga de Blue.
I just had a chat with an old friend of mine, a Brigadier General in the Swiss Army.
Acabo de hablar con un viejo amigo mío un General de Brigada del ejército suizo.
Actually, I just talked to a friend in drug squad
De hecho, acabo de hablar con un amigo de la brigada antidrogas
I just texted my friend Kamal.
Acabo de escribirle a mi amigo Kamal.
He's a very good friend of mine and I just wondered if you'd be kind enough to do us a huge favour...
Él es un muy buen amigo mío y me preguntaba si serías tan amable de hacernos un gran favor...
just answer the questions 19
just a little 454
just a man 25
just a joke 49
just answer me 27
just a reminder 42
just answer the question 165
just a second 863
just a sec 327
just a moment 860
just a little 454
just a man 25
just a joke 49
just answer me 27
just a reminder 42
just answer the question 165
just a second 863
just a sec 327
just a moment 860
just asking 127
just a minute 1540
just ask 167
just a bit 103
just ask him 36
just after 43
just answer 21
just a few days 42
just a little bit 285
just a few 66
just a minute 1540
just ask 167
just a bit 103
just ask him 36
just after 43
just answer 21
just a few days 42
just a little bit 285
just a few 66