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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ K ] / Keep them closed

Keep them closed Çeviri İspanyolca

122 parallel translation
I want you all to close your eyes for a moment and keep them closed.
Quiero que todos cierren sus ojos por un momento y que los mantengan cerrados.
Keep them closed.
Mantenlos cerrados.
- What for? You know what for. Keep them closed.
- Kilo.
From now on we will keep them closed.
Desde ahora la deberemos tener siempre cerrada.
- You must remember to keep them closed.
Tienen que acordarse de mantenerla cerrada.
And keep them closed till you hear from me.
Bien. Y que sigan cerradas hasta que yo les diga.
Keep them closed up there.
Diríjanse hacia esas rocas.
Keep them closed.
Los ojos cerrados.
Now, you blink your eyes twice and keep them closed.
Ahora, parpadeas los ojos dos veces y los cierras.
Let's keep our eyes closed, let's keep them closed.
Mantengamos los ojos cerrados, mantengámoslos cerrados.
But I can't keep them closed forever.
Pero no siempre será así.
And keep them closed.
Y mantenlos cerrados.
- Keep them closed.
- ¡ Mantenlos cerrados!
You know, it's funny, a quarter used to keep them closed in high school.
Qué curioso, en el instituto unos billetes te los mantenían cerrados.
Keep them closed!
¡ Vamos, cerrados!
- Keep them closed!
¿ Cómo te fue? No los abras.
keep them closed. now... open them.
No abras los ojos Ahora... abrelos.
Keep them closed.
No los abra.
- Keep them closed.
- No los abras.
- And keep them closed.
Y no los abras.
He couldn't keep them closed.
Recógelo manana.
Frankie Lips. He could never keep them closed, remember?
Un bano caliente y un whisky, y te sentirás como nuevo.
Keep them closed.
Manténlos cerrados.
Keep them closed.
Mantén los ojos cerrados.
Please, keep them closed!
¡ Déjenlos cerrados!
He got on top and jammed his knees on either side of my legs to keep them closed.
Se sentó sobre mí con las rodillas a ambos lados de mis piernas.
- Keep them closed! - All right.
¡ No los abras!
Keep them closed.
No los abras. No los abras.
- Okay. Keep them closed. All right.
No los abras.
Ok, mantenlos cerrados
Keep them closed...
Mantenlos cerrados...
Keep them closed.
Mantenlos cerrados. De acuerdo.
And keep them closed.
Y déjalos cerrados.
Keep them closed. Keep them closed.
No los abras.
- Keep them closed.
- Mantenlos cerrados.
Keep them closed!
No los abras!
Keep them closed!
¡ No los abra!
- Keep them closed.
- Manténgalas cerradas.
- Keep them closed.
- Sí. - No los abras.
- Keep them closed for me.
Muy bien. - Déjalos cerrados.
Keep them closed.
No los abras.
Keep them closed.
Manténgalos cerrados.
Keep them closed
Déjalos cerrados.
- Keep them closed!
- ¡ No los abras!
Please keep all the windows closed and if anyone asks for me, tell them I'll be back this weekend.
Haz el favor de tener cerradas todas las ventanas, y si alguien pregunta por mi, le dices que volveré el fin de semana.
Allowed them to keep their doors closed in hurricane season.
Me golpearon con mucha fuerza. No debiste dejarla con la puerta cerrada.
Nobody visits them and they're ashamed. They keep their eyes closed, but they're not really sleeping.
Como nunca va nadie a verles, les da vergüenza... y están con los ojos cerrados.
- That's right, so... be cool. Keep them under there, and keep your sweater closed.
Déjatelos ahí debajo y ciérrate el jersey.
Keep those eyes closed, or lll staple them shut.
No abras los ojos, o te los sello.
Just tell them to keep their eyes closed.
Diles que cierren los ojos.
The most important thing... is that you keep your eyes closed during the ceremony... because if you open them, whatever spirits we're speaking to... will permanently remain trapped between worlds forever.
Lo más importante... es que tengan los ojos cerrados durante la ceremonia... porque si los abren, el espíritu con quien estemos hablando... quedará atrapado para siempre entre ambos mundos.

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