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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ K ] / Keep it that way

Keep it that way Çeviri İspanyolca

1,364 parallel translation
And I intend to keep it that way.
Y pretendo mantenerlo así.
As far as I know, no one's dead yet, and I intend to keep it that way.
Hasta donde yo sé, nadie ha muerto aún y pienso mantenerlo así
- Let's keep it that way.
Mantengámoslo así.
Keep it that way.
Sigue así.
Well, keep it that way.
Se queda aquí.
This is a nice neighbourhood. Let's keep it that way.
- ¿ No es asombroso?
My father doesn't know about this meeting, and I'd like to keep it that way.
Mi padre no sabe de esta reunión. Que continúe así.
It's what people say we're fightin'for. To keep it that way.
Dicen que por eso estamos peleando, para conservarla así.
It was still only a war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia... and on the 29th of July, as the shells fell on Belgrade, there was a final attempt to keep it that way.
Era todavía una guerra sólo entre Austria-Hungría y Serbia y el 29 de julio, mientras las bombas caían sobre Belgrado, hubo un último intento de mantenerla así.
Keep it that way. Ain't gonna be no fucking tonight.
Pues mas te vale que sigas siéndolo.
- Let's keep it that way!
- Dejémoslo así!
If you ever manage to process its raw, liquid form, you gotta keep it that way.
Si consigues procesarlo en bruto, es decir, en forma líquida, debes mantenerlo así.
Let's keep it that way, François.
Mejor así, François.
I need you all to keep it that way.
Necesito que los mantengas alejados.
We have a vital, thriving community and I say we have to keep it that way.
Tenemos una comunidad muy viva y próspera y tenemos que mantenerla así.
We didn't kill none yet, let's keep it that way.
¿ Si hasta ahora no hemos matado a nadie, por qué hacerlo justo ahora?
Some of them were virgins, and I wanted to keep it that way. "
Algunas eran vírgenes, y quise que siguieran así ".
Well, keep it that way.
Bueno que siga así.
- Keep it that way.
- Manténgalo así.
Well, let's keep it that way.
Bien, dejémoslo así.
- They should keep it that way. - Keep it this way? Not... not rebuild it.
que deberian mantenerlo asi mantenerlo asi.. no reconstruirlo..
- Let's keep it that way.
- Mantengámoslo así.
You. Can we keep it that way?
Usted. ¿ Podemos mantenerlo entre nosotros?
I want to keep it that way.
Prefiero seguir así.
We got everything locked down, but I'm not sure how long I can keep it that way.
Ya cerramos todo pero no sé cuánto tiempo podamos hacerlo.
It's that I do like the way I look, and I'd like to keep it that way. That's why Revivatin is for me.
Por eso quiero seguir así, y por eso uso Revivatin.
And it is my job to keep it that way.
Y es mi trabajo mantenerlo de esa forma.
And I'd like to keep it that way.
Y quiero que siga siendo así.
Keep it that way.
Ni deben decir nada.
I'd like to keep it that way.
Trato de mantenerla apartada.
I want to keep it that way.
Quiero que lo sigan haciendo.
And that as mayor, you intend to keep it that way.
Y que, como alcalde, tienes la intención de mantenerlo así.
A pesar del descubrimiento, pretendo mantenerla así.
- Keep it that way.
- Que siga así.
The doorway was designed to keep it that way.
El portal fue diseñado para mantenerlo de esa forma.
- Let's keep it that way.
- Quiero que siga así.
And they wanna keep it that way, Brisc.
Y ellos quieren que sea así, Brisc.
- Good. - Let's keep it that way.
- Bien, que siga así.
He's dead now, it's your job to keep it that way.
Él está ahora muerto, su función es mantenerlo muerto.
I wanna keep it that way.
Quiero que siga así.
Let's keep it that way. Sergeant?
Dejémoslo así. ¿ Sargento?
That-a-way, Zoe. Keep it going. PROBST :
Sigue así.
I keep my word to myself, too. I've told nobody nothing, and I've told nobody nothing, and that's the way it is.
- No le he dicho nada a nadie, eso es así.
But I think if we'd have sat down..... and calculated we were gonna make history, we'd have... I'd have certainly worn a better outfit, put it that way. I may have gone to bed earlier and tried to keep Liam off the sauce.
Si nos hubiéramos sentado y calculado... que íbamos a hacer historia... digamos que me hubiera vestido mejor... me hubiera acostado más temprano y tratado de que Liam no tocara la salsa.
Yes, they thought about it, but they decided they are going to keep it that way. What do you think?
- qué piensas tu?
Let's keep it that way.
Aléjate de su camino.
Well, if it was me, why would I keep that screw driver way over there in that glove compartment, when he could keep it right by his side, right there in the door side pocket, nice and handy?
Bueno si fuera yo porque guardaría el destornillador en la guantera cuando lo podía tener al lado o en el bolsillo de la puerta a mano.
Remember what it was like to make a film about something that you loved. Have the confidence to do it your way, to control your vision, keep it your own. I mean, that's....
Recuerda cómo es hacer un filme sobre algo que amas tener la confianza de hacerlo a tu modo de conservar tu enfoque y no cambiarlo.
There's no way that Art can keep up with the meatloaf orders and make it to his prayer group by nine.
No hay forma de que Art entre en razón con los pedidos de carne para tenerlos a las nueve, para su grupo de oración.
Well, I keep myself to myself. I prefer it that way.
- Yo prefiero preocuparme de mis cosas.
Of course, you and I know that's not the truth. But that's the way it always plays, doesn't it? And assholes like Lewis keep feeding the flames.
Tú y yo sabemos que no es verdad... pero así parece.... y estúpidos como Lewis alimentan el fuego... debe irritarlo.

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