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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ L ] / Let him out

Let him out Çeviri İspanyolca

3,457 parallel translation
Well, the camera's motion-activated, and there's no time code, so I checked cell records from the first time he dialed his brother until the cops let him out.
Bueno, la cámara se activa con el movimiento, y no hay código de tiempo, así que comprobé los registros telefonicos desde la primera vez que llamó a su hermano hasta que le sacaron los policías.
His parents wouldn't let him out of the house.
- Sus padres no le dejaban salir.
Just don't let him out of your sight.
No lo pierdas de vista.
No, he'll-he'll probably just let him out when he gets far enough away.
No, probablemente le dejará ir cuando esté suficientemente lejos.
We should probably let him out.
Probablemente debamos dejarle salir.
Don't let him out of your sight
No lo perdáis de vista.
They won't let him out on bail?
¿ No le van a dejar salir en libertad bajo fianza?
- Don't let him out.
- No le dejes salir.
Don't let him out of your sight.
No lo pierdan de vista.
He promised he would just leave if I let him out.
Prometió que se iría si lo soltaba.
Don't let him out.
No lo dejes salir.
Don't let him out.
No le dejes salir.
But I don't understand why they haven't let him out.
Pero no entiendo por qué no le han dejado salir.
You've got to let him out.
Tiene que dejarlo salir.
Let him out yourself, then.
Déjele salir usted misma, entonces.
Let him out.
- Déjalo salir.
You let him out!
¡ Lo has dejado salir!
Somebody opened the door and let him out.
Alguien abrió la puerta y le dejó salir.
We can let him float a little Bit before we vote him out.
Podemos hacerle flotar un poco más antes de expulsarle.
Let him just chill out for a while.
Denle tiempo para que se tranquilice.
Hey, forget him. Let's get out of here.
Olvídalo, vayámonos de aquí.
Yeah, because you let him off the hook, as was pointed out by everyone with Internet access.
Sí, porque fuiste suave con él...
Let's hear him out.
Vamos a oírle.
So, did you let him go out with Amy?
¿ Lo dejaste salir con Amy?
Think we can let your brother off with a warning, but keep him out of trouble.
Creo que podemos dejar a tu hermano irse con una amonestación. pero mantenlo alejado de problemas.
Let's get him out.
Vamos a sacarlo.
Well, if he starts slacking off, let me know and I'll straighten him out.
Bueno, si empieza a flojear, házmelo saber y lo voy a arreglar.
Do you know she actually suggested that I let her sneak the baby out one day and get him baptized.
¿ Sabes que ella en realidad sugirió que le permitiera sacar a escondidas al bebé un día y bautizarlo?
Let me guess. Percy found out, and while it's not quite treason it was close enough for him to blackmail genius dude.
Adivino, Percy se enteró, y aunque no era una traición era suficiente para chantajear al genio.
No, I'm - - I'm giving him some space, you know, and let him work it out on his own.
No, estoy... le estoy dando un poco de espacio, ya sabes, dejando que lo solucione él solo.
Yeah, Ronnie, let's knock him out.
Sí, Ronnie, ¡ vamos a noquearle!
Reagan, I'm sorry, but we cannot let him walk out of here.
Reagan, lo siento, pero no podemos dejarlo salir de aquí.
- Let's check him out... hey!
- Vayamos a echarle un vistazo...
Bueno, no deberías dejarlo averiguar que estabas aceptando sobornos, ¿ no, Patrik?
You're being catty, Cece. Are you gonna let him go out with Nadia?
Estás siendo sarcástica, Cece. ¿ Le vas a dejar salir con Nadia?
Let me out of here right now, or I'll hurt him!
¡ Dejadme salir de aquí ahora mismo, o le haré daño!
Let me out of here, or I'll hurt him!
- ¡ Dejadme salir de aquí o le haré daño!
- You're really going to let him go out there alone?
- ¿ Lo vas a dejar ir solo?
All right, let's get him out of here.
De acuerdo, saquémosle de aquí.
Let him figure it out.
Deja que se de cuenta.
But I'll tell you something- - if I find out who's doing this, I'm not gonna let him get away with it.
Pero le diré algo... si encuentro al que está haciendo esto, no dejaré que se salga con la suya.
They're just gonna let him walk out.
Van a dejar que se vaya.
The Gandhi approach : we sit back, let him bleed out. Situation resolved.
El estilo Gandhi : nos sentamos, y dejamos que se desangre.
He's not going to let us out of here... Unless, maybe, we help him.
No va a dejarnos salir de aquí... a no ser, quizás, si le ayudamos.
Let me keep smoking him out.
Déjame seguir provocándolo.
Log him out, Deepak, and don't let him back in.
Ficha que ha salido, Deepak, y no le dejes volver a entrar.
Probably best just to let him tire himself out.
Lo mejor será dejarlo hasta que se canse.
All right, let's get him out here, boys.
Muy bien, vamos a sacarlo de aquí, chicos.
Well', let's bring him out.
Bien, que salga aquí.
Out of... courtesy, I let him know when I'm coming over.
Por... cortesía, le hago saber cuándo voy a venir.
Come on, guys, let's hear him out.
Vamos, chicos, - vamos a escucharlo. - Gracias.

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