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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ L ] / Let him through

Let him through Çeviri İspanyolca

501 parallel translation
Let him through!
¡ Apartaos!
Let him through.
Que pase.
Don't let him through.
Que no vuelva a salir.
Let him through. Don't shove. Well?
- Dejadle pasar.
- Let him through.
- Déjelo pasar.
They let him through the city gates without question.
Lo dejaron pasar las puertas de la ciudad sin hacer preguntas.
Let him through.
Dejadle pasar. - Arre, Dolly.
Let him through.
Dejen paso.
Let him through.
¡ Sinvergüenza descarado!
That's all right, let him through.
Déjelo pasar.
Why did you let him through?
¿ Por qué le dejaron llegar hasta aquí?
Let him through, boys.
Dejadle pasar, muchachos.
Come on, let him through!
¡ Vamos, déjenle pasar!
- Let him through. - "Come on"! Move aside, dwarf! - I can't!
- Deja pasar. - ¡ No puedo!
- Let him through, Ramón!
- ¡ Déjale, Ramón!
- They always let him through. - Who is he?
- Siempre le dejan pasar.
Clear the way! Let him through!
¡ Déjenlo pasar!
To let him through, or not.
si dejamos pasar al chico, o no!
To let him through, or not.
dejarle pasar, o no dejarle pasar!
All right, let him through! That's enough now!
Vale, dejadlo pasar.
Let him through.
Déjalo pasar.
Let him through.
Déjenlos pasar.
- They let him through.
- Se lo han permitido.
"Let's climb directly through the gorge that is the only way we can still beat him."
Subamos directamente a través del desfiladero... es la única vía por donde aún podremos superarle.
Ve con el director. Dile que abra las puertas y nos deje pasar.
We can't let him get away in the crowd! If he slips through now...
No debe salir ahora cuando todos se marchan.
And the minute he comes through that door, let him have it, boys!
Si alguien atraviesa la puerta, disparad.
Tell him to let it through.
Dile que lo deje pasar.
Maybe the police thought the sea air would do him good. Come on, let's get our baggage through the customs.
Vamos a pasar el equipaje por la aduana.
Raven got those, and then you let him slip through your fat fingers.
Eso lo consiguió Raven y luego lo dejó escapar.
Let him alone. I wanna see if I can send him through the door without opening it.
Déjele, le haré salir sin abrir la puerta.
If you've got to go through with this, you can at least let him alone, can't ya?
Si van a seguir con esta sucia farsa, suéltenlo a él al menos.
Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host that he which hath no stomach to this feast, let him depart.
Más bien proclamadlo, a través de mi Ejército : aquél que no tenga estómago para esa batalla, dejadlo marchar.
Simply let him come through.
Simplemente, dejen que pase.
and let him have some plaster or some loam or some rough-cast about him to signify wall ; and let him hold his fingers thus and through that cranny shall Pyramus and Thisby whisper.
y démosle yeso o ladrillos para..... que lo parezca ;..... y que ponga los dedos así..... para que Pyramus and Thisby murmuren.
He's fired, through! Don't ever let me see him again!
¡ Usted también está despedido!
Let open the gate, I intend to give him through the bars
No hace falta que abra la puerta de la celda.
Then let's give him a surprise. Let's send our tanks and blow a hole through that infantry.
Pues enviemos nuestros tanques para dividir su infantería.
Never let him catch you walking through the library.
No dejes que nadie te coja pasando por la biblioteca.
I nearly said, "I can't go through with this. Let's find Tony and tell him all about it."
Por poco te digo que no podía más que se lo dijéramos a Tony...
Let him get through the barrier?
¿ Dejar que atraviese la barrera?
Whether I would have been able to let you go through with hanging him.
Si hubiera sido capaz de dejarte colgarlo.
But I let him have it with my ship's knife, right through his crocodile belly.
Pero él también lo pasó mal, con mi cuchillo marino le atravesé su asqueroso vientre.
Once he comes through this door, don't let him turn around.
Cuando pase esta puerta, no dejes que se gire.
He's been through so much. Why don't you let him go?
Ha sufrido mucho, ¿ por qué no le dejan en paz?
- You can let him through, it's alright.
- Está bien, déjale pasar.
Then let's see this through, to remain true to him.
Entonces lleguemos hasta el final. Seamos fieles.
Then, let the murderer be borne through sands... and rocks and wilds... till thirst and hunger, and scorching suns... kill him piecemeal!
¡ Que el caballo lleve al asesino por arenas, rocas y zonas agrestes... hasta que la sed, el hambre y el sol abrasador... lo maten lentamente!
You told him to let nobody through.
Le dijiste que no dejara pasar a nadie.
Let him through!
Dejadlo pasar.
Let him through, Eddie.
Déjale que pase, Eddie.

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