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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ L ] / Let him die

Let him die Çeviri İspanyolca

993 parallel translation
Don't you let him die!
¡ No le dejes morir!
" You can't sit here and let him die!
¡ No puedes sentarte aquí y dejarle morir!
Let him die! "
¡ Que muera!
Please don't let him die.
Por favor, no lo dejes morir.
I can't let him die.
No puedo dejarle morir.
Your majesty, God won't let him die.
Su majestad, Dios no va a dejarlo morir.
Oh, I won't let him die!
¡ No lo dejaré morir!
Would you let him die by the swords of traitors?
¿ Dejará que Io maten espadas traidoras?
Oh, God, don't let him die.
Dios, que no muera.
You can't let him die.
¡ No le deje morir!
You won't let him die?
- ¿ Le dejará morir?
Let him die, without a fight?
¿ Que le deje morir sin luchar?
- Let him die!
- ¡ Que se muera!
Don't let him die!
¡ No lo deje morir!
If he is dying, have at least the pity to let him die in peace.
Si se está muriendo, tengan la piedad de dejarle morir en paz.
- Could we let him die believing that none of us cared whether he lived or not? Why not?
- Creyendo que a alguien le importaba.
Let him die in the next edition.!
- ¡ Que muera en la siguiente edición!
Saint Anthony, I beseech you. Bring him back. Don't let him die.
San Antonino, te lo suplico, haz que reviva, que resucite.
- Then let him die in peace.
- Lo dejaremos morir en paz.
- You ain't gonna let him die, are you?
- No lo vas a dejar morir, ¿ verdad?
Oh, Lord, you ain't gonna let him die.
Ah, Señor, no lo vas a dejar morir.
You would not let him die cursing your name.
No le deje morir maldiciendo su nombre.
Throw him on a bonfire and there let him die!
¡ Échenlo en la hoguera para que muera!
You let him die.
Pero no lo hizo, y dejó que muriera...
You can't just let him die like this.
No pudes dejarlo morir así.
I won't let him die slowly of love, Dancaire.
No dejaré que se nos muera de amor, Dancaire.
I wish I'd let him die of thirst when he came here.
Ojalá le hubiera dejado morir de sed cuando llegó aquí.
Let him die.
¡ Que se muera!
All right, if that's the way you want it, Let him die up there.
Si quiere eso, déjelo morir allí.
Let him die.
Deje que muera.
- The guy wants to die, let him die.
- Quiere morir. Déjalo morir.
- You can't let him die!
- ¡ No puedes dejarle morir!
Don't let him die. Right, Maxi?
No debe morirse, ¿ verdad, Maxi?
Please, please don't let him die, if you are the man.
Por favor no lo dejes morir, si eres ese hombre.
He shall not be left here, and I shall not let him die.
No lo dejaremos aquí, ni permitiremos que muera.
Let me die. Put him back in his cell.
Métanlo a la celda.
Let us contemplate in its mystery how our Lord, Jesus Christ being sentenced to die bore with great patience the cross which was laid upon him for his greater torment and ignominy.
Contemplemos en su misterio como nuestro Señor, Jesucristo, habiendo sido sentenciado a morir cargó con gran paciencia con el peso de la cruz que le impusieron para su gran tormento e ignominia.
Let me die for him.
Déjame morir por él.
If you let him escape to a foreign country you'll be guilty of treason, and you'll die for it.
Si lo deja escapar a otro país será culpable de traición y morirá por ello.
He'll die. I won't let him go.
No dejaré que se vaya.
And I pray to him not to send you a son... for he'll only grow up to torment you... and let you die every Sunday afternoon... just as you are dying now.
Y le ruego que no te envíe un hijo varón... porque sólo crecerá para atormentarte... y dejar que mueras cada domingo por la tarde... tal como estás muriendo ahora.
If he has a gas mask, he'll die of starvation before I let him out.
Si tiene una máscara de gas, morirá de hambre antes de que lo deje salir.
I'm in love with one of them. I'd die before I'd let anything happen to him.
Estoy enamorada de uno de ellos... y moriría antes que dejar que le ocurra algo.
Lydia, I tell you, he's going to die, and I let him go.
Lidia, te digo que va a morir, y lo dejé ir.
You're not gonna let him die. Let me go out to the sleigh and get him.
No irá a dejarle morir.
Can't just let him lie there and die.
No podemos dejarle morir ahí.
Well, I'm not gonna let him lie there and die.
No voy a dejar que muera.
We can't let him lie here and die.
No podemos dejarle ahí y que muera.
If you let him live... your wife will die.
Si lo deja vivir, su esposa morirá.
Is there no pity in your nod that he would let you die for him?
¿ Qué piedad es la de tu dios que te deja morir?
He will not let me touch him, milady, but he'll die from loss of blood if we leave him.
No deja que lo toque, mi señora, pero morirá de hemorragia si lo dejamos.

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