Seems to me Çeviri İspanyolca
6,855 parallel translation
I-I don't want to sound cold, but it seems to me that the system did what it was supposed to do.
No quiero sonar frío, pero a mí me parece que el sistema hizo lo que se suponía que hiciera.
Well, seems to me like she's kind of reaching out to you.
Bueno, parece como si estuviera queriendo arreglar las cosas.
Seems to me the only thing left for us to agree on, Harvey, is my starting salary.
Me parece que es lo único que nos queda por acordar, Harvey, es mi salario inicial.
Seems to me you did pretty well by Voldemort.
Me parece a mí que a ti te fue bastante bien con Voldemort.
Seems to me you got no proof.
A mí me parece que no tienen pruebas.
But it seems to me there's a hell of a paper trail that ties you two together.
Pero al parecer hay un montón de putas pruebas que os relacionan.
So, it seems to me that you can't open it without me but I can open it without you.
Así que, no puedes abrirlo sin mí... pero yo puedo hacerlo sin ti.
But it seems to me like it won't pay to go straight at them when they're casting a shadow this much bigger than ours.
Pero me parece que no "paga" ir directos contra ellos... cuando proyectan una sombra mucho mayor que la nuestra.
Beth contacts you and then, Sammy sends a message to Beth, so it seems to me that they knew each other.
Beth contacta contigo y luego, Sammy manda un mensaje para Beth, así que a mí me parece que se conocían.
Seems to me being a soldier's a pretty sweet job. I mean, what, you work for a couple years, you go straight into your pension.
O sea, trabajas un par de años, y cobras tu pensión del tirón.
It seems to me, on my side of the canyon, that the search for unity with another is the font of much of the world's unhappiness.
Creo, desde mi lado del cañón, que la búsqueda de la unidad con otro es la fuente de mucha de la infelicidad de este mundo.
It seems to me that she's incrementally less content each time she returns from one.
A mí me parece que está progresivamente menos satisfecha cada vez que vuelve de uno.
Just that it seems to me, you don't need a microchip in your brain to be programmed.
Me parece que no necesitas un microchip en el cerebro para ser programado.
Whoa! Whoa. I have dated my share of limo drivers, and it seems to me that your luxury vehicle license is out of date.
He salido con los suficientes conductores de limusina como para saber que tu licencia de vehículo de lujo está caducada.
Hey, look, I know how terrible this whole experience has been for you, but it seems to me like something good could come out of this.
Eh, mira, se lo terrible que esta experiencia ha sido para ti, pero parece que algo bueno podría derivarse de esto.
Well, it seems to me the problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so full of passionate certainty.
Bueno, me parece que el problema con el mundo es que tontos y fanáticos están siempre tan llenos de certidumbre apasionada.
Mattia, Mattia, the brawny gentleman seems to me to be hostile.
- ¡ Mattia! - No entendí que has dicho. El robusto me es hostil.
It seems to me there are too few symbols or something.
Me parece que hay demasiados pocos símbolos o algo.
- Well, it seems to me that that heroin's still 1,000 Miles away from being in my possession, which means you ain't delivered shit yet.
- Bueno, me da a mí que aquella heroína está a 1.000 millas de estar en mi posesión, lo que significa que tú no has entregado una mierda.
Well, um... It seems to me you should have always been wearing it that way.
Bueno... me parece que deberías haberlo tenido siempre así.
Look, I know I haven't been around a lot lately, and... maybe it seems like I don't care, but I want you to know that... there's nothing more important to me than you... or your mom.
Mira, ya sé que no he estado mucho por aquí últimamente, y... quizá parece que no me importa, pero quiero que sepas esto... no hay nada más importante para mí que tú... y tu madre.
Threaten me with rape, murder, and then admitting to boosting some wallets seems tame by comparison.
Amenazarme con la violación, el asesinato... y después admitir haber sacado algunas carteras... parece menos en comparación.
That seems a little unfair to me.
Eso me parece un poco injusto.
Seems everybody wants to lock me up.
Parece que todos quieren encerrarme.
I mean, that seems fair to me I mean, that seems like a fair way to divvy it up.
A mí me parece justo. Me parece un reparto justo.
I mean, like, sure, sometimes, I got angry, like, it seems like a pretty crazy way to get my attention but also I promise my anger just never felt like a priority.
Seguro, algunas veces me enojé es una manera muy loca de captar mi atención pero mi enojo nunca fue la prioridad
Considering the evidence presented, it seems clear to me that Mr. Tiller acquired the derivative work created by Mr. Rowby Canton.
Considerando la evidencia presentada, me es claro que el Sr. Tiller adquirió el trabajo derivado creado por el Sr. Rowby Canton.
Seems pretty simple to me.
Parece bastante sencillo para mí.
It seems rather warm in here to me.
Parece bastante caluroso aquí para mi.
It seems rather warm in here to me.
Parece bastante caluroso aquí para mí.
George seems rather dull to me.
George me parece bastante aburrido.
Well, it seems impossible for the staff here to think any less of me.
Me parece imposible que pueda caer más bajo para el personal de aquí.
Still, I'm wondering if anything we discussed seems to resonate with you on a personal level?
Todavía me pregunto si algo de lo que hablamos concuerda contigo a un nivel personal.
He seems harmless to me.
Me parece inofensivo.
It all seems a bit forced to me.
Me parece un poco forzado.
- Seems a bit stiff to me.
- A mí me parece un poco rígido.
It seems like an admission of guilt to me.
A mí me parece admisión de la culpa.
Seems like a fairly trite matter compared to what I have on my plate right now.
Me parece un asunto bastante trillado en comparación con lo que tengo en mi plato ahora mismo.
I am ready to cajole, betray, but it seems that I am told that it will not be.
Estoy lista para engatusar, traicionar, pero parece ser que me han dicho que no va a ser así.
I don't know why that guy seems so familiar to me.
No sé por qué ese tío me parece tan familiar.
It seems I will be going off to England no matter what I think.
Parece que me iré a Inglaterra sin importar lo que piense.
And given the letter will only be read after I've been sent to my lonely grave, well, it hardly seems to matter, does it?
Y dado que la carta solo será leída después de que me hayan mandado a mi solitaria tumba, bueno, apenas importa, ¿ no?
Well, "shits" seems a bit over the top, maybe they've had problems, and it's too easy to demand a clampdown.
Pedazo de mierda me suena un tanto excesivo... Tal vez tuvieron dificultades. Es fácil desembocar en un justicialismo exasperado...
Seems like a pretty horrible way to go.
Me parece una forma bastante horrible para ir.
You know, $ 10 million seems like a lot of money to pay for nothing.
, diez millones de dólares me parece demasiado dinero a cambio de nada.
Well, I am one, and it seems pretty clear to me that you're just defending your home against an intruder.
Bueno, yo lo soy, y me parece que está bastante claro que usted defendía su hogar de un intruso.
Seems like a perfect plan to me.
Parece un plan perfecto para mí
Seems like the Magpie guy to me.
A mí me parece que es La Urraca.
And Gay has confirmed that it seems to have certain geological features which would suggest it was buried above the KT Boundary.
Y Gay me ha confirmado que parece tener ciertas características geológicas que indican que fue enterrado sobre la "Frontera KT"
It's just, my mom always seems to pawn me off on her friends that have boats when she's working her case.
Es solo que, al parecer mi mamá siempre me abandona con sus amigos que tienen barcos cuando trabaja en su caso.
Because none of this seems normal to me.
Porque nada de esto me parece normal.
seems to be 24
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
mexico 335
metro 61
menu 31
merci 624
melanie 499
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
mexico 335
metro 61
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merci 624
melanie 499