You put Çeviri İspanyolca
96,391 parallel translation
Can you put the roof back up for me?
¿ Pueden volver a poner el techo?
Which means you simply aren't ready for what happens when you put your foot down.
Lo que implica que uno realmente no está preparado para lo que pasa... Cuando aceleras a fondo
The way it works is you put your foot on the throttle and brake at the same time, and the car's computer works out exactly how many revs you need and exactly how much wheelspin to give the car
Se pone el pie en el acelerador y en el freno a la vez... La centralita del auto deduce exactamente cuántas rpm necesitas... Y exactamente cuánta fuerza de giro darle a las ruedas...
Why don't you put down those guns, and let's talk this out before things get ugly.
¿ Por qué no bajan esas armas y hablamos de esto antes que las cosas se pongan feas?
Firstly, you put two hot stones into the rear legs, and a big stone in the butt.
Primero, pones dos piedras calientes en las patas traseras y una piedra grande en el trasero.
Then you put some meat, then two or three stones, then more meat, and more stones, until it's full.
Luego pones carne seguida de dos o tres piedras, luego más carne y piedras hasta llenarlo.
You put the pig in a barrel with boiling water, and shave off its hair.
Pones al cerdo en un barril con agua hirviendo y le rasuras el pelo.
You put it on the pole, then put in the spices.
Lo pones en la barra y le pones los condimentos.
After that, you put it over the coals, and start rolling.
Luego lo pones sobre el carbón y comienzas a girar.
Why would you do that? You put your personal libido in front of busting a thief.
Es, uh... por lo que podrías escuchar
You make plans, you put them in motion, and then you inform me after the fact.
Haces planes, los pones en marcha y me informas después que terminan.
I can see you put a lot of thought into this.
Veo que preparaste muy bien tu regalo.
Did you put a towel or anything underneath her?
¿ Pusiste una toalla o algo por debajo?
You can't put cars on that, can you?
No puedes poner autos en eso, ¿ no?
You're gonna sleep a lot better at night knowing that your Italian car was actually put together by the Japanese.
Es decir, vas a dormir mejor por las noches... Sabiendo que tu auto italiano... Fue ensamblado por japoneses
And it is impossible for that not to put you in a good mood.
Y es imposible que eso no te ponga de buen humor
I mean, if you've got the money to buy that, you could buy the Jag and still have £ 130,000 to spend on a PR agent to put you on breakfast TV talking about how great you are.
Es decir, si tienes el dinero para comprar ese... Puedes comprar el Jag y quedarte con 130 mil libras... Para contratar un representante que te ponga en la televisión matinal...
But, uh, if you're not willing to put the work in, you really are just wasting your time.
Pero si no estás dispuesta a esforzarte, en realidad, solo malgastas tu tiempo.
You're a remarkable girl and I have no doubt you'll be able to elude my men for quite some time, and even put up quite a fight when you're eventually captured.
Eres una chica extraordinaria y no dudo de que serás capaz de eludir a mis hombres durante bastante tiempo, e incluso de resistirte bastante cuando al final te capturen.
Is this another one of the measures the Android put in place before you took over?
¿ Es esta otra de las medidas que la Androide puso en marcha antes de que tú tomaras el control?
You've put one of my crew members at risk.
Pusiste en riesgo a alguien de mi tripulación.
Convince me, because if you don't, I'm gonna put a bullet in your head, and end you!
Convénceme porque, si no, te dispararé en la cabeza para terminar contigo.
Put that thing down before you hurt someone.
Guarda eso antes de que lastimes a alguien.
Do you know that when Four downloaded his old memories, he started avoiding me, almost like he knew something about my past and he didn't want to put himself in a position so he'd have to tell me.
¿ Sabes que cuando Cuatro descargó sus antiguos recuerdos, empezó a evitarme? Casi como si supiera algo sobre mi pasado y no quisiera estar en la posición de tener que decírmelo.
You can, put it in the garage.
Puedes estacionaria en el garaje.
I will put a bullet in whatever body part you touch her with.
Meteré una bala en cualquier parte del cuerpo con que la toques.
Right where you're standing... when they put a gun against his head.
Justo donde tú estás... cuando le apuntaron con un arma a la cabeza.
What, you didn't see anybody put it up?
‐ ¿ No viste quién lo puso?
No matter what happens, you stay put till I get back.
Sin importar lo que pase, quédate donde estás hasta que regrese.
You're just going to put your head down and...
Vas a agachar la cabeza y...
They put it on every Saturday and every Sunday, you know, for us patrons.
Sacan la parrilla los sábados y los domingos para los clientes.
When you make a fire, and put children of different nationalities around, you can guess which one is the Armenian.
Si haces un fuego y pones niños de diferentes nacionalidades alrededor puedes adivinar cuál es el armenio.
You have to be eager, put your soul into it, to make the khorovats tasty.
Debes ser entusiasta, ponerle el alma para que quede rico.
That's the best thing, that you make it with your own hands and put your soul into it. And then enjoy it with your friends and family.
Eso es lo mejor, que lo haces con tus propias manos, lo haces con el alma y lo disfrutas con tus amigos y familia.
No, we need to get to Texas, so can you please put $ 500 in my PayPal account?
No, tenemos que llegar a Texas, ¿ puedes, por favor, ingresarme 500 dólares en mi cuenta de PayPal?
Well, you might as well put a bowl of ramen in front of me.
Bien podrías poner un tazón de ramen frente a mí.
A package came for you. I put it on your desk. It smells musty.
Llegó un paquete para usted, lo puse en su escritorio.
He's put a lot of time into you.
Invirtió mucho tiempo en ti.
You didn't just put Sweeney out of the race. You crushed his spirit.
No solo sacaste a Sweeney de la carrera, aplastaste su ánimo.
About that clerkship, you can put that - out of your mind.
Sobre la secretaría, puedes olvidarla.
Never bent. I bet you'd like to put me in that hole... like you used to do it.
Apuesto que te gustaría meterme en ese hueco...
You and Axelrod entered into a criminal conspiracy to bribe Marc Capparello for inside information on the deliberations of the Location Committee and where they were gonna put your casino.
Axelrod y tú se pusieron de acuerdo para sobornar a Mark Capparello ilegalmente para tener datos confidenciales sobre las decisiones del comité de ubicación acerca de dónde colocarían tu casino.
If you cross him, he'll put a fucking ding in your universe.
Si lo desafías te fastidia todo tu universo.
Mafee's not dumb, he's not soft, but he didn't understand or wasn't willing to put on paper what you needed him to put on paper.
Mafee no es tonto ni débil. Pero no comprendió cómo o no quiso hacerlo plasmar en papel lo que querías que ponga.
- I have to put my name on it. - Yeah. Would that be a problem for you?
Sí, ¿ eso sería un problema?
I was hoping you would put in a word.
Esperaba que pudiera interceder.
It's not a possibility that a mother and a child might be put out is of no concern to you?
¿ Es posible que no te preocupe que una madre y su hijo puedan ser expulsados?
What's gonna happen when your honorable citizens can't put their kung pao chicken on the table and start to question this communist-capitalist shit swirly you've been serving up?
¿ Qué pasará si tus honorables ciudadanos ya no pueden comer pollo kun pao y cuestionan tu mezcla rara de comunismo y capitalismo?
If you go through with this and your husband decides to put up a fight, you will be branded as a whore.
Si sigue adelante con esto y su marido decide presentar pelea, será etiquetada como una puta.
You'll put Mr Finch off his stride.
Desconcentrará al Sr. Finch..
Did you see him put anything in the tea you gave Zafar?
¿ Lo viste poner algo en el té que le diste a Zafar?
you put the 16
puta 30
put your coat on 23
put your 20
puto 26
putt 36
putting 65
put your hands up 343
put it down 1121
put your back into it 52
puta 30
put your coat on 23
put your 20
puto 26
putt 36
putting 65
put your hands up 343
put it down 1121
put your back into it 52
put it on me 21
put it out 105
put it up 74
put your hands in the air 121
put the phone down 76
put him through 93
put it in 97
put it back 246
put him on 122
put me down 388
put it out 105
put it up 74
put your hands in the air 121
put the phone down 76
put him through 93
put it in 97
put it back 246
put him on 122
put me down 388