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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ L ] / Let him down

Let him down Çeviri Fransızca

991 parallel translation
We will not let him down!
Nous n'allons pas l'abandonner!
Are you going to let him down?
Vous allez le laisser tomber?
And I can't let him down.
Je ne peux pas le laisser tomber.
And I'm never going To let him down.
Je ne le décevrai jamais.
I'm never going To let him down.
Je ne le décevrai jamais.
Let him down on this side.
Descendez-le par ici.
Johnny thinks that the Mick is his best friend because he's never let him down.
Johnny croit que Mick est son ami parce qu'il ne l'a jamais laissé tomber.
If you let him down now, you'll kill all his respect.
Sinon, il ne te respectera plus.
You can't let him down.
Vous ne pouvez pas le décevoir.
Let him down easy. Easy now.
Descendez-le doucement!
You know The Green Dolphin be waiting at the sea coast for this timber. Captain O'Hara is expecting me. I can't let him down!
Le Dauphin Vert attend le chargement et le capitaine O'Hara compte sur moi.
- I let him down?
- Je l'ai déçu, hein?
But we can't let him down now.
Mais on ne peut pas l'abandonner maintenant.
You can't let him down, Del, any more than I can.
Vous ne pourrez le laisser tomber, tout comme moi.
I can't let my son think I let him down.
Bien sûr. Je ne veux pas décevoir mon fils.
And even then I didn't let him down.
Même là, je ne l'ai pas laissé tomber.
The way you let him down!
- Sûr, tu le roules toujours!
You wouldn't want to let him down, would you?
Tu ne veux tout de même pas Ie décevoir?
And when that let him down too, he just couldn't take it.
Quand elle aussi l'abandonna, tout en lui se brisa.
I let him down.
Je l'ai laissé tomber.
Put him on that train to hell, and let him... ride, let him ride on down by himself.
Mettez-le dans le train pour l'Enfer! Qu'il s'en aille! Qu'il s'en aille tout seul!
Let him down.
Bring him down to the village and let's take him home.
Ramenez-le au village, chez lui.
Don't let him get his head down!
Ne le laisser pas piquer tête en bas!
- You trusted him and he let you down.
- Tu croyais en lui et il t'a déçue.
Come on, let's sit down. I will tell you about him.
Venez vous asseoir, que je vous raconte son histoire.
It isn't love to let him drag you down to his level.
Ce n'est pas de l'amour de vous rabaisser à son niveau.
You take him down below and let him bend on some of your clothes.
Va en bas avec lui et donne-lui des vêtements.
Don't let him stay down there and tell all other fish what going on.
Le laisse pas prévenir ses copains!
Don't let him on, fools! We shall all go down!
- Ne le laissez pas monter, imbéciles!
Let me slap him down.
Je vais régler son sort.
I think it was sweet of Paul to let us have his tickets after you turned him down.
Paul Clark a été gentil de nous donner ces billets.
Let's climb down his chimney and scare the pants off of him.
Passons par sa cheminée pour lui ficher la trouille.
That must be the little cutie who let him down so hard. The German offered 20 marks if we could get info about her cheating before.
Ça doit être la jolie fille qui l'a laissé tomber.
Let's flag him down.
Yes. I came down to ask him to come to bed... to let his experiment wait until morning.
Je suis descendue pour lui demander de venir au lit... et de remettre son expérience au lendemain matin.
If you think theJaps have a radar fix on him, let me go up. I can lead him down.
Si vous pensez que les radars Japs l'observent, laissez-moi aller le chercher.
If you run into him, don't let me down, will you?
Donc si vous le rencontrez, ne me trahissez pas!
Good, let him relieve me down here.
Dans ce cas, qu'il me remplace.
Just paced up and down in the library, hour after hour. I begged him to let me in, but he wouldn't!
Il a arpenté la bibliothèque pendant des heures sans vouloir me laisser entrer.
Let's hope the liquor doesn't run out and start him down the cellar for more.
Espérons qu'on ne tombe pas à court de boissons. Je n'avais pas pensé à ça.
Let every soldier hew him down a bough and bear't before him.
Que chaque soldat coupe une branche d'arbre et la porte devant lui!
- Let me at him...! - Calm down!
- Juste un coup, et un vrai.
I suppose we'll have to let him in before he breaks the door down.
Il faut ouvrir avant qu'il ne défonce la porte.
No matter how my feelings toward him change I still can't let Jonathan down, can I?
Mon cœur peut changer, je vais pas le laisser...
- Let's try to calm him down, we'll get something out of it.
Calmons-le, on obtiendra quelque chose. Venez avec nous.
Let me use the wagon and take him down.
Laissez-moi l'emmener dans le fourgon.
Let's turn him upside down.
He won't let me down. First time I felt ready, I asked him for a job, and what happened? He offered me one, didn't he?
Dès que je lui ai demandé un travail, il m'en a offert un.
Please don't let him get to my father! They'll drag me down, like they did with Kathy!
Ils vont me faire comme à Kathy, je le sais!
- Let him come down and read it.
- Qu'il vienne lire ça!

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