And at the end Çeviri Portekizce
2,247 parallel translation
And at the end of the day, and you have to admit this, I disay, I love you.
E afinal, tens de admitir que disse : "Amo-te".
And at the end of that day, my son was born, and my husband lived.
No final do dia, o meu filho nasceu e o meu marido sobreviveu.
And at the end of this saga... everyone pressures me to drop the lawsuit.
E, no fim disto tudo, todos me pressionaram para desistir da queixa.
And at the end of the day, that's all that really matters to me.
E no final das contas, é tudo o que realmente importa para mim.
And at the end of the process of repentance, what happened then?
No final do processo de arrependimento, o que ocorria?
And at the end of the day, the voters will decide who best can represent this party in the polls.
E no fim do dia, os votos decidem quem melhor representa o partido.
And at the end of the day, he told me my mother had left.
E no fim do dia disse-me que a minha mãe tinha partido.
You give me two weeks, just two, and at the end of that time, anyone who wants to resign will receive severance pay and a glowing letter of recommendation.
Dão-me duas semanas, só duas, e no fim desse tempo, quem quiser demitir-se, receberá uma indemnização e uma brilhante carta de recomendações.
And at the end of the day, do you know what you get?
E ao fim do dia, sabes o que ganhas?
It actually does work, and at some point we detach, and the ship's million-year-old structural integrity gives, and we end up vaporized.
Se funcionar, e em algum momento desacoplarmos, e a integridade falhar nessa nave de 1 milhão de anos, e seremos vaporizados.
And she has the dilemma at the end when the relationship finally culminates and becomes very serious then she's the one who has to make the ultimate choice.
No fim, ela sofre o dilema quando a relação finalmente culmina e torna-se séria. Depois, é ela quem tem de tomar a derradeira decisão.
And then at the end, he uses the American pistol to off himself.
E depois, no fim, ele utiliza essa pistola para se matar.
At the end at the movie, a man want up to the front and began to speak and it felt like be was talkingto me.
- No final do filme, um homem foi à frente e começou a falar, e...
Well, at the moment we are transporting food primarily by aeroplane and the days of this being possible are coming towards an end not only because we could have a big eruption that could stop flights in the Northern Hemisphere for perhaps 2-3 years
No momento estamos a transportar comida principalmente por avião e os dias disto continuar a ser possivel está a chegar ao fim. Não só porque podemos ter uma grande erupcção que pare voos em cima do hemisfério norte durante 2 ou 3 anos.
They are here to perform their studies together during a few short weeks at the end of March and the beginning of April.
Estão aqui para realizarem os estudos em conjunto, durante algumas semanas, no fim de Março, início de Abril.
I was enjoying the massage, everything had gone very, very well, but then at the end he just leaned down, and he gave me a big kiss on the arse.
Estava a desfrutar da massagem. Estava tudo a correr muito bem. Mas então, no fim, ele inclinou-se e deu-me um grande beijo no rabo.
And once I find out what's at the end, I'll figure it out then.
Eu descobrirei, e pelo menos eu saberei.
And if I happen to get a new car at the end of the day, then so be it.
E se aparecer com um carro novo no fim do dia, que seja.
And how did you manage to take care of Sarabeth at the end?
I mean, especially when you go through a corner like that at that speed, and... and you're not sure if the rear end's gonna stick or not, and you lose control, and th you put the throttle down, and the car corrects a little bit, and you take it to the limit and you don't lose control, you just grab it.
Especialmente quando se entra numa curva a essa velocidade e não temos a certeza se a traseira vai aguentar ou não, e perdemos o controlo e ainda aceleramos mais, e o carro reequilibra-se um bocadinho e levamo-lo ao limite,
And Tripp says the last time she was seen was boarding a bus at the end of the school day on Friday.
Tripp disse que foi vista pela última vez embarcando num ônibus no fim do dia de aula na sexta-feira.
Max's attorneys point the finger at Sean, Sean's attorneys point at Max and in the end, they both walk. Yep, that could happen.
O advogado do Max acusa o Sean, e o advogado do Sean acusa o Max, e no final os dois saem livres.
At the end of the day, I got nothing left, and they're just laying there like "Clockwork Orange."
No final do dia, não aguento mais, e elas deitadas lá tipo "Laranja Mecânica".
To get ulcers and pull my hair out and worry and doubt myself and then at the end of it all, have the rug pulled out from under me?
Ter úlceras e puxar o cabelo e preocupar-me e duvidar de mim e no fim de tudo, puxarem-me o tapete debaixo dos pés?
I took a bullet out of your chest, and... and all I can remember are... Bits and pieces, and the bits and pieces I do remember, uh, come back at very inconvenient times so, um, end of story, okay?
Eu tirei-te a bala do peito, e a única coisa de que me lembro são partes e fragmentos, e as partes e fragmentos de que me lembro, vêm-me à cabeça em alturas muito pouco convenientes,
Now, we're almost at the end, and you're still up.
Estamos quase a acabar e ainda estás acordada.
At the end I and women like me pay the price.
Depois, as mulheres como eu é que pagam.
Carnac, over 3,000 megalithic stones are placed in rows over two miles long. The Carnac stones were hewn from local rock formations and erected between 4,500 to 2,500 BC, at the end of the Stone Age.
Há mais de 3000 pedras megalíticas alinhadas em filas de 3 km as pedras de Carnac foram extraidas de formações rochosas locais e erguido entre 4.500-2.500 AC, no final da Idade da Pedra.
Now, I can fit you in this afternoon at 2pm and have you walking out of here - by the end of the week.
Opero-o às 14 : 00 e sai daqui a andar antes do final da semana.
SUNDAY And so the book is reaching the end, but at least, concerning the narration, this is not going to be sustained until the end.
Então o livro está-se a aproximar do fim. Mas, pelo menos no plano da narração, não se vai manter até ao fim.
The world that maybe some people dreamt of... at that conference back in Bournemouth when... it looked as if maybe history would end, that liberal democracy would triumph, that free market economics would... slowly progress and we'd have a New World Order.
O mundo que talvez algumas pessoas sonharam nessa conferência de volta em bournemouth quando parecia que talvez a história terminaria, que a democracia liberal seria o triunfo, que a livre economia de mercado seria avançar lentamente e nós teríamos uma nova ordem mundial.
Part of a crew that we tied into the bank job at North End and at least three other armored car robberies.
Fazem parte da equipa que ligamos ao assalto ao banco na zona norte e a pelo menos 3 assaltos a carrinhas de segurança.
And that at the end of that evening I was the first boy to Catherine Hale... ever'r bed had been invited.
No final daquela noite, eu seria o primeiro homem que Catherine Hale convidava para a sua cama.
Maybe his finger lights up at the end when he reaches out and touches?
E se a ponta do dedo dele acender quando ele o esticar e tocar?
I want you taking at bats off the 1 Oth and 11th pitcher by the end.
Quero-os a dar tacadas com o 10º e 11º lançador no final da liga.
But at the end of the day, you're our lieutenant and we take our orders from you, sir.
Mas, afinal de contas, o senhor é o nosso tenente e as nossas ordens vêm de si.
At 7 : 00 tonight the armed forces of the United States began an operation at the direction of the President to force Saddam Hussein to withdraw his troops from Kuwait and to end his occupation of their country.
Às 7 : 00 horas de hoje à noite as forças armadas dos Estados Unidos iniciaram uma operação sob a ordens do Presidente para forçar Saddam Hussein a retirar suas tropas do Kuwait e para acabar com sua ocupação do seu país.
One day soon, he'll tire of me and I'll end up at the bottom of the lake with the fish.
Um dia em breve, ele vai cansar-se de mim e eu vou acabar no fundo do lago com os peixes.
And I just visit them and then I end up at Brown the day before school starts.
E visitei-os e acabei em Brown no dia antes de começarem as aulas.
So I've got about 250 grand and another 350 and some change waiting for me at the end of this road.
Então eu tenho cerca de 250 mil dólares e outros 350 mim e alguns trocos esperando por mim no final dessa estrada.
I do not know what witchcraft's in him, but your soldiers use him as the grace before meat, their talk at table, and their thanks at end,
Não sei que bruxaria há nele, mas os vossos soldados usam o seu nome para a prece antes de comer, para a sua conversa à mesa e para o agradecimento no final.
I remember the first time that we played that song, right at the end of it, I remember he sort of ran away and ran around the corner.
Lembro-me da primeira vez que tocámos aquela música, mesmo no seu final, lembro-me que ele se afastou e correu para o canto.
Naught point lots more naughts then a number and some sort of percent at the end.
Um zero ponto uma data de zeros, um número e uma percentagem no fim.
If you look at the increasing complexity of civilisation, what you can see towards the end of the classic Maya period is the enormous amount of effort being put in to build palaces and temple precincts that are controlled entirely by the nobility
o preço aumenta. é um enorme esforço de construção de palácios e templos que eram controlados pela nobreza.
Biologists have pointed out that these engineering approaches is all very well, and the engineers can try to treat life as though it were some sort of computer or engineering substrate, but ultimately the microbes are going to end up laughing at them. That life doesn't work like that. I think the problems we're seeing now, whether we're talking about hunger and massive inequity, or climate change or the loss of biodiversity, have been driven over the last 200 years by a system of over-production of stuff
Os biólogos dizem que não há problema com esta abordagem de engenharia e que um engenheiro pode tratar a vida como se fosse um substrato informático. porque a vida não funciona assim. têm sido criados nos últimos 200 anos por um sistema
We need to begin by saying we are at the end of a failed experiment, and it's time to say goodbye to it. It's an economic experiment, it's a technological experiment, it's been going on for a couple of hundred years, and it's not worked.
Temos de começar por dizer que estamos no fim de uma experiência fracassada que dura há 200 anos e que não funcionou.
Well, in slopestyle, you are scored on your tricks on the rails, and the jump you pull at the end.
Bem, no Slopestyle, tu estás a marcar nos teus truques pelos trilhos, e o salto puxa-te até ao final.
And you come home at the end of the day and you're surrounded by people who give a shit about you.
Chegas a casa no final do dia, e estás rodeado por pessoas que querem saber de ti.
Well, you're at the tail end of puberty and you're under the stress of final exams, worried about going to college.
E com o stress dos exames finais. Preocupado com a universidade.
Those are big numbers for any study. And in the end of the day, when we did all these correlations in this book here, and we looked at the number of them that were statistically significant, it was between about 8,000 to 9,000.
Um número grande para qualquer estudo, e no fim do dia, quando pusemos todas as correlações neste livro, víamos os números com maior importância estatística.
At the end of five years, we had follow-up angiograms, and 11 of the group had halted their disease.
Depois de cinco anos, tínhamos muitas angiografias e em 11 do grupo a doença havia estagnado.
and at the end of the day 45
and at the time 25
and at the same time 75
and at that point 38
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at some point 42
and at one point 16
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the time 25
and at the same time 75
and at that point 38
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at some point 42
and at one point 16
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the moment 21
and at that moment 25
and at 97
and at last 16
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the end of the world 18
at the end of the month 17
at the end of the night 25
at the end of the 17
and at that moment 25
and at 97
and at last 16
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the end of the world 18
at the end of the month 17
at the end of the night 25
at the end of the 17
the end 682
the end is near 23
the end justifies the means 17
the ending 24
the end of the world 62
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
the end is near 23
the end justifies the means 17
the ending 24
the end of the world 62
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and all this time 50
and all the while 36
and all that stuff 21
and all of a sudden 204
and as you can see 106
and all of you 28
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and all this time 50
and all the while 36
and all that stuff 21
and all of a sudden 204
and as you can see 106
and all of you 28
and above all 105
and also 645
and actually 119
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and after 142
and all because of you 16
and all that jazz 24
and also 645
and actually 119
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and after 142
and all because of you 16
and all that jazz 24