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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ D ] / Did she see you

Did she see you Çeviri Portekizce

371 parallel translation
Did she see you?
Ela viu-te?
Did she see you?
- Ela te viu?
Did she see you? No.
Ela viu-te?
- Did you see the way she was going? - Come on, hold onto me, dear...
Apoia-te em mim, querida.
Did you imagine that I didn't know she's been coming to see you?
Acha que eu não sabia que ela o tem visitado?
- I see you've been reading my mail. - Did she really break your heart?
- Leste a minha correspondência, foi?
Mother, did you see what she did?
Mãe, viu o que ela fez?
Did you see how tired she looks?
A menina parece estar esgotada!
- Did you see Frau Rommel? - Yes, she came to stay a week, she and Manfred. - Well, I hope...
Sim, ela e o Manfred vieram por uma semana.
She did not see me tall and straight as you once prophesied.
Ele não me viu alto e elegante como você um dia profetisou.
Gooper, did you see what she did?
- Gooper! - Sim? Gooper, viste o que ela fez?
Did you also see anything that she could have climbed up on
Viu algo sobre o qual ela poderia ter subido?
Did you see the dress she had on?
Viste a roupa que ela tinha vestida?
And there, for the first time, you see it and you say to yourself, " Did she see it?
E ali, pela primeira vez, você entende e você diz a você mesma, " Ela viu isto?
Did she come to see you?
Ela veio falar contigo?
- Where is she? What did you see?
Onde é que ela está?
Did you see her mother when she was here?
Viu a mãe dela enquanto cá esteve?
About your mother, did you see what she just did?
Em relação à tua mãe, viste o que ela fez?
Did you see the fire she's got?
Vais ver o temperamento dela!
Did you see how she was just about popping out of the top of that dress?
Viram como ela estava, quase a cair do vestido?
Did you see that? She answered.
Não me responde.
I asked to what she referred and she said, "You'll see." And I did.
Perguntei-lhe o que queria dizer... e ela respondeu : "Verá." E assim foi.
Did you see how she moved?
Viu como ela deveria ter feito?
Did you see the note she left?
- Viu o bilhete que ela deixou?
Did you see what she did? [BLOWS RASPBERRY]
Viste o que ela fez?
You can't go and see that woman after what she did to us.
Não queres ir procurar essa mulher... depois do que ela nos fez!
Did you see her face? You could've put a turd in there and she couldn't gotten a better look on her.
Podias pôr-lhe merda à frente... que ela não mudava de expressão.
Did you see the way she looked at you?
Reparaste na forma como olhou para ti?
Yeah, but did you see the way she said hi to me?
Pois, mas reparaste como me disse "Olá"?
My God, did you see what she did?
Meu Deus, viram o que ela fez?
Did you see Alice Bell there, parading around like she had an alabaster brow?
Viste lá a Alice Bell? A desfilar como se tivesse uma testa de alabastro?
Did you see the way she was hanging on me?
viste como ela estava a dar em cima de mim?
Can't you see she did all this for guys like you and me?
Não percebe que ela fez tudo isto para tipos como você e eu?
Since they did it, you see, they think that you think she's on ice someplace'cause you can't afford to think that she isn't.
Já que o fizeram, estás a ver, eles pensam que tu pensas ela está em algum lugar em gelo. Porque não podes dar-te ao luxo de pensar que ela não está. Entendes?
Did you see what she did?
Viram o que ela fez?
Did you not ask her did she see the baby being carried by the dingo?
Não lhe perguntou se ela tinha visto o bebé ser carregado pelo dingo?
Did she ever tell you she didn't see the baby in the dingo's mouth?
Ela alguma vez lhe disse que não viu o bebé na boca do dingo?
- Did she ever tell you she didn't see the baby in the dingo's mouth?
Ela alguma vez lhe disse que não viu o bebé na boca do dingo?
Did she ever tell you she did not see the baby in the dingo's mouth?
Ela alguma vez lhe disse que não viu o bebé na boca do dingo?
can you not see that she is upset because you and i did not succeed in eloping together.
Não vês que ela está perturbada por eu e tu não termos conseguido fugir?
Did you see the way she looked at me?
Viste como ela olhou para mim?
Did you see the way she was looking at you?
Viu a forma como ela olhava para si?
Did you see how self-satisfied she was just now?
Não vê como ela está satisfeita agora?
See, she couldn't let you keep that bike...'cause if she let you keep that bike, it's like saying... whatever your father did to get the money to buy the bike is okay.
- Sei que fiz besteira. - Besteira... Está bem, estraguei tudo.
Did you see the way she was looking at me?
Viste a forma como ela olhava para mim?
Did you see how she looked in my eyes?
Viste a maneira como ela me olhou nos olhos?
Did you see your mom after she was dead?
Viste a tua mãe depois de morta?
Ela tinha flores.
- She's strong. Did you see her twirling me around out there?
Viste-a rodopiar?
Hey! Did you see how she ran?
Viste como ela fugiu?
Did you see how she ran?

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