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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ G ] / Give me that money

Give me that money Çeviri Portekizce

209 parallel translation
MOOSE : Give me that money.
Dá-me o dinheiro.
- Give me that money!
- Dê-me esse dinheiro! - Como se atreve?
- Give me that money.
- Dê-me esse dinheiro.
Give me that money!
Dá-me o dinheiro!
I'm awful damn sorry you're sick. But you're gonna have to give me that money, like you said.
Lamento que não se sinta bem... mas tem de me pagar.
Give me that money back!
O meu dinheiro.
Give me that money.
Dá-me o dinheiro.
You did give me that money!
Sempre me deu aquele dinheiro!
You give me that money, and I'll give you these jewels.
Dás-me esse dinheiro, e eu dou-te estas jóias.
If you don't give me that money, I'm gonna throw your mother out the window!
Se não me dás o dinheiro, atiro a tua mãe pela janela!
Give me the rest of it. Why, madam, that's my own money.
- Perdóe-me, este dinheiro e meu.
Captain, I demand that that man give me my money.
Capitán, quero que devolva meu dinheiro.
All I'm asking is that you give her the money, let me see her and apologize.
Tudo o que lhe peço é que lhe dê o dinheiro, que me deixe vê-la e pedir desculpa.
- It's a mighty fine thing when a man realizes he's wrong... and tries to correct it in a nice way. - Give me that money.
Dá-me esse dinheiro!
Overseer told me that Master Aaron give her all his bank money.
O capataz disse-me que o Sr. Aaron lhe deu toda a sua fortuna.
You'd better give me the money you won, I'll see that it gets back to the right people.
Dê-me o que ganhou para o devolver.
You know if it wasn't for you all, I'd put that money away or give it to the church.
Sabe, Ruth... Se näo fossem vocês, eu ia me livrar disso ou dar pra igreja.
I'll give you all of the money I've got, that's one and four pence ha'penny, if you'll stop this third degree and let me go inside and get me breakfast.
Dou-lhe todo o meu dinheiro, 1 xelim e 4 cêntimos, se parar com o interrogatório e eu puder tomar o meu café.
Along with that money, let me give you some good advice.
Junto com o dineiro, deixeme dar-lhe um bom conselho.
There's one thing you could do for me. Tell that examining magistrate of yours that nothing on Earth could ever induce me to give money to those precious judges.
Diga ao magistrado que não darei dinheiro... aos preciosos jurados.
That would give me enough to pay you off... And leave me and the missus a little traveling money.
Isso dava-me o suficiente para lhe pagar a divida... e ainda ficar com um dinheiro para viagem para nós.
Yes, lots of people give me money. What, just like that?
Sim, muita gente me dá dinheiro.
I'll give you some machine guns, you give me some money, and that'll be that.
Dou-vos algumas metralhadoras, vocês dão-me dinheiro, e é tudo.
Please, give me the money that you promised me.
Dê-me o dinheiro que prometeu.
♪ Now, give me money ♪ ♪ That's what I want ♪
# Now, give me money # # That's what I want #
- Give me back that money! - Nah!
Devolva o dinheiro.
It's no big deal. Want you to understand that. It don't make no difference to me if you give me the money or not.
Não tem muita importância, Preciso que percebas isso... não faz diferença se me arranjas ou não o dinheiro.
You thought, that when Arnold shots me down, you wouldn't have to give money back?
Pensaste que se o Arnold me matasse, não terias que devolver o dinheiro?
Every Saturday at 2 : 00 Mr. Ross would come in and give me my money. Compliment me upon the amount that I'd written and then we'd both leave. Mr. Ross locking the door afterwards.
Todos os sábados, ás 2 horas, o Sr. Ross entrava e pagava-me, elogiava-me pela quantidade de trabalho que eu tinha feito e depois saíamos os dois, com o Sr. Ross a trancar a porta atrás de mim.
Al, I know this is something that isn't normally done, but I was wondering if you could kind of give me my money back.
Crianças! Os marshmallows estão prontos!
Does that beat trips where you come from? Give me the goddamn money.
É melhor que um trio, não?
Give me my money back! That was willie tanner,
Dê-me o meu dinheiro de volta!
I know he'll give me some money... Just for me to maybe buy a pair of shoes and a nice dress so that the next time he sees me...
Vai dar-me algum dinheiro para eu comprar uns sapatos ou um vestido bonito.
- Give me that money!
- Pai.
That's all I was able to save from the money you give me every morning.
É o que posso economizar sobre o que tu me dás todas as manhãs.
You give me back the jewels... that are rightfully mine, and I'll give you back the money, which isn't.
Dá-me as jóias de volta que são legalmente minhas, e eu dou-lhe o dinheiro de volta.
He said he was gonna give you some money - - - and that you were gonna go away
Ele disse-me que te ia dar algum dinheiro e que tu te ias embora.
- Give me the money. So that we can take care of you.
- Então nós poderemos cuidar de ti.
He agreed to give me the money and I agreed to never again come home and cry so hard that I throw up at the dinner table.
e então eu voltarei aqui e vou derrubar esta maçaneta.
I want you to say it to me once. You came here so that I'd give you money.
Quero que diga para mim... você veio até aqui para que lhe desse dinheiro.
I came here so that you'd give me money.
Vim aqui para que me desse dinheiro.
Then give me the money that I earned.
Então, dê-me o dinheiro que ganhei. - O tanas!
But if you don't give me the money for that check, I guarantee there's a bullet with your name on it in this chamber.
Se não me der o dinheiro garanto-lhe... que tenho uma bala com o seu nome neste revólver!
# Now give me money That's what I want # Now give me money That's what I want
# Now give me money That's what I want
# Yeah, give me money That's what I want # Yeah, give me money That's what I want
# Yeah, give me money That's what I want
# That's what I want Oh, give me some of that money # That's what I want Oh, give me some of that money
# That's what I want Oh, give me some of that money
# Give me money That's what I want # Give me money That's what I want
# Give me money That's what I want
Give me that goddamn money!
Dá-me esse dinheiro!
I change with you, if that man gives you money, then I give you these, children.
Vou trocá-los. E se as pessoas me dão dinheiro, também é para poder dar presentes aos meus filhos.
But I was thinking that you might want to... give me the address of this bar and I would promise to send you the money... and you'd be making our night complete.
Mas estive pensar que talvez quisesse... dar-me o endereço deste bar, eu prometo enviar-lhe o dinheiro... e você tornaria a nossa noite completa.
Just give me the money, chump. - That's right, asshole!
- Passa o dinheiro, imbecil!

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