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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ G ] / Grab him

Grab him Çeviri Portekizce

1,107 parallel translation
Grab him!
You'd grab him, and...
Tu agarrava-lo, e...
This is for your own good. Grab him!
É para o seu próprio bem.
- Grab him!
- Agarra-o!
Grab him!
- Don't grab him like that!
- Não o agarre assim!
There's the bell for the opening round, and Rocky Balboa comes out to the center of the ring. But the Russian, right back into Balboa's corner now. Just grab him!
Rocky vai para o centro do ringue, como o russo, no canto de Balboa.
Reach and grab him!
Vá, agarra-o!
Grab him!
Listen, are you sure that they just meant to grab him?
Ouve, tens a certeza de que só queriam agarrá-lo?
Man, if it was up to me I'd grab him, gun or no gun.
Se dependesse de mim, apanhá-lo-ia com arma ou sem arma.
How'd you grab him?
- Como o apanhaste?
I didn't grab him. I found him.
- Não o apanhei, encontrei-o.
We plan to stake it out. When he shows, we'll grab him.
Vamos vigiá-la e apanhá-lo.
The assassin " s in the cart, grab him
O assassino no carro, pega ele
Go... Grab him
Vão... pega ele
Grab him
Pega ele
Actually, though, I'm hiding in the darkened room, and I grab him just as he hits the mattress.
Mas, na verdade, estou escondida e agarro-o mal ele cai no colchão.
Somebody grab him!
Grab him here.
Põe-o ali.
- Grab him, cut him off.
Take him from behind the arm, I'll grab him from here.
Segura-o por trás do braço, Eu agarro-o por aqui.
All the coach did was grab him, and the guy goes nuts!
O treinador tocou nele e ele enlouqueceu!
I wanted to reach across the counter and grab him by the throat.
Eu queria atravessar o corredor e agarrá-lo pela garganta.
Grab him!
We grab him. We get out.
If he does, grab him. Tie him up, sit on him, whatever it takes.
Se ele aparecer, amarra-o, mete-lhe peso em cima, qualquer coisa.
Grab him, he's getting away!
Não o deixem escapar!
- Lenny, grab him.
- Segura-o!
Grab him!
Grab him.
Rich, grab him.
Rich, agarra-o.
If you don't grab him, someone else will, and you'lI spend your life knowing that someone else is married to your husband.
Se não o agarrares, outra pessoa o fará, e tu passarás a tua vida sabendo que, outra pessoa está casada com o teu marido.
Grab him!
I grab him by the ass and the neck and very quietly I say, "All right, you guinea, you bought it."
Então, seguro-o pelo traseiro e pelo pescoço e digo calmamente, "Muito bem seu badameco, foste tu quem pediu!"
- Grab him! Get him down on the floor!
Obtenha estas pessoas fora de aqui.
- Grab him.
- Agarrem-no.
Grab him!
Grab him, Judas!
Apanha-o, Judas!
Grab him.
All right. You take a ride out there with Johnny Elbows and grab him!
- Então, vais lá com o Johnny e trá-lo!
Then you go and grab him.
Paramos, saímos do carro. e apanhamo-lo.
Rise up and grab that.... Grab that devil by the neck and cast him out.
Levantem-se, agarrem no Diabo pelo pescoço e escorracem-no!
You'll look at the floor because you don't wanna see that fear in his eyes when you grab his face and slam him to the floor and make him cry for his life.
Olhas para o chão, porque não queres ver o medo nos olhos dele quando lhe agarrares na cara e a esborrachares no chão até ele suplicar.
He tried to grab my gun when I was bringing him back.
Tentou roubar-me a arma quando o trazia de volta.
If people would wake up, we'd have the power to grab Carroon now and lock him up.
Se as pessoas acordassem, teríamos poder para apanhar o Carroon e metê-lo na cadeia.
grab rene and warn him.
Procura o René e avisa-o.
vamos esperar até ele baixar o copo, então o apanhamos.
If the mood catches him right, he'll grab your leg and just go to town.
Se ele estiver de bom humor, ele agarrará a tua perna.
We figured he'd grab Itchy... -... and toss him in acid. - Oh, dear.
Pensamos que ele podia agarrar o Itchy e atirá-lo para dentro de ácido.
Tommy and Carbone were gonna grab the outside guard... and make him get us in the front door.
O Tommy e o Carbone prendiam o guarda e obrigavam-no a abrir a porta da frente.

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