Get him in here translate Spanish
555 parallel translation
Get him in here!
Que entre.
Get him in here.
Aunque sea muy guapa.
Wait'til we get him in here.
Espera que entre.
Get him in here... and I'll watch for your drink order at the bar.
Tráelo y yo me ocuparé de las bebidas que pidáis.
How do we get him in here?
¿ Cómo lo vamos a traer hasta aquí?
Let's get him in here, after all we're not keeping any secrets from him now.
Metámosle aquí. Después de todo, no le estamos ocultando ningún secreto por ahora.
- Get him in here, will ya Harold?
- Haga el favor de traerlo, Herrolls.
Pull him out. Get him in here on the double!
¡ Sácalo. ¡ Tráelo aquí a paso rápido!
Yes, sir. All right, get him in here.
Está bien, que pase.
Quick! Get him in here!
¡ Metedle aquí!
Let's get him in here.
¡ Hagámoslo pasar!
The man mentioned in this letter must never get here. Get rid of him!
El hombre por el que pregunta esta carta nunca debe llegar aqui.
And the bridegroom in here if we get him,
El novio aquí, si lo conseguimos, y Nancy aquí.
I let him in here, I'll get him.
Yo me ocupo.
I'll meet you in... Come on, get him out of here. - Wait.
Espera un momento.
When a burglar comes in here and says, "Stick'em up", I get friendly with him.
Si un ladrón entra aquí y dice : "Arriba las manos"... seré muy amable con él. Le diré : "Tome un trago."
Now, get him over here in this bunk.
Bien, ya está vamos a acostarle.
You officially commissioned him to get the stolen stamps back, here in the police headquarters? - Yes, sir!
- ¿ Y le encargó oficialmente aquí, en la Dirección de Policía, que recuperara los sellos?
I could bury him in the arbor where the ground is soft... but how will I get him out of here?
Podría enterrarlo en el cenador ¿ y cómo lo llevo hasta ahí?
Tell him to get here quick and have plenty of gas in his car.
Dile que venga enseguida y que llene el depósito del coche.
The boys will teach you the rules in pantomime. Get him out of here!
Los muchachos te enseñarán las reglas en pantomima. ¡ Llévenselo de aquí!
In time to get him here for the wedding. Why?
Le daré tiempo a llegar a la boda.
Throw him in the boat and let's get out of here. From now on, I'm in charge.
Subidlo y larguémonos, ahora mando yo.
I'll keep him in here till you get Linda on that plane.
Lo mantendré aquí hasta que ustedes suban al avión.
I was wondering if the ends of justice wouldn't be just as well served if I left him here tonight and stop off in the morning and get him.
Me preguntaba si no serviríamos igual a la justicia si le dejara aquí esta noche... y pasara a recogerle por la mañana.
Get him up and let's get him in this chair over here.
Levántelo y póngalo en ese sillón.
Don't let that guy get away. You'd keep him in here if you know your business
Si hiciera bien su trabajo.
They're looking for him If that money popped up here, they'd close in so tight a jack rabbit couldn't get out
Lo están buscando por toda la región, si ese dinero aparece cercarán estas tierras tan bien, que ni un conejo podrá salir.
Nels, you get a sponge, and we make him ready here in the pantry.
Nels, trae una esponja y nosotros lo arreglamos en la despensa.
That's why I'm here in Seville, working my fingers to the bone to get enough money for a bribe to get him out.
Por eso estoy en Sevilla, trabajando duro. Y así conseguir el dinero para sacarlo.
- Tell him to get in here.
- Dile que entre.
We'll get him to do it in just a second here.
Conseguiremos que lo haga en un sólo segundo.
She can get him for you here tonight, and you'll be in the clear!
Ella puede traerlo hacia ti esta noche, y estarás a salvo.
When I'm with him, I get a feeling in here that... That's sort of...
Cuando estoy con él, tengo un sentimiento aquí que...
Why don't you jump in the car and get'em real quick? I'll stay here with him and maybe figure something out.
Yo me quedaré aquí con él y pensaré en algo.
See who boxed in. Get him up here on the double.
Tráelo aquí, aprisa.
Hold my legs so I can get him in here!
Agarra mis piernas.
Go up the trail and get some cover and take a shot at him every once in a while, and make him think we're stuck down here.
Siga el rastro, busque protección, dispárele cada tanto... y hágale creer que estamos atascados.
But you got to keep him in here and stay here with him till I get back.
Pero tienes que tenerlo aquí y quedarte con él hasta que vuelva.
Now, if he gets the westbound train, it'll get him back here in Milburn at 7 : 15.
Ahora, si el tren va con rumbo al oeste, estaría de vuelta aquí, en Milburn, a las 7 : 15.
- They can get him here in 15 minutes.
- Pueden traerle en 15 minutos.
He'd already taken pictures in the morgue, and I was afraid he'd get suspicious if didn't let him come here.
Ya había sacado fotos en la morgue y temí que sospechara si no lo dejaba venir.
Can't see much from here. I'd better get in down there and look at him.
No veo muy bien, será mejor que baje ahí abajo.
I'm not here to try to sell anything, and I'm not gonna peddle anything. But when I tell a client... I can get him space in Hunsecker's column... it's not talk.
No he venido a vender nada a domicilio, pero cuando le digo que puedo meterle en la columna de Hunsecker, no son sólo palabras.
Come in here and get a grip on him, will you?
Ven aquí y controlalo, ¿ quieres?
- Get out of here! Can't you see that she may be tied up with him in these charges. - And, if you- -
Oiga señora Kerry, por el bien de sus esposo si hay otra mujer, debe decírmelo.
Cover the ridge in this end of town and get him out of here.
Cubriremos la loma de esta parte del pueblo. Sacadle de ahí.
We'll get him in here fast.
Lo arrestaremos ahora mismo.
Above all, I want to write him that even if he'll never come, even if he won't fall in love, only because he wrote me the way he did, he made me understand that when I'll get out of here I'll get out to never return.
y le quiero escribir que, aunque él no venga a verme aquí nunca... aunque no se enamorase nunca... sólo por que me ha escrito, así como me ha escrito... me ha hecho entender que... que cuando salga de aquí... lo haré para no volver más.
El clima cambiará, o se acostumbrará a estar aquí - cualquier detalle - y, de pronto, lo verás pavoneándose... como Aly Khan o quien sea que tú quieres que sea.
Get him to fall asleep in here from now on.
Deberías dejar que el niño duerma en su cama.
get him 1464
get him in 33
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get him on the phone 39
get him off me 88
get him out of my sight 28
get him out 288
get him up 219
get him down 71
get him in 33
get him off 84
get him back 65
get him on the phone 39
get him off me 88
get him out of my sight 28
get him out 288
get him up 219
get him down 71
get him away 23
get him in there 30
get him some water 16
get him away from me 19
get him out of here 636
get him outta here 69
get him in the car 26
get him off of me 16
get him out of there 81
get him inside 37
get him in there 30
get him some water 16
get him away from me 19
get him out of here 636
get him outta here 69
get him in the car 26
get him off of me 16
get him out of there 81
get him inside 37
get him out of here now 19
in here 1287
get home safe 49
get her 319
get high 19
get help 103
get here 39
get happy 37
get home 30
get her off 17
in here 1287
get home safe 49
get her 319
get high 19
get help 103
get here 39
get happy 37
get home 30
get her off 17