Get him off me translate Spanish
588 parallel translation
Get him off me!
¡ Quitádmelo de adelante!
Well, get him off me!
¡ Quítamelo de encima!
They don't have tweezers big enough to get him off me.
No tienen pinzas suficientemente grandes para sacármelo.
- Get him off me.
- Quítamelo de enc ¡ ma.
- Get him off me.
Quítemelo de encima.
- Get him off me!
- ¡ Quitádmelo de encima!
Get him off me!
Sacarlo de mí!
Get him off me!
¡ Sacádmelo de encima!
Get him off me!
¡ Quítamelo de encima!
Get him off me.
- ¡ Quítamelo!
Get him off me, goddamnit!
¡ Quítenmelo no joda!
Get him off me!
iQuitadmeIo de encima!
You're trying to tell me you can get rid of the gangster by ignoring him, by keeping him off the front page.
¿ Intentan decirme que pueden deshacerse del gángster ignorándolo? ¿ No poniéndolo en primera plana?
Imagina, intentando decirme... donde desembarcar.
I go to bat for Vanning and I get paid off by taking the rap for him.
Yo bateo por Vanning y me pagan por ir a la cárcel por él.
Oh, I get it. When I wanna walk out, I can be told off, but him...
Cuando yo dije que me iba, me animasteis.
I was wondering if the ends of justice wouldn't be just as well served if I left him here tonight and stop off in the morning and get him.
Me preguntaba si no serviríamos igual a la justicia si le dejara aquí esta noche... y pasara a recogerle por la mañana.
Do you mind if we stop off at the tailors so I can get him to sew my fiddle?
¿ Vamos a un sastre a que me arregle el blindaje?
Mr. Mazard was a very rich man, and you can't tell me you didn't get something off him.
El Sr. Mazard era muy rico, así que no me diga que no le dio nada.
Only last week he slipped me a fin for helping him get some dame off the beam.
Es amigo mío. La semana pasada me pasó una aleta para ayudarle a sacar a una dama de un apuro.
I'd like to see him get plastered like that some night and drive off a cliff.
Me gustaría verlo una noche así y que se cayera por un acantilado.
Alright, go on in and get him.. you don't take no hair off of my scalp.
De acuerdo, entre y lléveselo. Eso no me va a quitar el sueño.
- Ma'll dust me off if I don't get him back!
No es que yo lo quiera. Mamá me mataría si no lo llevara a casa. Soy el listo...
I got on this boat with my husband and they'll see me get off with him.
Me vieron subir al bote con mi marido, me verán bajar con él.
Had to get him off the streets.Let me handle this
No puede estar fuera, déjame a mí.
.. Get him off me, please..
quizás... en el granero... registren todo...
That means he'll have to come through the pass to get here, so I'd like to take a patrol out to Fort Invincible and try and hold him off up there.
Eso significa que tendrán que atravesar el paso para llegar aquí, entonces me gustaría hacer la vigilancia afuera del Fuerte Invencible y tratar de detenerlos allí.
Why didn't you get to know him before marrying me off?
¿ Por qué no le conocisteis antes de casarme con él?
Get off of me, I'll kill him!
- ¡ Dejadme, que lo mato!
Well, you tell him for me that he's gotta get off right now.
Pues dile... Dile de mi parte que tiene que bajar ahora mismo.
He told me that Kogan's men would shoot him off the road if your husband's agents didn't get him.
Dijo que los hombres de Kogan lo sacarán del camino si su esposo no lo detiene.
If you're trying to get me to call him off, let me tell you something.
¡ Y si lo que pretende es asustarme, le diré algo!
Barney began to try to get at me and I fought him off as best I could.
Barney empezó a tocarme y me defendí lo mejor que pude.
Get him on the blower for me as soon as I come off after the first act.
Dile que me llame después del primer acto.
He came at me, insisting that I give him money, even though I told him I didn't have any, and I tried to get the gun away from him and it went off.
Se me acercó, insistiendo en que le diera dinero, aunque le dije que no tenía nada, y al tratar de quitarle la pistola se disparó.
You shall get down off that ladder, and you will go in here and you shall be real quiet until I get rid of him.
Baje de esa escalera, métase ahí dentro y estése callada hasta que me deshaga de él.
Here, help me get these filthy clothes off him.
Ayúdame a quitarle esta ropa sucia.
I've got to get him off-balance, agitated.
Me pareció desequilibrado, nervioso.
Tell him we got a general with them... tell him anything you want, just get that West Point bum off of my back.
... y cuya identidad es secreta. Dile que hay un general con ellos, dile... ... Io que quieras, pero que ese inútil de West Point me deje tranquilo.
Why, I had a subject last year took me an hour just to get him up off his knees.
El año pasado tuve un sujeto que me llevó una hora para ponerlo de pie.
- Tell him to get his hands off me.
- Que no me toque.
So I wanted to get to God to ask him to call it off, but the only way I could was if Angie took me.
Así que quería preguntarle a Dios si podía acabar con esa misión,... pero lo único que he logrado es que Angie me reciba.
- Get him off me!
- ¡ Sacádmelo de encima!
Get - Get him off of me!
¡ Aléjen... aléjenle de mí!
Get him offff off me!
¡ Dígale que me deje en paz!
Get him offff off me!
¡ Quítemelo de encima!
Each time you and me didn't get along, each time you got weary, he'd be there and I'd wonder if you were planning to go off with him or if he'd be telling you not to be a fool.
O si te estará diciendo que no hagas el tonto. ¿ No lo ves, Harry?
Get him off of me!
¡ Quítamelo de encima!
But get him the hell off my back!
¡ Pero explíqueselo para que me dejen en paz!
I'll fix him, so help me, God! Get your goddamn hands off me.
Quítenme las malditas manos de encima.
And then I saw Melandri's car arrive I hid here and saw him get off in a black suit with a collared coat and a bow tie...
Entonces, freno y veo llegar el coche del Melandri, .. me escondo aquí detrás y lo veo bajar todo engalanado, vestido de oscuro, .. abrigo doble pecho, pajarita...
get him 1464
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get him out of my sight 28
get him out 288
get him up 219
get him down 71
get him away 23
get him in 33
get him off 84
get him back 65
get him on the phone 39
get him out of my sight 28
get him out 288
get him up 219
get him down 71
get him away 23
get him in there 30
get him in here 22
get him some water 16
get him away from me 19
get him out of here 636
get him outta here 69
get him in the car 26
get him off of me 16
get him out of there 81
get him inside 37
get him in here 22
get him some water 16
get him away from me 19
get him out of here 636
get him outta here 69
get him in the car 26
get him off of me 16
get him out of there 81
get him inside 37
get him out of here now 19
off me 18
get home safe 49
get her 319
get high 19
get help 103
get here 39
get happy 37
get home 30
get her off 17
off me 18
get home safe 49
get her 319
get high 19
get help 103
get here 39
get happy 37
get home 30
get her off 17