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We had a fight translate Spanish

876 parallel translation
Just now we had a fight and I beat up a whole bunch of guys.
Hace poco hemos tenido una pelea y le he dado una paliza a toda una pandilla.
Well, we had a fight, sort of.
Tuvimos una especie de discusión.
I went down the pier that night to meet Goff. And what happened? ─ We had a fight. ─ George.
Esa misma noche fui al muelle a ver a Goff, y nos peleamos.
We had a fight. I was knocked cold.
Me golpearon y me tumbaron.
We had a fight.
Nos peleamos.
Before he left, he... We had a fight,
Al final... cuando discutía con Ud...
But we had a fight.
Pero hubo un pleito.
Okay, then. We had a fight.
De acuerdo, nos hemos peleado.
We had a fight and were never gonna see each other again.
Peleamos y nunca más nos íbamos a volver a ver.
Today, for example, we had a fight because I refused to read "The Hand of Death"!
¡ Hoy, por ejemplo, ha sido porque yo me he negado a leer "La mano de la muerta"!
And we had a fight over money.
Y nos hemos peleado por dinero.
We had a fight.
Nos hemos peleado.
We had a fight... overyou as a matter off act.
Nos peleamos... por ti, de hecho.
Not just a quarrel or an argument. We had a fight.
No ha sido una discusión normal, sino una pelea.
When he was 16, we had a fight.
Cuando tenía 16 años, nos peleamos.
We had a fight.
Tuvimos una pelea.
We had a fight.
Hemos tenido una pelea.
We had a fight last Sunday.
- Tuvimos una pelea el domingo pasado.
We had a fight tonight.
Nos hemos peleamos esta noche.
I told you we had a fight.
Le dije que discutimos.
In two words, we had a fight, my wife and I.
En pocas palabras, mi mujer y yo tuvimos una violentísima discusión
- We had a fight.
- Nos hemos peleado.
We had a fight and didn't meet for a year.
Tuvimos una pelea y no nos vimos en un año.
Look, I want you to go to a hotel. If anybody asks questions, say that we had a fight and you moved out, but you know nothing about Pete.
Ve a un hotel, si preguntan di que nos hemos peleado.
We had rather a hard fight, you know.
Fue una lucha muy dura, ¿ sabe?
We had to fight our way out.
Y nos obligaron a volar bajo. Debimos pelear para salir.
Then we went for him and had a fight.
Nos echamos sobre él y luchamos.
We had servants, debian us money and went to fight with the Poles.
Tuvimos sirvientes, nos debian dinero y se fueron a luchar con los polacos.
We'll go to the barber I had a fight with.
Vamos a ir al barbero con quien me peleé.
" Naturally, we had no idea that there was a prize fight going on.
" Por supuesto, no sabíamos que había una pelea con apuestas.
The cab simply crawled. We had To fight our way across the curb.
Tuvimos que abrirnos paso a empujones.
We couldn't fight them till we had a legal reason.
No podíamos luchar hasta no tener un motivo legal.
We haven't had a good fight in ages!
Será un buen ejercicio después de todo este tiempo.
It's wonderful. We have money, whiskey and lovely ladies. and just had a beautiful fight.
maravilloso, con dinero, whisky y estupendas mujeres, en este funeral tras Ia pelea, debemos agradecer nuestra suerte.
- After all, we haven't had a fight in weeks.
- No hemos tenido un pleito en semanas.
- We almost had a feast-fight!
- ¡ Casi nos liamos a puñetazos!
We had a fight, sort of.
Tuvimos una discusión.
We had a horrible fight.
Tuvimos la gran pelea.
Anyway, we had a bloody fight... and he ran away.
Como sea, tuvimos una pelea sangrienta... y él huyó.
We had a young chap once he'd killed three sailors with a handspike in a fight on the docks.
Una vez tuvimos a un joven que mató a tres marineros con un gancho en una pelea en los muelles.
You don't understand, sir. We had a right to fight for our rights.
Teníamos derecho a luchar por nuestros derechos.
Well, we had a terrific fight to push it through. I'm on the City Appointing Commission, as you know.
Tuvimos unos líos tremendos, para sacarlo todo adelante.
We forget that the men who started our country... had that same kind of passion that Deong had, and that these other new leaders have, and unless we recognize their fight for independence to be part of our own,
Olvidamos que los hombres que fundaron nuestro país... tuvieron la misma pasión que tenía Deong... y que tienen estos nuevos líderes. Y si no... vemos su lucha por la independencia como parte de la nuestra... los empujamos a buscar comprensión en alguna otra parte.
We even had a big fight when I was very critical of your last film.
Tuvimos una gran discusión porque a mí no me gusto su última película.
We've just had a terrible fight about you :
Tuvimos una escena terrible
We had a championship fight.
Hemos tenido una pelea.
We had another fight, a beaut.
Tuvimos otra pelea fuerte.
That dashed man never could take a decent photograph. Yeah, we got through to the finals. Had a terrific fight.
Hizo ésta en las finales, terriblemente disputadas, hasta el último minuto, cuando Johnson vino...
We had a terrible fight, and he locked me in a closet.
Tuvimos una gran pelea y me encerró en el armario.
- Then we had the fight.
- nos pusimos a reñir.
And then we had a big fight, and I moved here to Lincoln City.
Y luego tuvimos una pelea y me mudé aquí a Lincoln City.

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