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We had a plan translate Spanish

359 parallel translation
If we had a plan.
Si tuviéramos un plan.
We had a plan worked out in January 1943, code-named "The Time."
Especialistas de selección, jaladores de cadáveres, peluqueros que cortaban el cabello de las mujeres, etc.
Come on, Shawn, we had a plan.
Nosotros teniamos un plan. - Exacto. Exacto.
By the time I was ready to leave, we had a plan,
Para el momento en que estuve listo para irme, teníamos un plan.
- No. We had a plan.
- No, teníamos un plan.
We had a plan until you came along and messed everything up, Henri.
Tenía un plan hasta que llegaste tú y lo echaste todo a perder.
We had a plan, didn't we?
¿ Nosotros teníamos planes?
We had a plan.
Eres un gusano, teníamos un plan.
I guess you don't need it now, but... we had a plan too.
Seguro ya no le sirve, pero teníamos un plan también.
We had a plan, then SWAT opened up fire too early... and a perp took out my partner.
Teníamos un plan. Pero SWAT disparó antes de tiempo y el tipo mató a mi amigo.
- We had a plan!
¿ Recuerdas?
We had a plan. You were going to go as Frankenstein. We had a plan.
Teníamos un plan.
I thought we had a plan.
Pensé que teníamos un plan.
So we had a plan three days apart until finals were over... and then we'd have the whole summer together in Palo Alto.
Teníamos un plan. Tres días separados hasta que terminaran los exámenes y luego estaríamos todo el verano juntos en Palo Alto.
Garan, we had a plan.
Garan, teníamos un plan.
El plan va a salir perfecto si tenemos a quien lo haga bien.
We're expecting a backer, so we had to change our plans.
Un patrocinador hizo que cambiara el plan.
We also propose to show, Your Honor, that the defendant, Pinky Johnson... colored... is of a violent nature... quarrelsome, a troublemaker... that she is capable of executing the scheme I have described to you... and that she had every opportunity of doing so.
También demostraremos, Su Señoría, que la demandada, Pinky Johnson... mujer de color... tiene un carácter violento... es una pendenciera, una alborotadora... que es capaz de ejecutar el plan que le he descrito... y tuvo todas las oportunidades posibles para hacerlo.
We had a fairly definite plan mapped out.
Teníamos un plan.
It was all part of a plan we had to prove...
Todo era parte del plan que teníamos para demostrar...
We had met at the Club, made a plan, the usual one :
Habíamos quedado en el Círculo, dónde preparamos un plan que era el de siempre :
We wouldn't get Plan R unless the Russkies had clobbered Washington.
No tendríamos el Plan R a menos que los rusosquis se carguen Washington.
But we also maintain that once our London agents had contacted him, he was used by Control as a weapon, indeed, as a spearhead in Control's plot to incriminate Comrade Mundt.
Pero también sostenemos que una vez que nuestros agentes contactaron, fue utilizado por Control como arma, de hecho como punta de lanza, en un plan de Control para incriminar al camarada Mundt.
Anyway, now that we are here, we had better make a plan.
De todos modos, ahora que estamos aquí, es mejor hacer un plan.
We have a specific plan of action in such circumstances and as soon as the National Guard, who found the body, informed me that this had taken place, those measures went into effect.
Disponemos de un plan específico de acción, para ejecutar en estas situaciones y desde el momento que los guardias nacionales han encontrado el cuerpo y me han informado de ello, el Plan se ha puesto en marcha.
We intended to attack Russia through the Norway, of Narvik, what it led to landing in Narvik, e we had plans stops to attack the refineries of Baku, from the Syrian.
Teníamos el Plan de ir a atacar Rusia a través de Noruega desembarcando en Narvik Teníamos el plan de atacar las plantas petrolíferas de Bakú, desde Siria
We've had our suspicions, Colonel... and now that letter confirms there is a plot to sabotage the LZ 129 on this flight.
Tenemos sospechas, Coronel, que esa carta confirma el plan de sabotaje, al LZ 129 en este vuelo.
The same deal we had with him. - Killing us would be a mistake.
El mismo plan que teníamos es una tontería matarnos
We had a change of plan.
Cambiamos de plan.
But, you see... we had a different sort of plan in mind.
Pero verá teníamos otra idea.
That can be corroborated rather dramatically and we didn't plan it this way, governor, but the floor manager has just handed me a bulletin saying that the Russians had just exploded a hydrogen bomb.
Podemos corroborar eso de forma más bien dramática. No lo habíamos planeado así Gobernador, pero el productor me ha pasado un comunicado diciendo que los rusos acaban de detonar una bomba de hidrógeno.
Therefore, together with other officers, including general Aragão, who had also been informed of the plan, we took action and, on the morning of the 13th, after arriving at the headquarters, I sought one of those officers that were part of the group and asked :
Por ese motivo, yo y otros compañeros, entre ellos el general Aragão, que también se enteró de ese preparativo, reaccionamos y el día 13 por la mañana, al llegar al cuartel-general, yo busqué a uno de los hombres en el grupo y le pregunté :
But we couldn't do it because things were at a standstill in the camp, and because typhus had already broken out.
Hubo un plan, desde enero del 43, cuyo nombre de código era "La Hora".
Besides, we had already agreed on a plan of action.
Además, ya habíamos acordado un plan de acción.
We had such a wonderful plan to break you, Jack.
Teníamos un magnífico plan para quebrarte, Jack.
So we had to come up with a plan.
Hoy no vino, y tuvimos que inventar un plan.
We couldn't afford to be caught with a car full of narcotics, so we had a backup plan in the form of a hole punched in the floorboard of our car.
No queríamos que nos cogieran con el coche lleno de drogas, así que le hicimos un agujero en el suelo.
Hey, baby, you and me, we had ourselves a little plan, remember?
Guapo, teníamos un plan juntos, ¿ recuerdas?
But perhaps we can get out of that by suggesting that language had an early apprenticeship in the form of a kind of sign language, or drawing in the sand, or perhaps language arose before actual speech arose, as a sort of way of talking to yourself to get your thoughts into a logical order, to plan your actions in a logical order, and only later perhaps, did it become externalized in the form of speech using the tongue, lips,
Pero podemos sugerir que tuvo una fase primitiva, como señas, o dibujos en la arena, o tal vez el lenguaje surgió antes de la invención del habla, como una voz interior, un pensamiento para planear las acciones.
If this works out you're to tell the press we had a security agent on the plane as part of our anti-terrorist plan.
Si esto funciona, le dice a la prensa que teníamos a bordo a un agente como parte del plan antiterrorista.
A staff plan, huh? I didn't know we had one.
No sabía que lo tuviéramos.
Everything went off according to our plan we even had him in our trap.
Todo salio de acuerdo a nuestro plan.. .. hasta lo metimos en nuestra trampa.
Magnus had a plan, and we should trust him!
No! Magnus tenía un plan, y nosotros debemos confiar en el.
We had a fuckin'plan!
Teniamos un plan.
This was when we had laid a new plan in our factory
Fue entonces cuando ideamos un nuevo plan en nuestra fábrica
We had not worked out a contingency plan for a war started by North Korea with South Korea.
No habíamos diseñado un plan de contingencia para una guerra iniciada por Corea del Norte contra Corea del Sur ".
We hadn't seen each other for some time and were looking forward to our meeting although I had just shortly before given up my plan to murder him.
No nos habíamos visto durante un tiempo y nos alegramos a pesar de que yo había querido matarle hacía poco.
- Mr. Burns, I'll be honest. We had a hidden agenda tonight.
Sr. Burns, seré sincero, teníamos un plan secreto.
We had five different options for a floor plan.
Teníamos cinco opciones para armar el piso.
We once had a plan to go to Shanghai.
Una vez teníamos un plan de ir a Shangai.
I plan on reliving that night we had, you're going to be sucking my toes again... and if you're really, really good,
- Volverás a lamerme los dedos de los pies. - ¿ Cómo? Si eres muy bueno dejaré que me lamas el ombligo.

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