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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / We had something

We had something translate Spanish

1,672 parallel translation
Kate, we had something great together... and I blew it, and I always regretted it.
Kate, teníamos algo maravilloso juntos... y yo lo arruiné y siempre lo lamenté.
I thought we had something special.
Creí que lo nuestro era especial.
I really thought we had something.
Realmente pensé que teníamos algo.
I thought we had something going.
Creí que había algo entre nosotros.
We had something real.
Teníamos algo real.
We had something.
¿ Sí? Tuvimos algo.
I thought that we had something between us.
- Creía que había algo entre nosotros. - Lo había.
We had something, didn't we?
Teníamos algo, ¿ verdad?
Okay, we had something.
Vale, tuvimos algo.
The more he talked, the more I realized we had something in common.
Cuanto más hablaba, más me daba cuenta que teníamos algo en común.
And then we had something to worry about.
Teníamos un motivo para preocuparnos.
Well, maybe she saw that we had something special.
Bueno, tal vez vio que teníamos algo especial.
I thought we had something special.
Creí que teníamos algo especial.
Because we had something real there.
Porque lo que tuvimos fue real.
We had something here.
Teníamos algo aquí.
I thought we had something in common.
Pensé que teníamos algo en común.
You would see vans like this- - Guys would come from all over the world, sleep in their cars, this and that- - Anything to get a chance to train at Gold's Gym because we had something special here.
Uno veía camionetas así... tipos que venían de todo el mundo, UNETE A ARNOLD dormían en sus autos, esto y eso... cualquier cosa para tener oportunidad de entrenar en Gold's Gym porque teníamos algo especial aquí.
If we'd had more time, we'd have done something a little more grandiose.
Si hubiéramos tenido más tiempo hubiéramos preparado algo un poco más espectacular.
We had some kind of race or something?
Dejando a tus amigas... ¿ Estamos en algún tipo de carrera?
We always had to sneak around like we were doing something wrong.
Siempre teníamos que vernos a escondidas, como si estuviéramos haciendo algo malo.
And just think, if we had boys, you know, you could teach them to play football or something.
Y si tuviéramos sólo varones, podrías enseñarles a jugar fútbol.
When I first started art school, we had an assignment to draw something from our lives.
Cuando empecé en la escuela de arte, nos dieron la tarea de dibujar algo sobre nuestras vidas.
So maybe we'll see something that led an ex-cop to believe a murder had been committed.
Entonces tal vez veremos algo que haya llevado a un ex policía a creer que se cometió un asesinato.
Surely, we would have heard something if he had assembled an army.
Seguramente, habríamos oído algo si hubiera montado un ejército.
So I figured if I told him we finally had an afternoon where I could take you out to lunch or something, then he'd have no choice but to let me out of it.
Así que supuse que si le decía que al fin teníamos una tarde donde podría llevarte a almorzar o algo así entonces no tendría más opciones que liberarme.
You and me, we could've had something.
Tú y yo, pudimos tener algo.
We believe it had something to do with impressing a girl.
Creemos que tuvo algo que ver con impresionar a una chica.
I'll check our dental records. What would be better, is if you had something we could use for a DNA comparison.
Lo que sería mejor, es si tuvieras algo que pudiéramos usar para una comparación de ADN.
I'm saying that if he had something to do with these two murders, then frank McCarty's not the only one we need to worry about.
Si él está involucrado en estos dos asesinatos Frank McCarty no es el único de quien debemos preocuparnos.
The best as we could figure, he had some kind of mental breakdown or something.
Lo mejor que podemos pensar, es que tenía algún tipo de falla cerebral o algo así.
We had to do something to help.
Teníamos que hacer algo para ayudar.
If something that we didn't know we had disappears, do we miss it?
Si algo que no sabíamos que teníamos desaparece, ¿ lo extrañamos?
When you said we had reservations, David... I was picturing something a little more... upscale?
Cuando dijiste que teníamos una reservación, David me imaginaba algo de más nivel.
We had something.
Teníamos algo.
Maybe they had shit going on at home or something, or maybe, you know, seeing as we weren't as comfortable at home, we said, "Well, I'll just go to the beach every day to be in the water."
Tal vez las dificultades que tenían en casa, la vida no era agradable y es así que íbamos a la playa a diario para estar en el agua.
So we knew at that stage that, as a group, to survive and to get through it that we really had to do something.
La mitad de su cuerpo estaba paralizado. En ese momento ya sabíamos cómo sobrevivir como grupo.
I'm not sure this actually helps. Hell, it's more than we had 24 hours ago. We're forgetting something...
Estoy seguro que muchos de nosotros recordamos jugar con la luz solar y lupas de niños.
– We had to do something.
- teníamos que hacer algo.
I moved back to L. A., And. and being here, I-I. I think about you and what we had, which is something that I haven't had since and.
Me mudé a Los Ángeles, y... y estando aquí, yo... yo... pienso en ti y en lo que tuvimos, que es algo que no tuve desde entonces y...
We had... something of the same scent about us.
Tenemos el mismo sentido del olfato.
I told him we had something going, but there is no way he had any idea where you'd stashed it.
Pero no hay manera de que él supiera donde estaba el dinero.
I did not think that what we had, was something to fall back on.
Nunca pensé que lo que teníamos era una farsa.
yeah, serena and i, we had a fight last night - this new kind we keep having where she says something, and i know it's not the whole truth. well, have you asked her what's really on her mind?
Sí, Serena y yo tuvimos una pelea anoche.. una nueva que continuamos teniendo cuando ella dice algo, y sé que no es toda la verdad. - Bueno, ¿ Le has preguntado qué tiene en la cabeza?
I thought we had a little something going on here.
Creí que había algo entre los dos. No.
I was close but if we had just learned something.
El viento soplaba en la cara.
Maybe Bao meant something else when he said he lost a bet. Maybe Bao had a pipe through his head and we're chasing smoke.
tal vez Bao se refirió a otra cosa cuando dijo que perdió una apuesta a lo mejor, Bao tenia una tubería a través de su cabeza y estamos persiguiendo humo.
Maybe he had something to do with the cult we talked about.
Quizás él tubo algo que ver con la secta de la que hemos hablado.
Something strange happened at your flat. We've gotta make sure you had nothing to do with it.
Ocurrió algo muy extraño en tu departamento así que debemos asegurarnos que no tuviste nada que ver.
We had tribal council tonight, and joan fairplay had asked us to vote him off, and i kept thinking something was going to change, something was gone going to happen, something terrible- - that I was going to be the one going home first.
Teníamos un consejo tribal hoy, y Fairplay nos pidió que lo expulsáramos. Pero seguí pensando en que algo iba a cambiar, algo iba suceder... algo terrible, y que iba a ser la primera en ir a casa.
That was the first cue I had that maybe we were on to something.
Esa fue la primera señal de que tenía que tal vez estábamos en lo cierto.
We're all here looking for something better than we had.
Todos estamos aquí buscando algo mejor de lo que tenemos.

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