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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / We had him

We had him translate Spanish

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We had him going into room after room after room after room after room.
Iba a un cuarto y a otro y a otro.
We had him trapped, and then he jumped!
Lo teníamos acorralado, ¡ y saltó!
We had him for a little while.
Lo tuvimos por un ratito.
We had him by the balls. that's when you squeeze partners...
Los teníamos de las bolas, ahí es cuando aprietas...
They're going to say that we had him.
Dirán que nosotros lo tuvimos.
We had him, and we could have stopped him!
¡ Lo tuvimos y pudimos haberlo detenido!
Everyone got para and Pete chucked a whitey, so we had to bench him.
Todo el mundo se para y Pete tiraron un blanquito, por lo que tuvimos que banco
Hemos tenido algunos problemas con él.
Probably punctured his lungs, so we had to chase him down.
Probablemente perforo los pulmones, así que tuvimos que perseguirlo.
And we had both been drug there- - me by my sister and him by a friend of his.
Y habíamos sido drogados ahí- - yo por mi hermana y él por un amigo suyo.
And of course, it was our friendly friend... coming back to haunt us 18 years later... and suing us for everything we had accumulated... or ever would accumulate, from the point that we left him, forward.
Y, por supuesto, que era nuestro amigo amigable... volviendo a perseguirnos 18 años después... y nos demandó por todo que habíamos acumulado... o se se acumularía, desde el punto que lo dejamos en adelante.
The only contact we'd had with him was over the phone.
El único contacto que teníamos con él era por teléfono.
However, if we could prove that while Niles knew he had this son, he still wasn't gonna leave him nothin'...
bueno, eso no sería bueno. Sin embargo, si pudiéramos demostrar que mientras Niles sabía que tenía este hijo, todavía no iba a dejarle nada...
When we first saw him, he had on a T-shirt and long johns, armed with a revolver.
La primera vez que lo vimos, tenía en una camiseta y calzoncillos largos, armado con un revólver.
I told him that we had chased ghost crabs.
Le dije que habiamos perseguido cangrejos fantasma.
I'd give anything to have him back, but I wouldn't trade anything for what we had.
Daría cualquier cosa por recuperarlo, pero no cambiaría nada por lo que tuvimos.
We never had a shot at him.
No teníamos chance con él.
When we shot Jasmine, they were together... if I had known, I would have shook hands with him instead of shooting.
Cuando rodamos con Jasmine, estaban juntos... si yo hubiera sabido
Yes, we've had difficult times, but somehow I always knew that he's got it in him. When it really mattered, he pulled through and I will always love him for that.
Tuvimos tiempos difíciles, pero... de alguna manera, siempre supe, que cuando realmente lo necesitara él estaría ahí, y siempre lo amaré por eso.
Then step by step because we were stubborn and because Alejandro would tell me that Dalí was the only one who could play the emperor the totalitarian emperor we had the idea of paying him by the minutes used.
Y poco a poco, ya que eran los dos muy tercos y Alejandro me había convencido de que solo Dalí podía hacer del emperador, el emperador totalitario que tuvimos la idea de pagarle por el minuto de film usado.
Let's see - first, you killed Ryan, before we had a chance to get any information out of him.
Veamos, primero... mataste a Ryan antes de conseguir la información.
And if you hadn't killed him, we would've had it by now!
¡ Y si no lo hubieras matado, ya lo tendríamos!
And when we consider what a Chief Justice has in the way of influence on his age and the ages after him, I think it could fairly be said that our history tells us, our Chief Justices have probably had a more profound and lasting influence
Y si consideramos lo que tiene un Presidente de la Corte Suprema, en forma de la influencia en su época, y en las épocas posteriores ciertamente podría decirse, que la historia nos muestra que, los Presidentes del Tribunal Supremo, probablemente han tenido una mayor, profunda y duradera influencia, que muchos de nuestros Presidentes.
Patient had it on him when we picked him up.
El paciente la tenía, cuando lo recogimos.
He had so many drugs in his system That he's actually doing better now with the transfusions We've given him.
Tenía tantas drogas en su sistema de que está haciendo en realidad es mejor ahora con las transfusiones que le hemos dado.
- Told him we had a lead on Corso.
- Le dije que tenía una pista de Corso.
We had to shoot him.
Tuvimos que dispararle.
No, we knew we had to drag him through the mud, make it seem legit.
Sabíamos debíamos hacerlo sufrir para que fuese creíble.
A grotesque menace to our just society, who had the audacity to fight back, killing one of us when we attempted to execute him tonight.
Una amenaza a nuestra sociedad justa, quien tuvo la audacia de defenderse matando a uno de nosotros cuando tratábamos de ejecutarlo.
So we had to let him go,
Así que tuvimos que soltarlo.
So here's the thing with Phil and I, we always got along, man... I've never had a problem with him... I was in Denver last year, we went out to dinner, and then I leave, and I hear he was talking shit... and I was like,
La cosa entre Phil y yo está así, siempre nos llevamos bien - nunca tuve un problema con él - Estuve en Denver el año pasado, salimos a cenar y luego me fui, y me entero de que estuvo hablando mal de mí y pensé,
We had to pick him up, carry him back to his room.
Tuvimos que llevarlo a su habitación.
Some man called Frans Ringholm told him we had the same mother.
Un hombre llamado Frans RINGHOLM le dijo que éramos hermanos.
We can't put that kind of weight on him, not with everything else he's had to deal with in his life.
No podemos imponerle ese tipo de carga, no con todo con lo que ha tenido que lidiar en su vida.
I just knew I had to do it, but now we could still lose him.
Yo sólo sabía que tenía que hacerlo, pero ahora aún podríamos perderlo.
I knew that Sykes was dangerous, but we had to stop him.
Yo sabía que Sykes era peligroso, pero teníamos que detenerlo.
We took him to the best doctors we could find, but none of them had any idea.
Lo llevamos a los mejores doctores, pero nadie tenia idea.
She had a boyfriend of sorts. We're investigating him. Someone she worked with at the café.
Hay un... noviecito, lo estamos investigando, un pibe del bar donde ella trabajaba.
We gave him the best education, but... we had to do something wrong.
Le dimos la mejor educación, pero... algo debimos de hacer mal.
But we told him we had to try it.
Pero le dijimos que tenía que probarlo.
We had to put him down.
Tuvimos que sacrificarlo.
He actually had a decent point, so we convinced the doctor to give him some pretty intense pain medication.
En realidad él tenía razón, así que convencimos al doctor para que le diera medicamentos fuertes para el dolor.
We had CCTV footage of him arriving at his block of flats with a nice new suitcase, clearly empty, and then leaving an hour later dragging it along the ground.
Teníamos imágenes de seguridad de él llegando a su bloque de pisos con una bonita maleta nueva, claramente vacía, y saliendo una hora más tarde arrastrándola por el suelo.
Now, we asked him if he had heard of anyone suggesting using remote technology to have the Robonaut on the ship fix the life-support problem.
Le preguntamos si alguien habia sugerido usar tecnologia remota para hacer que los robonautas en la nave areglaran el problema del soporte vital
We were so hopeless together. 24 / 7 I had to take care of him.
Mandar y yo no teníamos esperanzas juntos, 24 / 7 tenía que cuidarlo.
Well, if you had told us, we could have kept him safe.
No nos lo dijiste.
We had to bounce him right up?
¿ Lo llevó hacia arriba?
We've had him under surveillance since February.
Lo hemos tenido bajo vigilancia desde febrero.
We had a secret, him and me...
Teníamos un secreto, suyo y mío...
And if you weren't who you were and had never been with him and somehow we had still come together right here right now, I wouldn't feel any different.
Y si no fueras quien eres nunca habría estado con él y de alguna forma todavía estaríamos reunidos aquí, en este momento, y no me sentiría diferente.
We had no choice but to show it to him.
No tuvimos otra que mostrárselo.

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