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We had a moment translate Spanish

295 parallel translation
I thought we had a moment back there.
Pensé que nos habíamos entendido.
We had a moment- - a long time ago.
Tuvimos un momento... -... hace mucho tiempo.
- We haven't had a dull moment.
- No nos hemos aburrido.
We haven't had a moment to talk.
Aún no hemos podido hablar.
We haven't had a happy moment since...
No hemos tenido un momento feliz desde...
That was the first moment of real satisfaction we had had in seven-and-a-half months.
Aquel fue el primer momento de satisfacción en siete meses y medio.
- Just a moment, Rev. Galsworthy. We haven't had a rehearsal.
Reverendo, la verdad es que no hemos ensayado.
Tonight we pay recognition to a man who had more than a brief moment, a man who, during the past half-century, has carved a permanent place for himself in all our hearts and on this memorable occasion I can't help but think back to a young Indian lad who grew up on a reservation. As a boy, he roamed the woods with his father, hunting and fishing.
Esta noche homenajeamos a un hombre que tuvo más que un breve momento, un hombre que, durante el pasado medio siglo, se ha ganado un lugar para sí en nuestro corazones y en esta memorable ocasión no puedo olvidar aquel muchacho indio... que nació y creció en una reserva... de niño recorría los bosques con su padre, pescando y cazando.
And now that we've had our moment of fun, and all the better for it, let's get back to the question.
Y ahora que ya hemos reído y estamos mejor, volvamos a la cuestión.
We're not taking a plane. We're taking a train. We had train tickets for a room with two comfortable beds where at this moment, two blonde...
No vamos en avion, sino en tren, para el que ya teniamos billetes para una habitacion con dos camas agradables y comodas, donde, en estos momentos, dos rubias...
About that, uh, scene I mentioned... we ran overtime and had to cut it at the last moment.
Con respecto a la escena que mencioné... nos excedimos en el tiempo y tuvimos que cortarla.
We haven't had a moment's peace.
Es que no paran.
We had the chance for a moment, and we lost it.
Tuvimos una oportunidad y la hemos perdido.
I thought for a moment of the guy we saw last night. I thought he had been the victim.
Nuestro agente en Casablanca y hasta Corredores de sangre con Boris Karloff.
We've had a strange run of bad luck with this opera, Christine. From the moment we started rehearsing.
Hemos vivido una extraña racha de mala suerte con esta ópera, Cristine, desde que empezamos con los ensayos.
I'd like that these days in which we lived like brothers, sharing the same goals, under the same sun and the same sky, had a place in your spirit. So that in every moment of your life..
Quisiera que estos días en que hemos convivido como hermanos, compartiendo los mismos ideales, bajo el mismo sol y bajo el mismo cielo, quedasen grabados en vuestro espíritu, para que en todo momento a lo largo de vuestra vida,
With that and certain other devices, I think we can take Kostas for the $ 1,500,000, but the moment he realises he's been had, he's going to seal the country up tighter than a drum.
Con eso y algunos dispositivos más, ganaremos ese 1.500.000 de dólares a Kostas, pero cuando sepa que le han engañado, sellará el país herméticamente.
We had not paved of Winter, nor any equipment, to fight or to aguentar the cold e I think that this was great problem of the moment.
No teníamos zapatos de invierno ni cualquier otro equipo, para combatir o hacer frente a la fría y creo que fue el principal problema del momento.
But it talks about... It sums up all that rush we had to go through to get here. And you'd better believe this is a very special moment... and we're not going to neglect this song.
Sintetiza todo el recorrido que nos trajo hasta acá... y pueden creer que este momento es muy especial... y no vamos a dejar de tocar esta canción.
( Horrocks ) My really big moment was when we crossed the frontier, because, you see, I had commanded the rearguard during the withdrawal to Dunkirk.
( Horrocks ) Mi muy gran momento fue cuando cruzamos la frontera, porque, como ven, l había mandado a la retaguardia durante la retirada de Dunkerque.
but if we'd had a government with some other tendencies then at this moment, several comrades, several of us would be dead.
Pero si tuviéramos un gobierno de otra tendencia en este momento varios compañeros, varios de nosotros estaríamos muertos.
By then all we knew was that it was only a way of beginning and, if we had in any moment the sensation of euphoria of the revolution that began, it was false, it was tragic, but it was a great moment.
Por entonces todos sabíamos que sólo era una forma de empezar y, si tuvimos en algún momento la sensación de euforia de la revolución que empieza, era falso, era trágico, pero era un gran momento.
And, from the very firts moment that he looked through it at the night sky, our view of where we stand in the universe changed, because what Galileo saw confirmed what the polish astronomer Copernicus had been saying theoretically for 60 years :
Y desde el primer momento en que miró a través de él hacia el cielo nocturno, nuestra visión de dónde estamos parados en el Universo cambió, porque lo que Galileo vio confirmó lo que el astrónomo polaco Copérnico había establecido teóricamente hacía 60 años :
At this moment when we're overwelmed by sadness cause one busi worker is leaving, we have to be happy cause generations of pupils and teacher through all these 35 years had Dam as an example of capable and dear colleagaue,
En este momento plagado de tristeza debido a la marcha de una gran trabajadora, tenemos que ser felices porque generaciones de alumnos y profesores a través de estos 35 años han tenido a Kebo como ejemplo de capacidad y querido compañerismo,
And I had dinner with three relatively close friends... two of whom had known my mother quite well... and all three of whom had known me for years. You know that we went through that entire evening without my being able to... for a moment, get anywhere near what...
Y nos pasamos la noche sin poder siquiera acercarnos...
If you try to force me to go to Paris, I'll smash your face in. I see, because we had a romantic moment last night, we have to print the wedding invites
Ya veo, como tuvimos un momento romántico, anoche, tenemos que imprimir las invitaciones de boda.
We both had a moment of weakness and I'm glad we didn't give in to it.
Los dos tuvimos un momento de debilidad y me alegro de que no se rindieron a él.
There was a moment when it was possible, but then we had no idea who he was.
Hubo un momento que era posible, pero de aquella no sabíamos quien era en realidad.
On the contrary, one month later her image stayed so clear, so precise as if we had just split up a moment before.
Por el contrario, un mes después tenía su imagen tan nítida, tan precisa nos hubiéramos separado hacía un instante.
I guess we all had that moment where we realized that even somebody who was basically a kid can cease to exist, and we're never the same after that...
Creo que todos tuvimos esos momentos, donde te das cuenta que hasta inclusive un niño puede morir, y nunca volvimos a ser los mismos después de eso...
We had a sentimental moment.
Tuvimos un momento sentimental.
We'll speak about that in a moment, when we've had a look at this boil.
Hablaremos de eso dentro de un momento. Después de echarle un vistazo a ese grano.
If we had another moment alone... I know you would take me in your arms... and I long to be with you.
Si tuviésemos otro momento a solas, sé que me tomaríais en vuestros brazos.
There was a wonderful moment in the second act, where I had to go downstage, as we say, and kiss the wife of the First Secretary.
Hubo un maravilloso momento en el segundo acto donde tenía que ir al frente del escenario, como decíamos y besar a la esposa del primer secretario.
Well, we had to go back for them and the moment was spoiled and three years later, almost to the decade, Margaret Thatcher was hounded from office.
Bueno, tuvimos que volver por ellas y el momento estaba arruinado y tres años después, casi a la década Margaret Thatcher fue acosada desde la oficina.
Oh, it was a special moment we had, just me and her, staring into each other's eyes.
Oh, lo hizo en una momento especial que tuvimos, yo y ella solos, perdidos en los ojos del otro.
We could've had two more drinks "in a moment."
Podriamos havernos tomado dos tragos mas "en un momento".
"For 3 years, we never had even a single moment of peace."
"En tres años, no tuvimos un solo momento de paz."
Yes, but it's the first time we've had clear readings from a moment of contact.
Sí, pero es la primera vez que hemos tenido unas lecturas claras del contacto.
We've just had... a horrible moment here.
Acabamos de ver... un momento terrible.
We had a Kodak moment or two. ( CHUCKLES )
Tuvimos un momento Kodak o dos.
No, no, we paid the price by forcing you to stop, but for a moment there, you really had our attention... my attention.
Nosotros hemos pagado el precio al detenerte. Captaste nuestra atención. Mi atención.
It's funny... if we'd had the ability to separate Tuvok and Neelix the moment Tuvix came aboard... I wouldn't have hesitated. Of course not.
Si los hubiéramos separado cuando llegaron a bordo no lo habría dudado.
What a pity really, what a pity we could've had some beautiful moment, really intense.
Lástima de veras lástima podríamos tener bellos momentos, muy tiernos.
Because we had a little moment?
¿ Sólo porque tuvimos un momento?
Yes, we had a nice moment the other night, but so what? . Yes, we had a nice moment the other night, but so what?
Sí, tuvimos un lindo momento la otra noche, ¿ y qué?
But from that moment on, we never had a problem getting a table at Balzac again.
Pero desde ese momento nunca más nos costó conseguir una mesa en Balzac.
If I had been in your position, we would most likely be engaged in a battle with 8472 at this moment. How did you know?
Si yo hubiera estado en su posición, lo más probable sería que ya estaríamos en batalla con los 8472. ¿ Cómo lo supo?
Thought we kind of had a moment there.
Pensé que tuvimos un momento especial.
It was time we had a quiet moment together. You and I, no interruptions.
Pensé que era hora de pasar un momento tranquilo juntos sin interrupciones.
The facts at this moment are that we have half of the income we had a year ago and we're living at nearly the same rate.
El hecho es que nuestros ingresos bajaron a la mitad... pero vivimos igual que antes.

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