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We had no choice translate Spanish

449 parallel translation
We had no choice.
No tuvimos elección.
But quite honestly, we had no choice.
Pero... para ser absolutamente sincero, no tuvimos elección.
- We had no choice.
- No había otra opción.
- We had no choice, Mrs. Bedford.
- No hubo opción, Sra. Bedford.
We had no choice anyway.
Además, no tenemos otra opción.
In the family Slitheen, we had no choice.
En la familia Slitheen no teníamos opción.
- We had no choice.
- No teniamos otra opción.
We had no choice.
No pudimos escoger.
We had no choice.
No teníamos alternativa.
In the end, we had no choice but to have it this way.
En realidad, no había otra salida que hacerlo como se hizo.
We had no choice.
Ha tenido que hacerlo.
We had no choice but to deal with them in kind.
Sólo podíamos pagarles con la misma moneda.
Max : Well, we had no choice, 99.
- No había otra opción, 99.
We had no choice, spare me
No tenemos otro remedio, perdóneme.
He unexpectedly turned up, we had no choice.
Él apareció inesperadamente, nosotros no tuvimos elección
We had no choice this morning or just now.
¡ No podíamos hacer otra cosa! ¡ Ni esta mañana ni ahora!
We had no choice once our plan was known to them.
No teníamos otra opción una vez que nuestro plan fue descubierto por ellos.
Wait a minute, we had no choice in that matter, and you know it.
Un momento, no teníamos opción, y lo sabes.
But our great antenna was buried, we had no choice but to use our invasion-defence to reach you.
Pero nuestra antena quedó enterrada... no tuvimos otra opción que usar una defensa de invasión para contactarlo.
We had no choice.
No teníamos opción.
It seems we had no choice, Commander.
Parece que no tenemos otra opción, comandante.
We had no choice but to defend ourselves.
No tuvimos alternativa, nos defendimos.
Well, if you want to know the truth... we had no choice but to come to Mortville.
Bueno, si quieres saber la verdad no teniamos otra opcion que venir a Mortville.
We had no choice. The Cylons forced us here.
No tuvimos opción, los cylones nos obligaron a venir.
We had no choice!
No teníamos opción!
It's unfortunate timing, I know... but we had no choice, as you'll see when you read this. Sorry to interrupt.
Siento interrumpir.
- With your plan, we had no choice.
- No nos dieron opción.
We had no choice.
No tuvimos alternativa.
She had her parents in France, so we had no choice but to work with her.
Ella tenía sus padres en Francia, así que no tuvimos más remedio que meternos a currar con ella.
We had no choice.
No teníamos elección.
We had no choice!
No tuvimos opción!
As we had no choice, we've put them on regular boat, and got them legit papers.
Como no teníamos otra opción, Los hemos puesto en el barco regular, y les dieron papeles fiables.
We had no choice but to shoot him.
Tuvimos que dispararle.
We had no choice.
No teníamos otra opción.
We had no choice.
No había elección.
- We had no choice.
No tuvimos alternativa.
We never had no choice!
¡ No hemos tenido oportunidad!
If you'd known Sebastian, you'd understand how she had no choice how none of us ever had a choice, once Sebastian had decided we were to be used.
Si hubiera conocido a Sebastian, entendería que no tuvo opción que no teníamos opción, si Sebastian se decidía a usarnos.
At the point we had reached there was no other choice.
Habíamos llegado a un punto en eI que no había alternativa.
So much was happening that we had no other choice.
Pasaban tantas cosas al mismo tiempo. ¡ Nos vimos obligados! ¡ Hay que entenderlo!
Mama, we didnt have a choice, After Daddy was killed, we had to leave Alabama,
Mama, no tuvimos elección, después de que mataran a Papa, tuvimos que irnos de Alabama.
I landed a slap on him and he also hit me and we started having at it, and I had no choice, and so, I grabbed a stick and broke his head.
Le zampé un cachetadón y él también me respondió y nos comenzamos a trompear, y yo no tenía más remedio, yo, ya, entonces agarré un palo y le rompí la cabeza.
They had no choice but to act as we predicted.
No tienen más opción que actuar como predijimos.
We had no other choice!
¡ No teníamos alternativa!
But if I had gone, we would have had no choice but to go on living, licking each other's wounds.
Pero si hubiera ido, no habríamos tenido ninguna oportunidad de salir con vida,
We had no choice.
- Ed, Ed, tranquilízate.
If they came pressing for negotiations with guns pressed to your heads,... we would have had no margin of choice.
Flota Estelar de los Planetas Libres 2ª Flota
Anyways... the conditions, being what they were back then, we had little choice.
De todas formas de la forma en que se daban las condiciones en ese momento, no teníamos muchas opciones.
I can't understand why we've only had two replies. It doesn't leave us much choice.
No puedo entender por qué sólo hemos tenido dos respuestas
We know you had no choice.
- Sabemos que no tuvo elección.
We got it together because we had to, didn't have a choice.
Nos juntamos porque no había otra opción.

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