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We had to try translate Spanish

208 parallel translation
We had to try.
Había que intentarlo.
Please understand, we had to try.
Por favor, compréndanos, debíamos intentarlo.
You couldn't save us from the bandit, we had to try self-defense.
Usted no pudo salvarnos de los bandidos, teníamos que defendernos! .
We had to try.
Debíamos intentarlo.
When I listen to Julian Irvine today, I think what a bold brass neck We had to try and attempt that.
Cuando oigo a Julian Irvine hoy, pienso... que cómo nos atrevimos a intentarlo.
Don't you dare try to reduce what we've had to that.
No te atrevas a intentar reducir lo que hemos tenido a eso.
I shall try to imagine... we're at war... and my son had fallen on the field of honour.
Voy a imaginarme... estamos en guerra... y mi hijo... ha caído en el campo del honor.
Try to remember when we were children, Belle, the love we had for each other.
Tengo que hacerte ver lo que tú y Sam le estáis haciendo a este estado. Tropas por todas partes. Radicales en el congreso pidiendo la reconstrucción.
I'll try to remember what you said last night... that years from now, this will seem the greatest adventure we ever had, even though we had it separately.
Trataré de recordar lo que dijiste anoche que cuando pase el tiempo, veremos esto como nuestra mejor aventura, a pesar de haberla vivido separados.
Well we had to go there to try it.
Pues nosotros, para conocerlo tuvimos que ir allá.
So then to try to make up for it, he starts insisting to take a cab. As if we had that kind of money to throw around.
Como llegábamos tarde, insistió en que cogiéramos un taxi ¡ como si tuviéramos dinero para esas cosas!
4 : 40 p.m. We had 30 hours to try to turn up substantial evidence... or release all suspects.
4 : 40 p.m. Teníamos 30 horas para conseguir pruebas sólidas o habría que soltar a los sospechosos.
And we had friends that were really doing their best to try to help make our town a clean place to live in our state.
Y teníamos amigos que realmente hacían su mejor esfuerzo para hacer de nuestro pueblo un lugar honesto donde vivir.
We will try to shut you out of our minds as if you had never been here.
Intentaremos apartarles de nuestras mentes, como si nunca hubieran estado aquí.
I had the cake already, sir. We figured to go ahead and try to cheer him up.
Yo hice una tarta, señor, para intentar animarle un poco.
We know you've had rather a shock, Polly, and talking about it may be disturbing, but I'm afraid we must ask you a few questions, so I'll be as quick as I can, and you just try not to let it upset you.
Sabemos que está conmocionada y que hablar Ie será desagradable. Pero debo hacerle algunas preguntas. Seré muy breve.
We had to make all new elements from Vista, basically taking it on a shot-by-shot basis, creating corrections in gamma or contrast ratios for basically every shot in the film to try and bring back colour and contrast.
Tuvimos que crear elementos nuevos a partir de Vista, básicamente haciendo todo el proceso toma por toma, haciendo correcciones en las relaciones de gama o contraste casi para cada toma de la película, para tratar de devolver el color y el contraste.
We could try taking him back if we had to, but he'd have to change his ways entirely.
Si no hay otra solución, podríamos recogerlo de nuevo...
But they know we're friends, so I had to try.
Pero, como aquí, todo el mundo sabe que te conozco. Me obligaron a intentarlo.
Tomorrow there won't be any beards, so we had better try to get out of here.
Mañana habrán desaparecido. Tenemos que encontrar una salida.
All through the winter of'43 - we had translators working in joke-proof conditions - to try and produce a German version of the joke.
Durante el invierno del 43 tuvimos a traductores trabajando... en condiciones anti-chiste para intentar reproducir una versión alemana del chiste.
- We had just been in his bed, and he wasn't young enough or interested enough to go downstairs and try it again.
- Acabábamos de hacer el amor, y no era ni tan joven ni tan hombre como para bajar a repetirlo.
All through the winter of'43... we had translators working in joke-proof conditions... to try and manufacture a German version of the joke.
Durante todo el invierno de 1943 tuvimos traductores trabajando en condiciones a prueba de chiste para probar y confeccionar la versión alemana del chiste.
( Gray ) The city was in flames but after three days we had to go in and try to find the people and take them out of the ruins.
( Gray ) La ciudad estaba en llamas pero después de tres días nos tuvimos que ir en y tratar de encontrar a las personas y sacarlos de las ruinas.
She hadn't had a bit of experience... but she wanted to try so bad that we just had to let her.
No tenía nada de experiencia... pero tenía tantas ganas de probar que la dejamos.
Of course. Try to imagine it had all happened, not because... the seeds to create the eggs came to us, but because we went to them.
Trate de imaginar que todo pasó ahora porque... las semillas vinieron aqui, porque nosotros las buscamos.
And, if I wanted to try on the pants, with which we had no problems, And now there's this, which has a nondescript amount of work to make...
Y, si quisiera probarse los pantalones, con los que no hemos tenido problemas, y ahora está esto, que tiene una cantidad no despreciable de trabajo para hacerse...
If you try to force me to go to Paris, I'll smash your face in. I see, because we had a romantic moment last night, we have to print the wedding invites
Ya veo, como tuvimos un momento romántico, anoche, tenemos que imprimir las invitaciones de boda.
Let me see you try it! Oh, it's you Tomomi. All we have remaining is level seven, but during all of this, the Garland bike we had secretly developed was stolen and revealed to the outside.
Todo lo que nos falta es el nivel siete, pero durante todo esto, la moto de Garland que nosotros en secreto habíamos desarrollado fue robado y revelada al exterior.
We had two extra sessions to try that jumped-up nigger Robeson for contempt.
Tuvimos que juzgar dos sesiones extras a ese desagradable Robeson, por desacato.
We just had to try.
Teníamos que hacer la prueba.
In an effort to salvage what little time we have left, let me smear this goo on you, and then I will build us a cosy little fire and we'll snuggle up with a blanket and talk about New York and all the great times we've had over the years, and we'll try not to mention the dreaded M word for the whole weekend, OK?
Con idea de aprovechar el poco tiempo que nos queda, te untaré este mejunje luego encenderé la chimenea, nos acurrucaremos con una manta hablaremos de Nueva York y de todas las cosas que hemos hecho e intentaremos no mencionar la maldita palabra con M durante el fin de semana.
Well, I try. We never had children, I'm sorry to say, but we had each other.
Bueno lo intento, no tuvimos hijos por desgracia pero nos tenemos el uno al otro.
Son, we had but to try.
Hijo, había que intentarlo.
We should try to survive mentally and talk about things that had nothing to do with the camp, like :
Debemos tratar de... Sobrevivir mentalmente...... como :
I thought we had agreed that you would try to make...
- Acordamos que intentarías...
Dimitri and I went into this bar to try and buy some nerve gas off this ex-KGB guy that we had heard was selling black market surplus munitions to Iraq.
Dimitri y yo fuimos a comprar gas neurotóxico a un ex agente del KGB que estaba vendiéndole municiones a Irak.
We knew they were the plum roles because all you had to do... was stand around with a staff and try not to laugh... at the poor saps that got stuck with the speaking parts. All right.
Esos eran los buenos papeles, porque sólo tenías que pararte ahí y no reírte de los tontos que tenían que hablar.
There was a syndrome to catch up and overtake, to try and show everyone that we weren't far behind the Americans, that we too had nuclear weapons.
" Había una fiebre de alcanzar y adelantar, de intentar mostrar a todo el mundo que no estábamos mucho por detrás de los estadounidenses, que también teníamos armas nucleares.
I'm sorry, we've had some people try to sneak in after intermission.
Lo siento, hay gente que se escabulle en el intermedio.
We had no business being there, but try telling that to the politicians.
No teníamos nada que hacer ahí, pero intenta decirle eso a los políticos.
We gave the singer an audition in my shop, later on, after the pub had closed, for him to imitate, and for him to try to sing along with an Alice Cooper track on the jukebox called "Eighteen", which I adored.
Le hicimos una prueba en mi tienda, cuando cerró el pub. Para que actuara y para que cantara a la vez que sonaba una canción de Alice Cooper llamada Eighteen, que me encantaba.
Well, if you haven't paid for us to try, we wouldn't have had the chance to succeed.
Sin su dinero, no habríamos podido tener éxito.
luckily, I reconsidered and Had a nice talk with Clint and He assured me that we would work and try to find some nuances and things in tHe character.
Afortunadamente, recapacité y... tuve una agradable charla con Clint y... me aseguró que trataríamos... de encontrar otros matices y detalles en el personaje.
Yeah. Well, you know, try to work it in somewhere that we had sex... in conversation, if it comes up, gracefully!
Bueno, ustedes saben, tratar de trabajar en en alguna parte que hemos tenido sexo... en la conversación, si se trata, con gracia!
We all had fear, but we all had training to know you try to handle your fear and work to accomplish what you're supposed to be doing.
Todos teníamos miedo, pero habíamos sido entrenados para saber que es fundamental controlar el miedo y esforzarte por hacer lo que se espera de ti.
But when she insisted, I said I'd try to sort something out so I could go see her next summer... We had no idea you were working on international relations.
Pero cuando ella insistió, yo dije que iba a tratar de buscarle la vuelta para ir a verla al verano siguiente... no tenía idea de que trabajabas en relaciones internacionales.
What we had agreed was that at the moment when the tailor... got the German to try on the coat... and marked on the coat on the front of the coat the place for the buttons at one point, he would kneel down... and that was when... we could rush at the German to kill him
Lo que habíamos acordado era que en el momento en que el sastre... probase el abrigo al alemán... y marcara el abrigo, en el frente... en el frente del abrigo... en el lugar de los botones, en cierto punto, el sastre se pondría de rodillas... y ahí sería cuando... podríamos precipitarnos sobre el alemán y matarlo.
We had one last address to try inside a gated community.
Tuvimos una última dirección para tratar de dentro de un residencial.
Colby had been talking a lot to Keith. We know Keith is trying to rear something up from behind to try to take one of us out.
Colby a estado hablando mucho con Keith sabemos que Keith esta planeando algo a nuestras espaldas para tratar de sacarnos.
For three years, we had cameramen on standby all along this migration route using a microlight and helicopters to try to film blues from the air without disturbing them.
Durante 3 años, tuvimos camarógrafos esperando a lo largo de todo ésta ruta migratoria usando un ultraliviano y helicópteros para tratar de filmar azules desde el aire sin molestarlas.

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