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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / We had an accident

We had an accident translate Spanish

161 parallel translation
Yes, we had an accident with our car a few miles back.
Tuvimos un accidente con el coche unas millas atrás.
I'll take you back to Carvel, wherever it is, and, see, you can tell them we had an accident.
La llevaré de vuelta a Carvel, donde sea que esté, y, puede decir que tuvimos un accidente.
We had an accident and our friend is wounded.
Hemos tenido un accidente y hay un compañero herido.
- We had an accident.
- Tuvimos un accidente.
Yes. Well, we had an accident, our car ran into a bridge.
Si, es verdad, tuvimos un accidente, chocamos en el puente.
Last night we had an accident here.
La última noche tuvimos un accidente.
We had an accident. Hurry up!
Tuvimos un accidente. ¡ Apúrese!
We had an accident.
Tuvimos un accidente.
So we had an accident. We'll blame it on A.E.C.
Tendremos un accidente, culparemos al departamento.
They may think we had an accident.
Pensará que tuvimos un accidente.
Look, we had an accident of our own last week.
Hubo un accidente aquí la semana pasada.
We're from Barcelona and we had an accident.
Venimos de Barcelona y hemos tenido un accidente.
Unfortunately we had an accident just now.
Desafortunadamente tuvimos un accidente ahora.
We had an accident.
ha habido un accidente.
We had an accident, we gotta report it.
Hay que reportar el accidente.
We had an accident, baby.
Tuvimos un accidente, cariño.
We had an accident, about 30 kilometers from here.
Hemos tenido un accidente a 30 km. De aquí.
I was just telling the guys that we had an accident and...
Le estaba diciendo al chico que hemos tenido un accidente y que...
- And we had an accident with the car.
- Tuvimos un accidente con tu auto.
We almost had an accident.
- Casi tuvimos un accidente. - ¿ Casi?
We've had an accident on board but you conceal it from me!
¡ ¿ Ha habido una avería y me lo habéis ocultado?
If she'd had an accident, we would've heard from the hospital.
Y si hubiese tenido un accidente, hubiésemos sabido algo del hospital.
But my son has had an accident in leipzig. We must get to him.
Mi hijo sufrió un accidente en Leipzig.
You see, blacksmith, we've had an accident with these, and as they are wanted for immediate service,
Hemos tenido un pequeño problema y las necesitamos de inmediato.
We haven't had an accident in this town since 1908 and Joe will want to make the most of it.
No teníamos un accidente en esta ciudad desde 1908 y Joe querrá sacarle el mayor partido posible.
One morning, we'll come in find you had an accident.
Y una mañana verán que has tenido un accidente.
We'd have had his at the house, but there was an accident on the lake and the police took it there.
Tenía el suyo, pero la policía se lo llevó por un accidente en el lago.
For all we know the poor chap may have had an accident
Por lo que sabemos, el pobre podría haber tenido un accidente.
We thought you had an accident.
Pensamos que habías tenido un accidente.
If he had an accident, we would know.
Si hubiera habido un accidente, se sabría.
Dear lady, I was beginning to fear we had created an unfortunate impression on you, in view of today's accident.
Querida, empezaba a temer que había tenido una impresión errónea sobre nosotros tras el accidente de hoy.
But after we took our vows, I had an accident, and that very same week Ralph started fooling around with a new lady.
Pero después de los votos nupciales tuve un accidente... y esa misma semana Ralph empezó a tontear con otra mujer.
I've-I've had an accident, but we... we can talk for a few minutes.
Sufrí un accidente, pero podemos hablar un rato.
What if we'd kept going together, got married, You'd been killed in an accident, And I had to identify you?
¿ Y si nos hubiéramos seguido viendo, nos hubiéramos casado hubieras muerto en un accidente, y tuviera que identificarte?
We've had an accident in the desert.
Tuvimos un accidente en el desierto.
In order to have the case settled as an accident, we had to make arrangements with the police, and that cost money.
Este caso ha sido fijado como un accidente, tenemos compromisos con la policia, y eso cuesta dinero.
Say, excuse me, but I think we've had an accident.
Disculpa, pero creo que hemos tenido un accidente.
- We almost had an accident!
- ¡ Casi tenemos un accidente!
If he'd had an accident, we'd know.
Si hubiera tenido un accidente, lo sabríamos.
Listen, we just had an accident out in the street and... if we could get some help....
Oigan... Acabamos de accidentarnos y si nos pudieran ayudar...
We've had an accident and we need to use your phone.
Hemos tenido un accidente.
Well, we heard you had an accident.
Bueno, supe que tuvo un accidente.
Oh, yes, we almost had an accident.
Casi tuvimos un accidente.
This is not a drill. We've had an accident.
No es un simulacro, hemos tenido un accidente
We almost had an accident today.
Casi tuvimos un accidente hoy.
So as I was saying we finally track down this Abe Jr. 10 minutes after an ugly accident during a Dance of Death. The guy had gone off to Tibet.
Cuando dimos con él, hacía 1 0 minutos que había sufrido un grave accidente bailando la danza de la muerte en el Tibet.
- We've had an accident.
Hemos tenido un accidente.
We had a bit of an accident, son.
Tuvimos un pequeño accidente, hijo.
Seems We've had an accident, Miss Langenkamp. May I?
Parece que a tenido un accidente, Srta. Langenkamp, ¿ puedo?
First time we had to use one of these without an accident.
Sólo habíamos usado este aparato en accidentes.
We got a call that someone had an accident.
Tenemos una llamada de que alguien tuvo un accidente.

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