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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / We had an appointment

We had an appointment translate Spanish

143 parallel translation
And we had an appointment.
Habíamos quedado.
We had an appointment to meet a guy here.
Debíamos encontrarnos aquí con una persona.
- We had an appointment.
- Teníamos una cita.
- We had an appointment?
— ¿ Estábamos citados?
But we had an appointment.
¿ Partió? Pero si estábamos citados.
So, apparently we had an appointment?
Dicen que tenían cita conmigo.
But we had an appointment!
¿ Como que no está?
We had an appointment this evening. Where are you going?
Esta noche teníamos una cita.
We had an appointment today.
Habíamos quedado hoy.
I just thought we had an appointment to make some money.
Creí que teníamos una cita para generar dinero.
We had an appointment, mr. Dawson.
Teníamos una cita, Sr. Dawson.
He called me, we had an appointment.
Él me llamó, teníamos una cita.
Mr. Scrutzler. Forgive me, but I believe we had an appointment.
Sr. Scrutzler, perdone, pero creo que teníamos una cita.
We had an appointment.
Teníamos una cita.
We had an appointment...
Teníamos una cita.
- We had an appointment to discuss...
- Teníamos una cita que discutir...
We had an appointment!
Teníamos un crompomiso!
We had an appointment earlier.
Teníamos una cita más temprano.
2 : 30, we had an appointment.
Las 14 : 30, teníamos una cita.
We had an appointment... for an hour ago.
Teníamos una cita... hace una hora.
We had an appointment at a restaurant.
Tenemos una cita en un restaurante.
If we had an appointment, we'd be in the book.
Si tenemos una cita, tenemos que estar en la agenda.
We had an appointment. We're supposed to be out looking for factories.
Teníamos una cita, deberíamos estar buscando fábricas en este momento.
- We had an appointment at 4.
Me citó a las 4 : 00.
Radovan, can you remember if we had an appointment yesterday?
Radovan, ¿ puedes recordar si teníamos una cita ayer?
- Yes, but we had an appointment.
- Si, pero teníamos una cita.
I'd swear that we had an appointment in my office 30 minutes ago.
Habría jurado que teníamos una cita en mi oficina hace media hora.
We had an appointment this morning to go over some reports, which you missed and Delenn called to set up a meeting in half an hour in the president's office.
Bueno, teníamos una cita esta mañana para revisar unos informes, a la que faltaste y Delenn convocó a una reunión dentro de media hora en la oficina del presidente.
We had an appointment.
Tenemos una cita.
I remarked that I was shortly to meet up with Lord Goring as we had an appointment... to visit the new Modern Art exhibition at the Grosvenor... which Quite frankly, apart from two studies in grey by whistler, was exceedingly forgettable.
Yo dije que me iba a reunir dentro de poco con Lord Goring ya que teníamos una cita... para visitar el exhibición de nuevo Arte Moderno en el Grosvenor... el cual, francamente, aparte de dos estudios en gris por Whistler, fue excesivamente olvidable
I mean, we had an appointment.
No entendí nada. Habíamos quedado.
I thought we had an appointment.
Tu y yo habíamos quedado, ¿ no?
Happily. I came because we had an appointment the other day.
Vine porque teníamos una cita el otro día.
We had an appointment back up there with a Mr. Duggan.
Hemos visitado al Sr. Duggan.
- We had an appointment at 11 am.
- Tenía una cita a las 11h.
We had an appointment.
Lo habíamos acordado.
- We had an appointment.
¿ Cómo trabaja esa gente?
We had an appointment?
teniamos una cita?
We had an appointment?
¿ Teníamos cita?
No me digas que olvidé que teníamos una reunión.
We had an appointment, right? Yeah.
¿ Teníamos una cita, verdad?
We had an appointment at one.
Teníamos una cita a la una.
But we had an appointment.
- Pero teníamos una cita.
We had an appointment here.
Teníamos una cita aquí.
We had an appointment.
Debíamos encontrarnos.
We had an appointment.
Veamos. Teníamos una cita.
We had an appointment for 8.
Teníamos una cita a las ocho.
We want to know if you had an appointment.
Queremos saber si tuvo una cita.
- We- - - Had an appointment.
- Nosotros teníamos una cita.
- We're all waiting for you. - I'm sorry. I had an appointment with -
Tenía una cita.
You forgotten we have an appointment right now? I had a hard time getting a cab.

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