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Translate.vc / English → French / [ J ] / Just passing through

Just passing through translate French

517 parallel translation
Oh, I'm just passing through. I got a taxi waiting to take me back to Paris.
Je suis seulement de passage, pour aller à Paris.
He came unexpectedly, and naturally, just passing through. I think he was going to Rome.
Il était passé à l'improviste, en remontant sur Rome.
Senator, I was just passing through I thought I'd like to meet you.
Sénateur, je passais par ici, et j'ai eu envie de vous rencontrer.
Well, sir, uh, just passing through, sir.
- Eh bien, Monsieur, il passe.
Just passing through that door, I feel 700 years older in a single stroke.
En passant cette porte je me sens vieillir d'un seul coup de 700 ans.
The Funambules. About three weeks. Just passing through town.
- Je suis artiste, ça m'étonne que madame ne l'ait pas déjà dit.
Just passing through and I thought... I'd look for the powder room.
Je ne faisais que passer et... je pensais aller dans la salle de poudrage.
- We're cattlemen... just passing through here.
- Eleveurs de passage seulement.
I'm just passing through trying to get a relaxing shave.
Je voudrais seulement me faire raser.
I'm just passing through, but you, I thought you never left Paris.
Je suis de passage. Je croyais que vous étiez resté à Paris.
You were just passing through town, you were never in the neighborhood and you never saw him before?
T'es passé par cette ville sans jamais entendre parler de lui?
You were just passing through town?
- T'as dit que t'étais de passage.
Yes, I was just passing through.
- Oui... de passage.
I must apologize, madame, for taking your husband away from your soiree, but I was just passing through the village and felt an attack of dizziness.
Mes excuses, madame. J'accapare votre mari. Je passais par là et je me suis trouvé mal.
- Oh, just passing through?
- Vous êtes de passage?
You're just passing through, only not fast enough.
Tu ne fais que passer... Alors plus vite que ça!
That guy you saw in my office, he's just passing through.
Ce type-là... Il s'en va tout de suite.
Excuse me, I'm just passing through.
Just passing through on the way to the circle H.
On ne fait que passer pour rentrer au Ranch.
For a man that's just passing through, you've got all the comforts of home.
Pour un homme qui ne fait que passer, tu as tout le confort.
- Just passing through.
Je suis de passage.
- Just passing through.
- Juste de passage.
- Maybe he's just passing through.
- Il fait peut-être que passer.
He was just passing through.
Quelqu'un de passage.
I am just passing through Göteborg
Je suis de passage à Göteborg
I guess I'm just passing through.
Je ne serai que de passage, j'imagine.
Just passing through.
Un voyageur.
Just passing through.
Je suis de passage.
Let's be fair, Mr. Flannagan. You're just passing through.
Allons, M. Flannagan, vous ne faites que passer.
- I'm just passing through, boys.
- Je ne fais que passer.
Don't mind me, I'm just passing through.
Ne faites pas attention. Je ne fais que passer.
He's not just passing through.
Il ne fait pas que passer. Oui.
Well, listen, I'm just passing through, but how about a little introduction, huh?
Ecoute, je ne fais que passer, mais tu veux bien me la présenter?
- We're just passing through. Can we stay overnight here?
Pourrions-nous passer la nuit ici?
"Hello ladies and gents, we're just passing through."
"Bonjour, on fait que de passer."
- You boys just passing through?
Vous êtes de passage?
We was just passing through.
On ne fait que passer.
I was just passing through, I assure you.
Qui êtes-vous? Que faites-vous?
Okay, I was there, but I was just passing through.
Oui, j'y suis allé, mais je n'ai fait qu'y passer.
I was just passing through.
J'y suis seulement passé.
- Thanks. I'm just passing through.
Merci, je ne reste pas.
I'm just passing through... ... and number 8 only makes a 15-minute water stop and- -
Je ne fais que passer et le train 8 ne fait qu'un arrêt d'eau de 1 5 minutes et...
I'm just passing through.
Je ne fais que passer.
Just passing through.
C'est pour la nuit ou pour vivre ici!
- Just passing through.
- Je passais...
- Just a couple of strangers passing through.
- Deux étrangers en transit.
He's just passing it through for Limpy, same as Limpy does favors for us.
Il rend service à Limpy qui en fait autant pour nous.
I'm just passing through.
Je suis juste de passage.
So it was just a coincidence you were here at this pass... when the stage was passing through and my men weren't watching.
C'était donc une coïncidence si tu te trouvais là au moment où la diligence passait?
I think your girl just made a mistake with some stranger passing through, and he's out of range by now.
Je l'ai mérité. Pas elle, mais moi, si.
It just came home to me today, when we were passing through Cooma seeing all them sheilas.
Ça m'est revenu aujourd'hui, à Cooma, en voyant toutes ces nanas.

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