Probably both translate French
345 parallel translation
The next time we're escorted by an officer we'll probably both be wearing handcuffs.
La prochaine fois qu'un policier nous escortera, nous aurons des menottes.
But you would probably both be happier if you kept him home with you.
Mais vous seriez tous deux plus heureux si vous le gardiez à vos côtés.
You're probably both.
Probablement les deux.
Oh, well, we'll probably both be as dead as a pulled beef by suppertime, anyway.
On sera sans doute morts avant le souper, de toute façon.
Probably both.
Ou les deux.
Tomorrow, we'll probably both laugh about this matter.
Nous en rirons probablement demain tous les deux.
Probably both.
Sûrement les deux.
Well, as he's American, he's probably both.
Les deux! II est américain.
Probably both. lf you're asking the logical decision to make...
Les deux. Si vous me demandez la décision logique à prendre...
Probably both a red file.
Confidentiel, j'imagine.
Probably both.
Probablement les deux à la fois!
Probably both.
Probablement les deux.
Although, when I stop and think about it, if I hadn't screamed at you to start the car, we'd probably both be dead.
Bien que, quand j'y pense... si je n'avais pas crié pour que vous démarriez, on serait morts.
Probably both.
Les deux, sans doute.
He will feel, probably already feels, that he's lost both.
Il aura le sentiment, il doit déjà l'éprouver, de ne plus être ni l'un, ni l'autre.
It's been my main occupation for years, and I'll probably still be doing it after you both are married and settle down with twins of your own...
C'est un domaine que j'étudie depuis des années, et je l'étudierai encore quand vous serez mariées et mères de jumeaux...
What do you know about anything? You probably had your bread buttered on both sides since the day you were born.
Tu n'as jamais dû manquer de rien.
And I'd probably have to hold both of yours.
Et je devrais sûrement tenir les vôtres.
And I'd probably have to hold both of yours.
Et je devrais sûrement tenir les vôtres
Both are probably dead.
Ils sont morts, sans doute.
Oh, this probably has both prints.
Les deux empreintes doivent être là-dessus.
Both men died in the same place, a place that's visited by probably not more than a dozen people a year.
Les deux ont été tués au même endroit, un endroit visité par une douzaine de personnes par an.
If one doesn't generate enough sound, we'll use both... and probably break our own eardrums.
Si l'une ne génère pas assez de son, nous utiliserons les deux, ce qui fera sans doute sauter nos tympans.
So were both probably right.
Donc, nous avons probablement tous deux raison.
Sunday's probably a good day for us both. - Yes, it's fine.
- J'aimerais être votre guide.
Probably both.
les deux à la fois.
Fennan's suicide note and the letter that denounced him were both typed on his own Olivetti, probably by different people.
La lettre de suicide de Fennan et celle qui l'a dénoncé ont été tapées sur son Olivetti, sûrement par deux personnes.
They'll probably come from both sides.
Je les attendrai ici.
Probably both.
Peut-être les deux.
Small punctures on right wrist, vaginal contusions scratches around both breasts probably done with the nails of the right hand.
Petites blessures au poignet droit, contusions vaginales, griffures autour des deux seins, sans doute avec les ongles de la main droite.
There's probably a long one on both Zane and Cannell.
Zane et Cannell ont sûrement un casier.
Both victims were probably shot with the same weapon, a gun which Inspector Rogas was still holding in his hand.
Les deux victimes ont probablement été abattues avec la même arme, un fusil que l'inspecteur Rogas tenait encore dans sa main.
- Hiding someplace. Probably vomiting or drinking... or both.
Je vais me cacher pour boire ou vomir.
Both of you would probably have a lot of time to think.
Vous avez le temps de penser, tous les deux.
As you probably know, we're the favorites to win the Cannonball... and I was wondering if one of you or both of you... might like to ride in the winning vehicle.
Comme vous le savez probablement, c'est nous les favoris du Boulet de Canon... et je me demandais si l'une de vous, ou les deux... aimeriez monter dans le véhicule gagnant.
Probably nobody can do it both ways.
Probablement personne ne peut faire les deux côtés.
You're probably going to get us both killed but I can't let you go alone.
Vous allez nous faire tuer, mais je viens avec vous.
Yeah, and probably smarter than the both of you put together.
Et il doit déjà être plus malin que vous deux réunis.
You're probably gonna starve yourself to death. [Both chuckling]
Tu vas probablement te laisser mourir de faim.
Dez, if she sees us both here, she'll probably just split again.
Dez, si elle nous voit ici, elle va sans doute filer à nouveau.
You're probably thinking that no matter how disappointed we both are in Mike... that we love him dearly.
Tu penses sûrement que peu importe notre déception envers Mike, nous l'aimons profondément.
We could probably stand to lose one or the other, but we'll be damned if we're going to lose both.
On peut se passer de l'un des deux, mais pas des deux à la fois.
Probably a bit of both, sir.
Sans doute les deux.
Or a car, if they could have a desk set as wonderful as this one? I mean, if I were ever going to buy a desk set twice, I would probably buy this one both times.
Si on pouvait avoir du matériel aussi beau que celui-ci, si je devais acheter deux fois le même matériel de bureau, c'est celui-ci que j'achèterai.
We'll both probably end up in hell? ?
Crois-moi, on n'ira pas au ciel.
It's called denial. And it's probably going to kill you both.
Rowdy et toi, vous êtes suicidaires et vous finirez par en crever.
They would probably torture and kill us both.
Ils vont probablement nous torturer et nous tuer.
This day may never come but we both know it probably will.
Ça n'arrivera peut-être pas, mais on sait tous que ça arrivera.
Probably a little of both.
- Il me cherche des poux ou quoi?
Frankly, both the US military and even the pilot who fired the missile... were probably just victims in all this.
Le haut commandement de l'U.S. Air Force et le pilote qui a tiré le missile, ont été victimes d'un complot. Ils ont été manipulés.
And yes, allow me to placate your ego, you are the inspiration for this bold and momentous decision that will probably get me ostracized from both school and home.
Et oui, pour flatter ton ego, c'est toi qui as inspiré cette audacieuse décision qui risque de me mettre au ban de la fac et de ma famille.
both 2223
bother 61
bother you 20
both of us 267
both of you 1783
both laugh 381
both of them 366
both hands 46
both screaming 34
both laughing 234
bother 61
bother you 20
both of us 267
both of you 1783
both laugh 381
both of them 366
both hands 46
both screaming 34
both laughing 234
both sides 54
both grunting 124
both times 46
both dead 17
both chuckling 67
both grunt 36
both gasp 40
both of' em 29
both moaning 27
both chuckle 199
both grunting 124
both times 46
both dead 17
both chuckling 67
both grunt 36
both gasp 40
both of' em 29
both moaning 27
both chuckle 199
both groan 17
both scream 23
both panting 22
both giggle 18
probably 2540
probation 30
probably nothing 83
probably not 880
probably more 30
probably dead 21
both scream 23
both panting 22
both giggle 18
probably 2540
probation 30
probably nothing 83
probably not 880
probably more 30
probably dead 21