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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ S ] / She didn't want to

She didn't want to translate Portuguese

1,401 parallel translation
She didn't want me to go.
Ela não queria que eu fosse.
Because no matter how far she sent her boys away, she was still a mom- - there was no forgetting it, and she didn't want to.
Não havia como esquecer isso. Nem ela queria.
She probably didn't want to hear that speech, did you think of that?
Ela só não quer ouvir esse discurso. Já pensaste nisso?
None of the victims, they didn't want to press charges. Or the juries, they said that she was asking for it.
Ou as vítimas não prestavam queixa, ou os júris... diziam que as vítimas procuraram por isto.
She could've gone after Joy right then, but... she didn't want to bring her in.
Podia ter ido logo atrás da Joy, mas ela não queria levá-la a tribunal.
Since Joy didn't want to go to jail, she hightailed it over to me looking for some help.
Como a Joy não queria ir para a cadeia, veio ter comigo a pedir ajuda.
It was like she didn't want her to grow up hating her.
Era como se não quisesse que ela crescesse a odiá-la.
And she didn't want to be next.
Não queria ser a próxima.
I didn't know what to do. I-I didn't think you guys would want me to go to the chief- - where is she?
Não pensei que quisessem que eu fosse falar com o chefe...
She begged me to kill her because she didn't want to trouble you.
Ela pediu-me que a matasse, porque não quer que tu tenhas problemas. Entendes-me, Yagami Light?
I could tell which answer would relieve her and which she didn't want to hear.
Eu sabia a resposta que a iria aliviar e a que ela não queria ouvir.
- Oh, she didn't want me to read it.
- Ela não queria que eu o lesse.
And she didn't want to be a hypocrite.
E ela não queria ser hipócrita.
Honestly, I wanted to go to Saint Barts with Becky, but she didn't want to.
Honestamente, quero ir para Saint Barts com a Becky, mas ela não quis ir.
She didn't even want to see me.
É uma idiota.
She didn't want me to see him or talk to him.
Ela não queria que eu o visse ou falasse com ele.
Izzie told me what she was gonna do, but I didn't want to get involved.
A Izzie disse-me o que iria fazer, mas eu não me quis envolver.
And she didn't want to do that.
E ela não queria fazer isso.
No, she didn't want dazzle, she wanted to finish it perfectly.
Não, ela não queria deslumbrar, ela queria terminar na perfeição.
Look, I didn't want to burst your bubble since you're just a kid, but, yeah, she's all smoke and mirrors just like Harry Houdini.
Não te queria contar isto porque ainda és uma criança, mas, sim, ela é só fumo e espelhos... tal como o Harry Houdini.
- Because I didn't want her to know it was me, which I now realize doesn't make sense, because she hadn't even met me.
- Porque não queria que ela soubesse que era eu, algo que agora sei que não faz sentido, porque ela não me tinha conhecido.
She always said she didn't want to raise kids alone.
Ela sempre disse que não queria criar filhos sozinha.
She didn't want to talk to me?
Ela não quis falar comigo?
I mean, seeing her like that, knowing that she would have to live in a wheelchair the rest of her life, maybe you just didn't want her to have to deal with that.
Quero dizer, vê-la assim... Sabendo que ia passar o resto da vida dela numa cadeira de rodas. Se calhar não queria que ela tivesse que lidar com isso.
She said it'cause she didn't want to...
Ela disse isso porque não queria...
I, we argued when she didn't want to go hiking.
Discutimos, quando ela não quis ir caminhar.
Erica, your last memory before you blacked out, it was a fight with Paula because she didn't want to go hiking with you?
Erica, a sua última memória, antes de ter "apagado", foi a discussão com a Paula, por ela não querer ir caminhar consigo.
I'll tell you, if exorcism was her last resort, and that didn't work, I don't even want to think about where she goes after that.
Se o exorcismo era o último recurso dela e não resultou, nem quero pensar no que ela fará a seguir.
She didn't want to be alone with you, man.
Ela não queria estar sozinha contigo.
Well, was there any point when she didn't want to do it?
Não houve nenhuma altura em que ela tenha deixado de querer?
Audrey needed money, she tried to blackmail you. You didn't want to be exposed.
A Audrey precisava de dinheiro, tentou chantageá-lo e o senhor não queria ser exposto.
She didn't want me to sign up for cargo tours.
Ela não queria que eu entrasse para o transporte de carga.
She didn't want to work with me anymore.
Penso que ela não quer trabalhar comigo.
You just didn't want to be alone, or maybe she was good for your ego or maybe she made you feel better, but you didn't love her!
Não queria estar sozinho ou talvez ela lhe fizesse bem ao ego ou talvez ela o fizesse sentir-se bem, mas não a amava!
You're her dad.She didn't want to leave you.
Você é o pai dela. Ela não o queria abandonar.
She didn't want to.
Ela não quis.
Hey, last I saw, she didn't want to get on my bike. And then her friend started yapping in my ear - did I know her name?
Como já disse, ela não quis montar na minha mota, e então a amiga começou a gritar ao meu ouvido, se sabia o nome dela.
When I got fired, she said she didn't want me to come home, and not to bother her anymore.
Quando fui despedido, ela disse-me que não queria que fosse lá a casa, e que não a incomodasse mais.
She didn't want to be with me.
Ela não queria ficar comigo.
If she didn't want to be with me, she shouldn't have to feel guilty about it.
Se ela não queria estar comigo, não tinha de se sentir culpada por isso.
I hoped to be able to talk to Ruby at the trial, but it was clear she didn't want to talk to me.
Esperava poder falar com a Ruby, no julgamento, mas estava claro que ela não queria falar comigo.
Ruby didn't want to hear my excuses, but she made sure the jury heard everything I had to say about Joy.
A Ruby não quis ouvir minhas desculpas, mas certificou-se que o júri ouvia tudo que eu tinha a dizer sobre a Joy.
Maybe she just didn't want to get sunburn.
Talvez ela não quisesse ficar com queimadura do sol.
She didn't want to come empty-handed.
Ela não queria vir de mãos vazias.
She didn't want to be here while we were all having a threesome.
Não quis ficar aqui enquanto nós os três fazemos sexo.
No, My Mom Sicked Out Because She Didn'T Want To Be Imposing.
Não, a minha mãe adoeceu porque não quer ser uma imposição.
She told me a lot about you guys, about how you were meant to be together, but your father didn't want you to marry the hippy.
Sinto muito. Ela falou-me muito sobre vocês, sobre como nasceram para ficar juntos, - mas o seu pai não aprovou uma hippie.
She said she didn't want anybody, but I wanted to come down in case, uh, uh, uh, she changed her mind.
Ela disse que não queria ninguém, mas quis estar presente, caso ela mude de ideias.
- Yeah, she said she didn't want to be one of a hundred colors in a box.
- Sim, ela disse que não queria ser 1 das 100 cores em uma caixa.
And if you think she'd want to bang you if she didn't have a boyfriend, you'd lie in wait.
Se achasses que ela te queria comer e tivesse namorado, esperavas.
And she didn't want me, a baby, to be in danger, so she put me in the care of the orphanage.
Ela não me queria, um bebé naquela altura, expota ao perigo. Foi por isso que ela se foi embora e deixou-me ao cuidado de um orfanato.

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