What are they translate Portuguese
9,393 parallel translation
So, what are they then, sleep pods?
- O que são, então? Cápsulas de sono?
What are they doing?
O que estão a fazer?
- What are they now?
- O que são agora?
- What are they doing now?
O que é que eles estão a fazer?
What are they doing here?
O que é que eles estão aqui a fazer?
What are they?
O que eram?
Now, who are they and what are they?
Quem eram e o que eram?
What are they gonna do, retire?
Que iam fazer, reformarem-se?
What are they?
O que são eles?
What are they saying?
O que estão a dizer?
What are they - - sloughing each other clean like elephants?
Lavam-se com lama, como os elefantes?
What are they, midwives?
São parteiras ou quê?
What the hell are they?
- Que raio são?
What the hell are they?
Que raio são?
They want to impeach a man because all we ever hear is how women are controlled by their hormones, but what is more hormonal than man who can't keep it in his damn pants?
Elas querem processar um homem porque já todos ouvimos dizer... Que as mulheres são controladas pelos seus harmónios... Mas o que é pior...
What are they saying?
O que é que estão a dizer?
They perform no matter what utter crap they are dealt.
O que realizam não importa, o que importa é a porcaria.
I wish I'd never laid eyes on him because of them and what they are going through right now.
Por minha causa. Gostava de nunca o ter visto, por causa deles... E pelo que estão a passar neste momento.
What the hell are they doing here?
O que raio estão a fazer aqui?
You wanted to know the circumstances of our divorce. Well, that's what they are.
Queria saber as circunstâncias do nosso divórcio.
What, are they terrible?
O que foi, são terríveis?
Are those what I think they are?
Será que aquilo é o que eu acho que é?
You know, I actually judge my dates on whether or not they stand me up, so you are off to a great start. What do you mean?
Julgo os meus encontros pelo facto de ele aparecer ou não, então, começaste bem.
If you don't stop that pump right now, Malvado and Richie - are gonna get exactly what they want.
Se não parares aquela bomba, o Malvado e o Richie triunfarão.
They are doing it! Doing what?
Fazer o quê?
Do they even know what phones are?
Elas sabem sequer o que são telemóveis?
They won't say who they are, or what they're looking for. They just come in, search my guest, and now they want to search me.
Não dizem quem são nem o que procuram, entram, revistam o meu convidado e querem revistar-me a mim.
What kind of Christians are they?
Que tipo de Cristãos são eles?
We stop meta-humans because we're scientists. We can figure out what their weaknesses are, but we don't have any experience when it comes to guys like this, with magic. They do.
Paramos meta-humanos porque somos cientistas, descobrimos a fraqueza deles, mas não temos experiência quando aparecem tipos assim, com magia.
For most of the cultures studied by archaeology, we are bereft of probably the vast majority of what they produced.
Em relação à maioria das culturas estudadas pela arqueologia, falta-nos, provavelmente, vasta parcela daquilo que eles produziram.
You are saying what, that they intend to attack?
- Estás a dizer o quê? Que os dinamarqueses têm intenção de atacar?
Lord. Lord, I fear what will happen if they are allowed to speak.
Senhor, temo o que possa acontecer se permitirmos que eles conversem.
I believe that it is just what Pindar said, which is, they got it from the gods. Well, who are these gods?
Onde o povo de Rodes obteve o conhecimento de como criar essas estátuas animadas, há 2.500 anos?
Well, if these Greys are actually self-replicating robots, what they might be doing is actually getting genetic material from humans to construct more copies of themselves.
Talvez sejam como as máquinas auto-replicantes de Neumann. O interessante sobre essa teoria é que as pessoas às vezes dizem que o propósito das abduções é a recolha de material genético.
Companies have actually built what are called neural interfaces, where they have wired computers into people's brains.
Mas alguns propuseram que Von Neumann estava a explorar a possibilidade de reproduzir uma mente humana totalmente em computador.
So what if they are?
E se eles estiverem juntos?
I have been up every night thinking about how somewhere out there there are the lives of 12 strangers in my freakishly beautiful doll-like hands, and what if I don't get there in time and they're already dead or mostly- -
Tenho ficado acordada todas as noites a pensar em como algures lá fora estão as vidas de 12 estranhos nas minhas estranhamente lindas mãos de boneca, e se eu não chegar lá a tempo e eles já estão mortos ou quase...
They observe what we are doing and they make proposals, what we can do better.
Eles observam o que estamos a fazer e fazem propostas sobre o que podemos fazer melhor.
But they're always scared when they see what we are.
Mas assustam-se sempre quando veem o que somos.
It hit me that these kids have no idea what they are.
Apercebi-me de que estas crianças não têm ideia do que são.
I know what they are doing.
Sei o que estão a fazer.
From what we're able to glean today, Nazi technology at the end of World War II was so advanced that they had things that are still science fiction today antigravity... beam weapons... flying saucers... flying triangles.
Pelo que podemos saber hoje, a tecnologia nazi do final da Segunda Guerra Mundial era tão avançada que eles tinham coisas que ainda hoje são ficção científica... antigravidade... armas de feixe... discos voadores... triângulos voadores.
What's interesting is that, for the next 20 or 30 minutes, NASA has control of the camera on the rover, and they point it at everything except what the astronauts are doing.
O interessante é que, nos 20 a 30 minutos seguintes, a NASA controla a câmara no veículo, e apontam para tudo, menos para o que os astronautas estavam a fazer.
- You know what they are?
Sabes o que são?
So other than the fact that these are dangerous diseases, what else do they have in common?
Para além do facto que são doenças perigosas, que mais têm em comum?
I don't like rats. I don't care what size they are.
Não gosto de ratos, não me interessa o tamanho deles.
What is intriguing about this find is the DNA evidence suggests that they are genetically distinct from both Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans, suggesting perhaps that at 40,000 years ago, you had as many as three different human forms
O intrigante neste achado é que o ADN prova que eles são geneticamente distintos quer dos Neanderthal quer dos modernos humanos, porventura sugerindo que, há mais de 40.000 anos, se teve pelo menos três espécies humanas diferentes a viver
What are they saying?
Zendigo, zendigo... - O que estão a dizer?
They will know who you are and what you did.
Saberão quem vocês eram e o que fizeram.
If they are innocent, what are you?
Se eles são inocentes, você o que é?
What they're after, who they are.
O que eles querem e quem eles são.
what are they like 58
what are they doing 509
what are they doing now 25
what are they talking about 77
what are they doing there 27
what are they doing here 138
what are they going to do 25
what are they saying 190
what are they called 52
what are they thinking 18
what are they doing 509
what are they doing now 25
what are they talking about 77
what are they doing there 27
what are they doing here 138
what are they going to do 25
what are they saying 190
what are they called 52
what are they thinking 18
what are they up to 34
what are they waiting for 36
what are they for 39
what are they looking for 22
what are they gonna do 77
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what are you doing here 13243
what are you doing right now 114
what are you wearing 305
what are they waiting for 36
what are they for 39
what are they looking for 22
what are they gonna do 77
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what are you doing here 13243
what are you doing right now 114
what are you wearing 305
what are these 350
what are you 4599
what are you doing now 174
what are you up to 648
what are you saying 3034
what are you looking for 754
what are you doing today 55
what are you doing this weekend 33
what are you doing tomorrow 57
what are you doing there 361
what are you 4599
what are you doing now 174
what are you up to 648
what are you saying 3034
what are you looking for 754
what are you doing today 55
what are you doing this weekend 33
what are you doing tomorrow 57
what are you doing there 361