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Where were you going translate Portuguese

426 parallel translation
Where were you going, Rawlins?
Aonde ias, Rawlins?
- Where were you going, my pretty maid?
- Aonde você vai?
Where were you going when you ran away?
- Para onde foi quando fugiu?
Say, where were you going in such a hurry last night?
Onde é que ias com tanta pressa na noite passada?
Where were you going, Jenny?
- Para onde está indo, Jenny?
Where were you going when I...
E onde é que ias quando...
Now, where were you going?
Agora, para onde é que iam?
Where were you going?
Para onde iam?
BRASILIANO : Where were you going?
Para onde iam?
For the last time, where were you going?
Pela última vez : para onde iam?
Just where were you going, may I ask?
Para onde é que tu queres ir, posso saber?
Where were you going?
Onde vais?
Come on, where were you going?
Vamos, para onde iam?
- Where were you going, Cavendish?
Para onde vai, Cavendish?
- Where were you going?
- Para onde ias?
- Where were you going? - For a ride.
- Dar uma volta.
When we saw you this morning, where were you going?
Quando o vimos pela manhã, para onde ia?
And where were you going now?
E aonde te dirigia agora?
Where were you going to take me today?
Aonde você ia me levar hoje?
Where were you going?
Onde ias?
Where were you going?
Para onde väo?
Where were you going?
Aonde vais?
Oh, where were you going?
Para onde vai?
- Do you know where they were going?
- Sabe para onde eles foram? - Não, senhor.
Do you know where they were going?
Ssabe para onde eles foram? - Sim, senhor.
Besides, I wouldn't have brought it up right now, but just the same... for the past several weeks you've been going out in the afternoons... and you've always managed to avoid telling me where you were.
Além disso, eu não deveria ter falado nisto neste momento, mas acontece que... já fazem várias semanas que tens saído durante as tardes... e tens sempre resistido em me dizer aonde estiveste.
Where were you going when you were arrested?
Oiça, aonde ia quando foi preso?
- Where were you going?
- Aonde ias?
You were going to tell me where you were born.
Ia dizer-me onde nasceu.
Now, listen. Do you know where the boys were going?
Sabe aonde foram os meninos?
Did he ask you where we were going?
- Eu já contei. - Ele perguntou aonde íamos?
Everything that's happened to my daughter and me today only happened for one reason : Because you were too stupid to look where you were going, and wrecked our car!
Tudo o que aconteceu comigo e a minha filha foi porque... você foi estúpido e acabou com o nosso carro.
Where did you tell her we were going, your mama?
Onde disseste à tua mãe que ias?
Where you were going, you wouldn't need whiskey.
Para onde você ia, não ia precisar de uísque.
Freebish and 99 telephoned me after you left your apartment and told me where you were going.
Freebish e a 99 telefonaram-me quando saiu do apartamento e disseram para onde vinha.
I told you where you were going.
Já lhe disse para onde vamos.
Now, where were you thinking of going?
- Onde estava a pensar ir?
I asked you where you were going.
Perguntei onde ia.
"Where's all the gold and all the jewels... " you were going to bring back?
" Onde estão todas as jóias de ouro que irias trazer?
"Where's that kingdom you were going to conquer?"
E o reino que foste conquistar? "
Where were you thinking of going now?
Para onde você pensa em ir agora?
Did you tell her where we were going?
- Disseste-lhe para onde vínhamos? - Claro que não.
Did you not think to look where you were going?
Não pensaste em ver por onde ias?
Oh, now where did you say you were going?
Onde disseste que ias?
Where was that you said we were going?
Onde disseste que íamos?
Donna, ma'am, you were going to tell me exactly where you live.
A senhora tem de me dizer onde mora.
You moved. You didn't tell me where you were going.
Você mudou-se e não me disse para onde foi.
Now, where were you thinking of going?
Ora então, onde está a pensar ir?
Where were you when all of this was going on?
Onde estava quando isto aconteceu?
- Well, I told you where it was,... n return for the motorcycle, the chocolate and the fact that you were going to shoot me.
Em troca do motociclo, do chocolate e porque me ia fuzilar.
You could have at least told me where you were going, said goodbye.
Poderias ao menos ter me dito para onde ias. Despedir-se, dizer adeus.

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